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Add YouthCARE to your friends! It's in my Top Friends!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Miramichi Monchichi


Constantines, K-Os, Jason Collett, M.I.A., Ciara, Phoenix, French Kicks, Hidden Cameras, The Stills, Sean Paul, Le Tigre, Ghostface, T.I., E-40, Peaches, Timbaland, Feist.


An Inconvenient Truth, All About Eve


Strangers With Candy, Nanaland, Lost.


Jonathan Franzen, Jonathan Safran Foer, "Iran Awakening" Shirin Ebadi


Not Heckling-Me-From-The-Sidelines-Inebriated Fetus.

My Blog


Today in Seoul I saw a huge Monchhichi display in a department store. There are now pastel coloured Monchhichi's and some are babies and they're called Bebechhichi. At first, I was excited but upon cl...
Posted by Hannah on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 05:39:00 PST

Constantines! Jason Collett! And more!

Hi everyone! Hannah here!So guess what?! I haven't even put out a press release yet, I haven't even hit up media, so basically, friends, I'm telling you first.RADIO OPERA: A Benefit Concert for CARE C...
Posted by Hannah on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 02:09:00 PST