Mystique profile picture


"It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

About Me

Edward was always fascinated with music ever since he first saw his cousin Raymond Bernal Jr. perform with his band at local parks in San Jose. " I remember the first time I saw My Cousin Raymond play it was at Alum Rock Park. I couldn't have been no more than 2 or 3 years old. Even at that young age I wanted to jump on stage with him." Raymond was a also a Bass player and a great musician. At the age of 17 he was asked to go on tour by both, James Brown's band, and The Righteous Brothers. My Uncle Ray Sr. told him that if he was going to quit school to go on tour he had better join the army instead so Raymond joined the army. He served 3 tours of duty in Vietnam and was killed just one week before he was scheduled to return home. He was awarded 3 purple hearts and the City of San Jose Honored him by naming a park after him.Raymond Bernal Jr. Memorial Park is Located on 6th St. and Hedding St. in San Jose Ca.
"Raymond was a big influence in my life, and would have went far in his musical career had his life not been cut short, so I feel that in a way I am honoring his memory by continuing on his legacy." ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------Blocker and Alicia Villalba (Eds Mom and Dad) on their Honeymoon in Reno NV. circa 1958
Edwards mother Alicia Villalba says "I always new my son would be a musician. When Edward was around 1 or 2 years old, me and his father bought him a toy drum, and even though he couldn't walk yet, He would drag his little drum in front of the TV and play it to the music in the commercials. Then when the commercials would end, he would start crying, so we would have to turn on the radio to make him stop"------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Edward Age 4
Edward started his musical journey by learning to play the trumpet while in the second grade at Lowell Elementary School. He continued playing and at the age of 14 and in the 8th grade at Pala Jr. high his music teacher Gerry Stasko told him that she was starting a rock band at the school, and they needed a Bass player, and would he be interested in learning to play the Bass Guitar. "That changed my life forever" Edward says. "If it wasn't for Miss Stasko there would have never been a MYSTIQUE". The Pala rock band toured all the Jr. high and grammar schools in the district and Edward soon discovered that he really enjoyed performing in front of an audience. The next year Edward was asked to join a band that was being put together to perform weekly at the youth mass for his parish church, St. John Vianney. "It was unheard of at the time to have a full fledged rock band in a Catholic church but thanks to the vision of a young priest from Ireland, Father Eugene O' Donnell, it was a huge success and we performed to standing room only crowds at the youth mass every Sunday for the next 4 years". Edward, A 1977 Graduate of James Lick High School,----------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- Edwards Graduation Circa 1977
still keeps ties with his old Parish church and returns back to St. John Vianney every year to perform for their annual Festival/Carnival in May.-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Edward (White Pants) Age 15 performs at the St. John Vianney church festival in San Jose Ca. with Future "Trio Intimo Guitarist" Adolfo Alvarado circa 1975
Edward performed in a few local bands after that and eventually started singing. He was soon asked to be the Lead singer for a Santana tribute band called "Libre", "I was hesitant at first because I never really considered my voice as lead singer material" but after much coaxing from friend and Bandleader of Libre, Jimmy Sabala, Edward put down the Bass guitar and served as Lead Vocalist in Libre for the next 6 years. I loved performing with Libre. We would perform at car shows and Lowrider balls in the 80s but I missed playing the Bass.------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- Edward Villalba Lead Vocal and Future Mystique Guitarist Antonio Marquez Lead Guitar for the band "Libre" Circa 1982
Edward Villalba Lead Vocal and Future Mystique Guitarist Antonio Marquez Lead Guitar for the band "Libre" Circa 1982
Flyer for the band Libre circa 1983
Edward Age 19 Lead singer for The Band "LIBRE" circa 1978
Edward Villalba Lead Vocalist for the band "Libre" Circa 1982
Edward Villalba Lead Vocalist for the band "Libre" Circa 1982
Edward Villalba Lead Vocal and Future Mystique Guitarist Antonio Marquez Lead Guitar for the band "Libre" Circa 1982
In 1986 along with Mystique trumpet player Robert Alvarado, Edward Started the First of 3 Mystique Bands. The first 2 bands never really took off. We would play at the Cinco de Mayo celebrations and for local parties but nothing really big.I was kind of shocked when the current Mystique band took off because we weren't doing anything different than the last 2 bands but as the saying goes....the third time's the charm. I guess we were just at the right place at the right time.------------------------------------------------------- ----- Edwards musical journey has afforded him to share the stage with many of the Music Worlds top musicians and bands including Mary Wells, War, Tierra ,El Chicano, Raul Rekow, Karl Perrazo, Armando Perraza, Mingo Lewis, Mic Gillete, Steve Salas, Marcos Reyes, Poncho Sanchez, El Chicano, Malo, Sapo, Lowell Fulsom, Jorge Santana, Juan Escovedo and of course Pete Escovedo who's Band Azteca was the model that Edward formed Mystique from. One of the persons that Edward has had the opportunity in playing with is Mr. Bobby Gaviola. Edward Remembers the first time he ever saw Bobby play was at the first concert he ever went to. "I was in the Eighth Grade and I won 2 tickets from KLIV Radio to see SAPO live in concert at the San Jose Civic Auditorium. The band was so awesome and I remember how proud I was that they were Latino musicians performing there own type of Latino music. I never dreamed in a million years that one day I would play with any of those musicians let alone have one of them be a member in my band." Another musician on stage that day with SAPO was Mr. Raul Rekow who would later join the band SANTANA, and would also perform with Mystique on a few occasions. ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- Edward has also had the opportunity to meet and rub shoulders with Many of Hollywood's top actors and actresses. In the early 80's Edward's Father, Blocker Villalba was an actor in a few Mexican Movies and he Joined "Nosotros", An organization started by Ricardo Montalban to further the careers of Latino artists in the entertainment industry. In 1989 Nosotros President Jerry Velasco heard that Edward was an entertainer and asked him to join also. Many of Hollywood's top Entertainers, Producers, and Directors have been given the Mystique CD by Edward personally, and many have even come to see Mystique perform live.------------------------------------------------------- ---- On November 25, 1978, Edward was voted "Young Man of the Year" by the Latino Community of Santa Clara County for his contributions to the Spanish speaking community and he received a plaque at the San Jose Convention Center from then San Jose Mayor - The Honorable Janet Gray Hayes and The Honorable Councul De Mexico - Sr. Fernando Botello Lozano. Edward's band "Mystique" would also be honored in 2000 with a nomination by the San Francisco Hispanic Chamber of Commerce as "Hispanic Contributor of the Year" and on September 13, 2003 Mystique received an Accommodation from The City of San Jose Ca. for their many performances and contributions to the Hispanic community throughout California and in recognition of being the First Latino band to ever do a halftime show in the history of the NFL.-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Council Woman/Vice Mayor Cindy Chavez reads Commendation to be awarded to Edward Villalba and Mystique
California State Assembly man Simon Salinas Awards Commendation to Edward Villalba
Edward shows off Comendation Award
Commendation Awarded to Edward Villalba and Mystique from the City of San Jose Ca.
Mystique performed on the feild with all 50 Raiderettes At the Oakland Raider/Arizona Crdinal game at The Network Associates Coliseum in front of 65,000 fans on December 2, 2001. "I have always believed in giving back to the community and I have been blessed by having band members that are very understanding to the needs of our community. I am Very Proud that my band, "Mystique," has given a $1,000.00 Scholarship to a deserving Latino student for the last 2 years." Edward hopes that other musical groups will take his lead and also award scholarships because, "Our youths are our future and we have to make sure that they are prepared and well educated when they enter the job market because we need more positive role models in the Latino community" ----------------------------------------------------Many of the songs that Mystique plays are songs, that as a youth, Edward used to blast on his car stereo while cruising King and Story Rd in San Jose with his Car Club "Low Conspiracy." "We used to wash and wax our cars, cruise all night long and then watch the sun come up in the Jack in the Box parking lot. Then we would go home, sleep a few hours, wash the car again and then go out cruising again. I have a lot of fond memories of that time in my life and I get D?j? Vu sometimes when I am playing some of those songs." Edward was one of the founding members of the "Low Conspiracy" Car Club which grew to 60+ members and was one of the largest Lowrider Car Clubs in San Jose, Ca in the early 80's. ---------------------------------------------------------- Edward Age 21 with His 1974 Caprice Classic- Low Conspiracy Car Club- San Jose Ca. Circa 1982
Edward is President of Villalba Records and is Curently seeking out young talent that he can produce and mold into succesfull Recording Artists. He is currently writing new material and has collaborated with Keyboardist/Songwriter Ken Tadeo, and Vocalist/Songwriter Marshon Barr, and Keyboardist/Song writer Zach Bonilla in writing new songs for the next Mystique CD. He will also soon record a solo CD with himself on vocals and including many other guest musicians he has had the pleasure of performing with over the years. Edward says "All our success is because of the Mystique fans. It's because of you, always showing up to our performances, always being there to cheer us on and push us to new heights that we are succeeding in our quest . Without all of you we would still be playing in the garage. I feel that God has blessed me and given me the opportunity to entertain all of you with my vision and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for welcoming us into your lives and always being there to support us in our journey. You have made my dream come true, and to me, you are truly like family

My Interests

Can you guess!!!! Musica ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- ..My New Car that I bought myself for Christmas!!! ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- The Mystique Band---December 2, 2006 Edward and Cassandra in Edwards Recording Studio working on the New Mystique CD ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- Kickin it BackstageMystique live in concert at the San Jose Mckenery Convention Center with Mr.Jerry Salas from El Chicano -------------------------------------------------------Rober t Alvarado On Trumpet

Cassandra , Edward and Fred

Mr Bassman!!!!

Fred Lazo on Lead Vocals

Arturo Cruz AMC

Kendal Mease

Kendal and Roberto Cruz

Fred Lazo

EL Jefe in action!!!!

Kendal and Jesse Dominguez

Yours Truly holdin down the bottom!!!!

Mystique Performs with Mr Jerry Salas from El Chicano

ElChicanos Jerry Salas on stage with Mystique

Mio Timbalero Flores

Tam Sugayan

Fred Gettin down

Mystique front vocal line

Cassandra and Edward

Sharing info with the crowd

Mr Maxx Cabello onstage with Mystique

Jerry Salas and Maxx Cabello onstage with Mystique

Cassandra and Fred

--------------------------------------------------------- Mystique Live at San Francisco's Carnaval 2007

----------------------------------------------------------- Edward Performs at the North Beach Festival in San Francisco Ca ------------------------------------------------------------ Freddy(lead Vocals) Cassandra(Lead Vocals) Edward(Lead vocals, Bass) and Kendell(Trumpet) at our Halloween gig 10/28/06 at Carlos Goldsteins Restaurant and Cantina!!!








LIFE IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!



Scoreboard at Candlestick Park as Mystique Performs National Anthem for SF Giants/Chicago Cubs Game

Santana congero Raul Recow on stage with Mystique at Mr. E's In Berkley Ca.

Santana congero Raul Recow on stage with Mystique at Mr. E's In Berkley Ca.

Pet Escovedo on stage with Mystique at Space 550 In San Francisco Ca.

Jorge Santana (Guitar-Malo)Leo Rosales (Timbale -Malo) and Tony Menjivar (Congas-Malo)Jamm on stage with Mystique at the Latin Jazz festival in Lathrop Ca.

Drumming legend Zorro (Bobby Brown,New Edition) Jams with Mystique in San Jose Ca.

Leo Rosales and Tony Menjivar jam with Mystique in Lathrop Ca

Edward Villalba at the Garlic Festival in Gilroy Ca.

Mystiques First NBC TV Appearance on the Comunidad del Valle Show with host Damien Trujillo circa 1996

Tell Santa This bike is what I want for Christmas!!!!

If christmas is too soon then Maybe a birthday gift to Me!!!!!!!

I'd like to meet:

I have met many Celebrities in my musical Journey. For pictures go to my website at and click on the celebrity section. Ok Here is the short list of some of the celebs that I have met and took pics with. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- Ed and Mondo Congero for the Kool Kats ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------- Edward and Reginald Ballard AKA Bro Man from the TV Show "Martin", and "The parkers"Edward Villalba and Artie Kornfeld (The man who came up with the idea of throwing and the legendary promoter of the Woodstock Concert) Drumming legend Zorro (Bobby Brown,New Edition) Jams with Mystique in San Jose Ca.

Edward Villalba and Mic Gillette (Tower of Power)

Edward Villalba and Neal Schon (Journey, Santana)

Edward Villalba and the Guitar Girls

Edward Villalba and Randy Bachman (Bachman Turner Overdrive)

Edward Villalba, Leonard Garcia (Back), Kendal Mease, Henry Garza (Los Lonely Boys) and Cassandra Morales

Edward Villalba, Jose Chapito Areas (Santana) and Leonard Garcia

Edward Villalba and Salvador Santana, Son of Carlos Santana and leader of the Savador Santana Band

Edward Villalba and Santana Artist Michael Rios

Left to Right-- Chuckie (Percusionist for Jo Battan) The Legendary Joe Battan, Jim Hernandez (Owner Of Time Warp Records), Margarita Mejia, And Edward Villalba

Edward with original El Chicano Bassist Fred Sanchez and original El Chicano Vocalist Jerry Salas

Edward Villalba and Laura Fabian

Edward Villalba and Elizabeth Pena (La Bamba, Resurrection Blvd.)

Edward Villalba and Pia Zadora

Edward Villalba and former Mystique Lead Guitarist now with the Band "Los Mocosos" Gabriel Sandino

Mingo Lewis (Santana) Edward Villalba and Richard "Bandido" Segovia (Eddie Money, Bandido)

Edward Villalba and Comedian Adam Hunter

Edward Villalba with Rocky Hernandez and Melinda Hernandez (lead Vocalists for the Band Little Joe)

Neal Schon (Journey, Santana) and Edward Villalba

Jose "Chapito" Areas (Santana, Abraxis) and Edward Villalba

El Chicano Bandleader and Founder Bobby Espinoza and Edward Villalba

Rick Martinez, Edward Villalba and Crazy Boy Marvin Rodriguez

Christopher "Kid" Reid from the Kid & Play House Party Movies and Edward Villalba

KISS 98.1 FM Radio Personality Tony Sandoval and Edward Villalba and One of the Mystique Dancers

Former Lead singer from the Band Tierra Steve Salas, NBC TV Personality Damian Trujillo and Edward Villalba

San Jose Vice Mayor and Mayorial Candidate Cindy Chavez, Edward Villalba and Ca. State Assemblyman Simon Salinas

Edward Villalba, American Idol Runner up Latoya London and Zach Bonilla

Legendary Boxing Manager Lou Duva and Edward Villalba

Legendary Percusionist Giovanni and Edward Villalba

Legendary Congero Armando Perraza (Santana, Buena vista social club)and Edward Villalba

Edward Villalba with Actor and Friend Mike Morrof (La Bamba)

Sal Lopez (Mi Familia, American Me), Tony Plana (Resurection Blvd. Zuit Suit, Born in East LA),Jenny Gago (Mi Familia), Edward Villalba and Dee Dee Davila

Vic Pameroyan, Pete "Pops" Escovedo, And Edward Villalba

Sapo Bandleader and Writer and singer of the hit song from Malo "Suavecito Richard Bean and Edward Villalba

Edward Villalba with the King of Salsa Tito Puente and Millie P.

Edward Villalba and Jorge Santana

Edward Villalba and Comedian Manny Maldonado

Edward Villalba and Comedian "STARR"

Edward Villalba with Ritchi Valenz Brother Bob Morales who was portrayed by Essai Morales in the movie "La Bamba"

Edward Villalba, Valerie Harper (Rhoda, The Mary Tyler Moore Show) and Burt Villalba

Edward on Stage on his 21st birthday with the Legendary Mary Welles and Curtis Womack (Bobby Womacks Brother)

Edward Villalba, Sheila E. andd Juan Escovedo

Ed with Latino Legendary Actor Tito Guizar

Edward Villalba and Henry Cisneros

Edward Villalba Picking up Singer Vicki Carr in His dads 1963 Silver Cloud Rolls Royce

Edward Villalba and Raul Recow (Santana)

Edward Villalba and Lucy Arnaz (Daughter of Lucille Ball and Dezi Arnaz)

Edward Villalba and Andy Garcia

Edward Villalba and Tina Yothers

Edward Villalba and Brenton Wood

Edward Villalba and Johnny Hernandez (Brother of Little Joe and Writer of the song "Las Nubes")

Edward Villalba and Ann Miller

Edward Villalba and Mike Gomez(Zuit Suit)

Crazy Boy Marvin Rodriguez and Edward Villalba

Cheech Marin, Edward Villalba and Woody Harrelson

Edward Villalba and The Raiderettes

Edward Villalba and Monica Mesones (Co-Host of the show) " ME CASO CONTIGO " out of Los Angeles

Edward and El Chicano Bandmembers

Edward Villalba and Eddie Palmeri

Edward Villalba and Roy Murray (Original Horn player from Malo). This man wrote the horn parts for the songs "Nena" and "Cafe" and played the horn solo intro on the recording of "Suavecito"-Malos first major hit and probably the all time Latino love song of the decade.

I have met Jennifer Lopez, Tito Puente, Celia Cruz, Andy Garcia, Lou Diamond Phillips, Appollonia Kotero, Los Lobos, The guys from El Chicano, Christopher "Kid" Reid, Mike Moroff, Loni Anderson, Robert Rodriguez, Moctezuma Esparza, Mary Welles, Brenton Wood, Al Wilson, Margarita Reyes, Edward James Olmos, John Liguazamo, Lucy Arnaz, Jorge Santana, Ann Miller, Curtis Womack, Bob Morales, Raul Recow, Neal Shon, Armondo Perraza, Sal Lopez, Jenny Gago, Vicky Carr, Pia Zadora Valerie Harper, Cheech Marin, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Pena, Tony Plana, Lupe Ontiveros, Pete Escovedo, etc etc. The one person that I have not met and I have played with many past and current members of his band and am good friends with his brother Jorge is Mr. Carlos Santana. He is the one that opened up the doors for latin Rock music and I look up to him immensley for his accomplishments in the Music industry. The Nicest celebrity that I have met is The Late Great Tito Puente. Tito taught me to be humble and to thank the lord above for the opportunity to play music and to never forget where you came from and the fans that got you there. This great soul sat there with me (a Nobody that he never met before) for a couple of hours and got drunk with me drinkin shots of brandy telling me his philosophy and history of his musical adventures. The other man I admire and can now call a good friend and mentor is Mr Pete Escovedo. I fashoned my band Mystique after his band Azteca and he has taken us under his wing and given us many opportunities and I am proud to have shared the stage with this living legend That I am proud to call my friend. Get Your Own Voice Player Manage


Azteca, Malo, Santana, Sapo, El Chicano, Poncho Sanchez, Earth Wind and Fire, Commodores, Tower of Power, Tierra, Ozomatli, Confunction, Tortilla Factory, Little Joe, And pretty much any and all old school music.


Scarface, Godfather 1,2 and 3, Back to the future, La Bella Mafia, The last don 1 and 2, Donnie Brasco, Raging Bull, Goodfellas, A bronx tale, My Crazy Life/Mi Vida Loca, Boulevard Nights, Walk Proud, The Outsiders, Boys in The Hood, Carlitos Way 1 and 2, Eddie and the Cruisers 1 and 2, The Temptations Movie, The Commitments, The Wanderers, The Valachi Papers, Gotti, and the Warriors


Resurrection Blvd. , The Sopranos, That 70s Show, Stargate SG1, Star Treck the next Generation, Startreck (Original series), Dog the bounty hunter, American Chopper, Married with Children, Beavis and Buthead, South Park, King of the hill, anything on the discovery channel.


The Valachi Papers, The last Mafioso, The Godfather, and Big Texas



My Mom and Dad. My parents are the true story of the american dream and a good example of what a lot of hard work and determination can do. They both came here working in the fields and are now Multi millionairs. I was one of the few Latinos that I know who had a dad that drove a Rolls Royce. My pops bought a 1963 Rolls Royce Silver Cloud with Right hand Drive (Steering Wheel on the Right hand Side in 1980 and I used to take it out filled with my friends to Cruise King and Story. Not bad for former farmworkers huh!!!!

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Posted by Mystique on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 09:28:00 PST