movies, especially good horror movies; Fortean Times; ancient ruins; UFO's; Apple Computers; indie film; keeping busy
Geeks like me.And I wish I'd met him:
The Flaming Lips, The Apples in Stereo, Chow Nasty, The Automatic, My Chemical Romance, Cake, Clem Snide, Talking Heads, Beck, OK GO, Stellastar*, Kula Shaker, Postal Service, Song Poems, Cibo Matto, Pizzicatto Five, Shonen Knife, Nirvana, Pixies, Roger Waters, Massive Attack, Fiona Apple, Philip Glass, Radiohead, Tom Waits, The White Stripes, Baby Bird, Molotov, Eels, Frank Black, Johnny Cash, Ben Folds, Kahimi Karie, David Bowie, William Shatner (you like Shatner too!)
Pan's Labyrinth, Miller's Crossing, Brazil, Natural Born Killers, Children of Men, Pi, Evil Dead 2, The Thing, Dead Ringers, The Third Man, The Incredibles, Ratatouille, Sin City, Angel Heart, Boogie Nights, Team America: World Police, Lord of the Rings, Meet the Feebles, JFK, Fight Club, Se7en, Ed Wood, F For Fake, The Descent, Un Chien Andalou, The Devil's Backbone, Fast Cheap and Out of Control, The Fog of War, Dawn of the Dead (both versions!), Videodrome, Batman Begins, Clash of the Titans, 28 Days Later
Dexter, Wonder Showzen, 24, Six Feet Under, Lost, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Colbert Report, Drawn Together, House, Anatomy of a Scene, Frontline, Now, Futurama, South Park, The Simpsons, The Office (the American version!), My Name is Earl, Real Time with Bill Maher, Sunday Morning Shootout, Da Ali G Show, The Sara Silverman Program,
Slaughterhouse Five, Stiff, Foucault's Pendulum, The Hot Zone, The Zombies that ate Pittsburgh, The Language Instinct, Intruders, Grendel, The Tipping Point, The Sirens of Titan, Strange Angel, The History of Secret Societies, Plan of Attack, Cosmic Trigger III: My Life After Death, The Illuminatus Trilogy, Cat's Cradle, Breakfast of Champions, Holy Blood Holy Grail, Fight Club
Charles Hoy Fort, Christopher Nolan, George Carlin, Buckminster Fuller, Nicola Tesla, Jack Parsons, Steve Jobs, Robert Anton Wilson, Sam Raimi, Kurt Vonnegut, Houdini, Orson Welles