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Karen Erickson

Write! Right??

About Me

Available Now
Covet ~ 2007 Amber Heat Wave Contest Winner ~ at Amber Quill Press
Jenny is used to getting what she wants but the one thing she covets the most is the seemingly unattainable Tyrone Holt.
A chance meeting between them leads to several sizzling encounters they both can’t forget. But neither of them “do” relationships. Will they make an exception to their own rules?

Coming in June
Summer Fling to Freya's Bower
After a near fatal car accident, Melodie wants to experience life to the fullest. That includes doing things she’d never normally do. Like pick up a stranger in a seedy bar and share one torrid night with him.
There’s more to Sean than meets the eye, though. Sure, he’s hot. Yeah, he has a motorcycle. Of course, he’s good in bed. But he also shows a sensitive side that makes Melodie realize this might be more than a summer fling…

Coming soon
Hard to Resist to Amber Quill Press ~ Amber Heat
Nicole can’t help her attraction for the future groom who’s shown up for a cake tasting though she knows it’s wrong.
Ryan is looking for a birthday cake for his secretary. When the gorgeous bakery owner offers him cake samples, he realizes he wants a taste of her as well.
A Taste of Revenge to The Wild Rose Press
A cheating fiancé drives Samantha into the arms of another man. But is she doing this for revenge or does her old high school friend Donovan really have a chance at capturing her heart?
Coming August 24th
Spontaneous ~ part of the "A Midsummer Night's Steam" series ~ to Samhain Publishing
Sophie Kincaid doesn’t want to be attracted to her boss but she is. Sick and tired of being used by men, she’s sworn off of them. But her hot and now slightly drunk boss just became too hard to resist.
His girlfriend dumped him and now Ian Grey is drowning his sorrows in alcohol, something he never does. Flirting with Sophie the sexy bartender inspires him to do even more things he’d never consider. Like have hot sex with her in the storage room.
They can’t deny their attraction for each other but Sophie’s afraid she doesn’t measure up. And what does Ian want from her anyway? She’ll have a naked good time figuring it out…

Still Available (Click covers for info):

My Interests

HOT Myspace Layouts

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I hardly ever watch TV anymore unless it's Noggin with my kids or Court TV at night cos I have a morbid fascination with all things forensic.


Romance, biographies, true crime, some suspense, little bit of chick lit. Love Nora Roberts, Candace Bushnell, Ann Rule, HQ's Blaze, Beth Kendrick (she is HILARIOUS!), the Shopaholics, and the occasional child rearing book to reinforce that everything I'm doing is WRONG (Healthy Sleep Habits, Healthy Child - didn't work for me though on my baby girl!).


Inspiration for my latest book...

'What will your obituary say?' at QuizGalaxy.com I can't stand Chuck Norris!

My Blog

A Christmas Contest!

I'm having a contest to celebrate my two Christmas-themed books coming out next month!! Check it out here:  http://www.karenwritesromance.com/contests/ Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving! Kar...
Posted by Karen Erickson on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 10:30:00 PST

Sold Two Christmas Stories!

Yay!  I sold Fairies & Wishes to Cobblestone Press and Her Christmas Prince to Silks Vault.  I'll keep you posted on release dates, etc.
Posted by Karen Erickson on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 10:23:00 PST

The Page Has Gone Halloween Crazy

Yeah, yeah I know it's kind of silly but I went a little crazy with the Halloween theme on the myspace page.  But I'm doing it honor of my book, Haunted Dreams, being released on Halloween! ...
Posted by Karen Erickson on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 03:41:00 PST

I Sold Another One!

Cobblestone bought my halloween story that I wrote for their Octoberfest promotion. Entitled Haunted Dreams, I really ventured out of my comfort zone and wrote about star crossed lovers, ghosts and so...
Posted by Karen Erickson on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 09:41:00 PST

I'm a Bloggin' Fool!

Not only do I blog here occasionally, I'm also at my blog posting almost daily (http://kdid210.blogspot.com).  I am now a part of the Word Flirts (http://wordflirts.blogspot.com), a group blog wh...
Posted by Karen Erickson on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 12:55:00 PST

My Real Blog

So I've been blogging for months, most of my friends didn't know about it cos I was little Miss Aspiring Author getting my feet wet in the blogging world. I've made a lot of wonderful writing friends ...
Posted by Karen Erickson on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 10:43:00 PST

Big Brother 7 All Stars - VOTE!!!!

Ok, I'm lame but I love Big Brother and this season promises to be sooo cool cos we get to vote back in six houseguests - and so there are a certain few I want in there really bad. - Alison from BB4 c...
Posted by Karen Erickson on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 02:07:00 PST


I sold my first book to Cobblestone Press on Tuesday.  I'm so excited!  It's actually a short story/novella, will be published as a "Tryst" for Cobblestone.  The title is Release Me. I...
Posted by Karen Erickson on Sat, 17 Jun 2006 10:59:00 PST