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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"DREAM LIKE YOU'LL LIVE FOREVER. LIVE LIKE YOU'LL DIE TOMORROW!" (James Dean) Truely the only words to live by. I'm a classically trained stage and film actor busting my ass to climb the Hollywood food chain and loving every minute of it. I see myself as the new Steve McQueen. I do all my own stunts, and I'm a bad ass precision driver. I love helping other people realize their dreams, especially when allows me to live out mine. I've done a whole lot of livin' and plan on doing a whole lot more. I do my best to be kind to everyone knowing God must love stupid people. Why else would there be so many of them? .. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

I'm into physical fitness, but just enough to stay in shape. I like most all types of music. Outdoors stuff is fun too. VENTFUL TRAILER

I'd like to meet:

Cool people who enjoy film and film making. I'm pretty eclectic in my interests, so just being a cool person is all you need to be to hit it off with me. I'd love the chance to meet and work with Quintan Tarantino, Steven Spielberg, Mel Brookes and Clint Eastwood, but then again who wouldn't?HERE'S A PIECE FROM THISJUSTIN.COM


All types. It just depends on my mood.


Anything by John Ford, Mel Brooks or Quitan Tarantino. Anything with Steve McQueen, John Wayne or Charlize Theron. Always a good story. My Favorite movies are "Young Frankenstein", "The Princess Bride" and "Kill Bill I & II" (How screwed up am I?)


My Name is Earl and Grey's Anatomy rock!


To Kill A Mockingbird and How To Win Friends and Influence People are the best books ever.


My Dad, Steve McQueen and Pete Rose

My Blog

Gas Boycott? Here's a better idea. Pass it on.

So, I heard on the news that all 73 bizillion Myspace members had been encourage to stage a one day (today) gas boycott to protest the high gas prices.  That's all good and fine, but I have a bet...
Posted by Chriss on Tue, 15 May 2007 12:18:00 PST


Chriss Anglin  SAG/AFTRA  818-620-1233 [email protected] The Levin Agency: 8484 Wilshire Blvd., #750 Beverly Hills, CA 90211:  Ph. 323-653-7073 Film: Collateral:   &...
Posted by Chriss on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 09:25:00 PST

Just not the same.

Okay, I'm going to try this again.  I wrote a really witty blog a few minutes ago, but because I'm drunk, I screwed it up, and now I'm probably too drunk to write the same thing again, or be near...
Posted by Chriss on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 09:26:00 PST

New Year's Eve

What a load of crap!  As usual my New Year's Eve was a pain in the the ass.  Huge family fights followed by mind numbing boredom.  Christ!  I have to do something different this ye...
Posted by Chriss on Sun, 01 Jan 2006 12:43:00 PST

Up coming and current films

Okay, I had really busy year with movies.   I didn't make any money at it, but at last count I think I had roles in 8 feature films.  Five of these you may actually get to see if you ha...
Posted by Chriss on Sat, 31 Dec 2005 06:04:00 PST