By day I make web sites for comic books. By night I quietly cry in my room. I also do a lot of other stuff.
I really try to just keep this to people I actually know in real life, so don't be offended if I don't add you.
Comedy, writing, architecture, design, keeping my cat fat and happy
Smart, quirky, and funny people. I've already met your mom and she doesn't qualify.
Changes weekly...Golden Shoulders, early Rolling Stones, French covers of British Invasion songs, the Faint, the Sleepy Jackson, the Dream Warriors
The Seven Samurai, the Hidden Fortress, the Limey, the Good the Bad and the Ugly, Citizen Kane, the Third Man, Sullivan's Travels
I don't watch a lot, but among the stuff I do includes, Law and Order: CI and that Joss Wheedon stuff. I watched Real World/Road Rules Challenge but I felt guilty afterwards.
From Hell, Invisible Man, Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail 1972, Cryptonomicon
Hunter S. Thompson, Mies van der Rohe, Alan Moore