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Watch the clip for the titletrack of 2004-album Ravenheart!!!
incl. our 'Now & Forever'!

(For German version please scroll down...) XANDRIA India August 22nd, 2005
XANDRIA have returned! The most successful German goth rock act featuring a "female voice" are back with a vengeance, following their 2004 bestseller album, Ravenheart. Two months in the album charts, successful tours and festival appearances (in South Korea, among many other countries) catapulted the band into the premier league of the German music scene. XANDRIA are about to impress their fans with their third album to date, featuring their unmistakable mix of goth rock, metal and haunting melodies. Entitled India, the recording was again produced by Jose Alvarez-Brill (Wolfsheim, among others), and even though XANDRIA aficionados are getting what they expect, some things are "different". The songwriting on India is a lot more "contemporary", the guitars, still gently emphasized on Ravenheart, have undeniably gained significance. India pushes ahead and explodes, epic bombast rock meeting metal guitars and vocalist Lisa's irresistible charm.
Although the title, India, implies that what we have here is a concept album with an oriental leitmotif, this is in fact not quite the case. Basically, India is a synonym for the quest for meaning and the great aims of life, a theme which runs throughout the whole album. "As a result of his search for India, Columbus achieved something very different to what he expected," explains band founder, Marco. "That's the way things frequently are. Going through life, you have a lot of goals, and on your path to achieving these goals you encounter things that may turn out to be much more important and greater than your original goal."
Next to numerous crushers like the title track India with its Nightwish leanings, or the almost frighteningly oppressive Widescreen, XANDRIA's single release In Love with the Darkness proves that they have held on to their feel for great melodies. In Love with the Darkness is an anthem for the constantly growing gothic community and impresses with catchy hooklines and a considerable amount of hit appeal.
On India, the five musicians from Bielefeld rock for all they're worth, letting their bombastic sound run free and even enlisting a real string section this time around, instead of relying on taped material. Numerous string passages feature the renowned Deutsches Filmorchester Babelsberg, who also contributed the music to the blockbuster movie, Schindler's List, and have worked with other top acts like Rammstein and Rosenstolz.
Not only is this orchestral bombast so characteristic of XANDRIA allowed to blossom, their love of Irish folk music also shines through again clearly on tracks such as Like a Rose on the Grave of Love or The End of Every Story. This haunting authenticity may, among other things, be due to the fact that a popular Irish folk band was enlisted. And the five certainly aren't content with restricting themselves to bombastic elements, as many other bands seem to be doing at the moment, but have created a veritable treasure chest of musical fantasies: bombast is fine, but only where the dramaturgy demands it. Instead, there is a lot of diversity, one of the band's trademarks, thanks to quiet atmospheric parts, progressive Seventies sounds or songwriting inspired by several decades of rock history.
India is definitely a great album. XANDRIA continue on their chosen path, and it will be interesting to see where it will lead them.
Label-HP: drakkar.de /-MySpace: ../drakkarentertainment // Press: drakkar-archiv.de
XANDRIA sind wieder da! Die erfolgreichste deutsche Gothic Rock Band mit female voice" meldet sich nach ihrem 2004er Chart-Album Ravenheart fulminant zurck. Zwei Monate Album Charts, erfolgreiches Touring und Festivalauftritte, u.A. in Sd-Korea, haben die Band eindeutig in die 1. Liga der hiesigen Musik Szene katapultiert. Mit ihrer Mischung aus Goth Rock, Metal und bestechenden Melodien erfreuen XANDRIA die Fans nun bereits mit ihrem dritten Album. India ist das gute Stck betitelt, abermals unter der Regie von Top Produzent Jose Alvarez-Brill (u.A. Wolsheim) entstanden, und auch wenn XANDRIA Liebhaber bekommen was sie erwarten, ist doch einiges anders" geworden. Das Songwriting auf India ist eine ganze Ecke moderner" geworden, die auf Ravenheart eher dezent betonten Gitarren haben deutlich an Gewicht gewonnen. India schiebt und knallt, epischer Bombast trifft auf Metal Gitarren und den unwiderstehlichen Charme von Sngerin Lisa.
Zwar lsst der Titel India vermuten, dass es sich um ein Konzeptalbum mit orientalischem Thema handelt, doch dem ist nicht ganz so. Vielmehr steht India als Synonym fr Sinnsuche und das groe Lebensziel und zieht sich so thematisch durch das Album. Auf der Suche nach Indien erreichte Columbus seinerzeit etwas ganz anderes, als er erwartete" so Bandgrnder Marco. So ist es im Leben oft. Auf dem Weg durchs Leben hat man viele Ziele und auf der Strecke dorthin begegnen einem Dinge, die vielleicht viel wichtiger und groartiger sind als das ursprngliche Ziel."
Neben etlichen Brechern wie dem an Nightwish erinnernden Titeltrack India oder dem durch moderne Grooves fast schon bengstigend drckenden Widescreen , beweisen XANDRIA mit der Single In Love with the Darkness aber auch, dass sie sich nach wie vor ihr Gefhl fr die groe Melodie bewahrt haben. In Love with the Darkness ist eine Hymne an die stetig wachsende Gothic Gemeinde, die durch eingngige Hooklines und einer ordentlichen Portion Hit Appeal begeistert.
Die fnf Bielefelder rocken auf India was das Zeug hlt, leben ihren bombastischen Sound aus, und haben sich zu diesen Zwecken diesmal auch echter Streicher bedient, statt auf Konserve zusetzen. So ist in etlichen Streicherpassagen das renommierte Deutsche Filmorchester Babelsberg zu hren, das auch schon die Musik fr den Blockbuster Schindlers Liste beisteuerte und fr Top Acts wie Rammstein und Rosenstolz in die Saiten griff.
Aber nicht nur der orchestrale Bombast, der XANDRIA so auszeichnet, kommt zur vollen Entfaltung. Auch die Liebe zum Irish Folk ist in Songs wie Like a Rose on the Grave of Love oder The End of every Story wieder deutlich zu hren. Diese eindringliche Authentizitt mag auch daran liegen, dass man sich hier eigens mit einer bekannten Irish Folk Band Untersttzung aus diesem Umfeld ins Boot geholt hat. Weiterhin lassen es die fnf absolut nicht dabei bewenden, durchgngig einseitig auf der Bombastschiene zu fahren wie so viele zur Zeit, sondern haben eine wahre Schatzkiste der musikalischen Fantasien gezaubert: Bombast ja, aber nur wo es die Dramaturgie erfordert. Es gibt stattdessen viel Abwechslung, die fast schon ein Markenzeichen der Band geworden ist, zum Beispiel durch ruhige, atmosphrische Parts, progressive Seventiesanklnge und Songwriting, das aus mehreren Jahrzehnten Rockgeschichte heraus inspiriert ist.
Mit India ist zweifelsohne ein groartiges Album gelungen. XANDRIA setzen ihren Weg bestndig fort und man darf gespannt sein, wo dieser hinfhrt.
Label-HP: drakkar.de /-MySpace: ../drakkarentertainment // Press: drakkar-archiv.de
2003 - Kill The Sun
2004 - Ravenheart [CD]
2004 - Ravenheart [DVD-Audio]
2004 - Ravenheart [SA-CD]
2004 - Eversleeping
2005 - India

My Interests


Member Since: 10/26/2004
Band Website: xandria.de
Band Members:

vocals [2000-2008]






Now & Forever [ CD+DVD ]

Salomé [ CD ]

India [ CD ]

Eversleeping [ M-CD ]

[ CD | SA-CD | DVD-Audio ]


Kill The Sun [ CD ]

Management: Hidden Force
Promo GER: Absolut Promotion
Promo EU: Focusion Promotion
Club Promo: Radar
Online: Netinfect
Radio: King Ink
Booking: GoDownBelieving
Press Stuff: www.drakkar-archiv.de
Label MySpace: .../drakkarentertainment
Record Label: Drakkar Records / DRAKKAR Entertainment GmbH
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Now & Forever - The best of Xandria CD + DVD out now!

  Now, on June 6th "Now & Forever - The Best Of Xandria" is released! It comes as a high value double digipack with silver embossing and will contain an audio CD and a video DVD: On the audi...
Posted by Xandria on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 10:15:00 PST

Deadline for singer’s applications on June 10th

Due to having received so many applications for being the new Xandria singer that we have to check now, we are closing the lines on June 10th for now. So if you want to apply for the job, be quick and...
Posted by Xandria on Tue, 27 May 2008 01:36:00 PST

New Xandria Shirts in new webshop!

As you may have realized we got a new partner company for our webshop that will give you an even better and faster service. For example will it deliver in some more countries, that were excepted from...
Posted by Xandria on Tue, 27 May 2008 01:27:00 PST

You could be the new Xandria singer

You could be the new Xandria singer!!If 90% of the following topics are describing you or a person you know in your opinion, don't hesitate to contact us! - female - a positive charisma - a good v...
Posted by Xandria on Fri, 09 May 2008 05:01:00 PST

Pics from the recent tour online

Hi, we got some pics from our recent Unveiled Tour in April online on Myspace - check them out! 
Posted by Xandria on Wed, 07 May 2008 06:34:00 PST

Lisa leaves Xandria

Lisa Middelhauve is not the singer of Xandria anymore. After almost eight years of successful work together she decided to leave the band due to personal reasons. For some time now Lisa didn't feel c...
Posted by Xandria on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 05:42:00 PST

The Boys (and the Girl) are back in Town

With a really great final concert in our hometown Bielefeld the "Unveiled Tour" ended - and we want to thank all the visitors of the shows, our fantastic crew, the superb support bands S...
Posted by Xandria on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 05:54:00 PST

Xandria Tour April 2008 - last change and starting soon

Hello everyone, now the "Unveiled Tour" is just about to start! We hope to see you all there! Attention: The gig on April 11. had to be moved to another location because of an unprofessional job of...
Posted by Xandria on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 06:30:00 PST

We want YOU for our street steam

If you are from one of the cities of our forthcoming April tour, you can join our streat team and get free access to the show (you´ll be on our guest list) and a free exclusive street team T-shirt! ...
Posted by Xandria on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 04:49:00 PST

Changes for tourdates in April and dates complete now!

The tourdates for April are now complete! Please check the list below for new dates and changes! Sorry to everyone who hoped to see us in his/her city but no there´s no date - we really wanted to do ...
Posted by Xandria on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 04:41:00 PST