VOTE for my friend Jim!
my "Latin Palooza" friends
Darren Carter, Rene Garcia, and Joey Medina
I am a simple and honest guy with an amazing family. My family is my love and life of everything that I am and do. My family keeps me grounded. I believe in making your own destiny. I also believe that it depends on how hard you work that makes your dreams reality.
I believe that there are NO LIMITS to SUCCESS!
BE successful and don't let anyone bring you down. Stand up for what you believe and believe in yourself FIRST!
I know through experience. I am living proof of it now. And I am thankful for it.
I hope to one day star and direct in my own films. I'd like to work with great artists, who can leave inprints of their compelling work behind them. It is those that I enjoy working with that makes the project well worth it!
If you are interested in working with may contact me here at myspace or via email at: [email protected].
Thanks again for viewing my profile and I'lll see you at the movies!
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my "Latin Palooza" friends
Darren Carter, Rene Garcia, and Joey Medina
WE ARE OUR OWN HEROES!The substance of success goes largely unnoticed. For success is almost always built in small, inconspicuous steps.Sure, when an accomplishment is completed the world often takes note. Yet when that accomplishment is actually happening, when the work is being done, it rarely attracts much attention.If you pay attention only to the finished product, it would seem that success is available only to a lucky few. When you look behind the scenes, though, a completely different picture emerges.The dancer, who gives such a brilliant, seemingly effortless performance on stage, practices offstage hour after hour, year after year. The business owner who seems to have been in the right place at the right time, worked unnoticed late into the night, month after month, to get there.Success and accomplishment are not limited to those who are lucky. They are available to anyone who chooses to be disciplined, focused, persistent, committed, positive and enthusiastic.Look behind the scenes at the success of others. And you'll clearly see how you can do it, too.