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Apocalyptical Terror Hop, Sissies.

About Me

Live at Circle Bar / Hi-Ho Lounge

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"why am i reading all this crap and who would take the time to write it, anyway?" you may be asking yourself. or maybe you're not even gonna finish reading this, in which case this section exists merely to prove that a tree falling in a completely abandoned forest does, indeed, make a sound. a very obnoxious one.
The Point Being: DoomsDayDevice is not an idea created with the hopes of cashing in on a current trend or, if there's a God in heaven, create a new one. it is a sound that has been eating at WybleZilla 3D's soul since childhood and is only now becoming something tangible. it is a music that can't be duplicated with Earth Instruments. It is a language that can't be pronounced by human tongue. It is a sound that creates the visuals only Sputnik The Frey is capable of constructing. It is the exact combination-of-infomation-through-every-sensation required to deconstruct the human mind and still have pieces that can be rebuilt into their original being. Its is an extended middle finger to all musicians who think that theirs, is the only one way to do it. It is an abstract thought that stems from 2001:a space odyssey and ends somewhere within the sonic grace of the simplest of the entire Ramones catalogue (two power chords that could be played by a monkey with no hands, BUT, they thought of it first). It's living life with an imagination, a sense of wonder, a positive outlook that is not so easily amused by the baby toys designed by the corporate zookeepers whose very existence insists that we choose to be entertained rather than create, an observing eye that is constantly aware of the big picture of "life, The universe, and Everything "and is careful not to get too involved in the meaningless vacuum that is the day-to-day paperchase of the "UN-evolved".

Its all of these things, but with a beat... Get it?so, indulge yourself in the vice of your choosing, drop all the baggage that you've picked up from your previous musical experiences and suspend your disbelief for just long enough to stop worrying about the bullshit soap opera of "MallWorld". It's a big muthafuckin universe out there........
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My Interests


Member Since: 10/23/2004
Band Website:
Band Members: WZ3D


Influences: Richard Hoagland, John Carpenter, Douglas Adams, Tom Waits, Invader Zim, Frank Black, Goblin, El-P, Lucio Fulci, George Romero, Sex Pistols, The Dwarves, Godzilla, MechaGodzilla, Mothra, Jet Jaguar, Megalon, Gigan, They Might Be Giants, Terry Gilliam, late 70's-early 80's disco-electro-hiphop (Grandmaster Melle Mel, Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five, etc.), H.G. Wells, Jules Verne, 2001:a Space Odyssey, Dark Star, Flash Gordon, Skinny Puppy, Coast To Coast AM, Angelo Badalamenti, War of the Planets, Beastie Boys, The Sacred Knights of the Oingo Boingo, Arthur C. Clarke, Bender, Lloyd Kaufman(president of Troma and creator of The Toxic Avenger), Clive Barker, Ray Bradbury, Mike Ness, Mike Patton, the films of Takashi Miike, Bjork, Mamoru Oshii, The Ghostwriter (Steve Schecter), The Accused, the rest of our crew...OLE' SCRATCHY (Couzin Lyricz & B4A...represent), GWAR, Stephen King (esp. The Dark Tower & The Talisman) Def Jux, Ryuhei Kitamura, Buck Rogers, Thunderbolt Buddha, Dragon Eye Morrison and...each other. The Doomsday Device depends heavily on avoiding conventional methods as a means to an end. "The only true Freedom left is in the imagination." -and that too is becoming a rarity.

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Sounds Like: DoomsDayDevice. listen with your ears instead of your preconceived notions. see those 5 songs in the little box at the top of the page? we sound exactly like that. in fact...that's us. not enough input to sway your taste? there's 5 more tracks on each of our personal profiles. dig it and don't ask this question again, Potsie. thank you.

Jinx Palm

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Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Check out this video: Live at Circle Bar / Hi-Ho Lounge

Check out this video: Live at Circle Bar / Hi-Ho Lounge Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by DoomsDayDevice! on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 04:37:00 PST

I Forgot This Existed...DoomsDay Show 4-14-07

Check out this video: DoomsDay Show 4-14-07 Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by DoomsDayDevice! on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 12:27:00 PST

DoomsDayDevice "Jinx Palm" / Dir. by Couzin Lyricz

Check out this video: Jinx Palm Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by DoomsDayDevice! on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 03:28:00 PST


*this is actually REALLY old, like April '05, but i was scrolling through the old blogs and was distressed to find that the stupid story we had so much fun making up was broken, cause we just linked a...
Posted by DoomsDayDevice! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I Guess I Just Assumed You Already Knew...

we are DoomsDayDevice because we mean what we say,we are DoomsDayDevice because we worshipthe same destruction that we fear,we are DoomsDayDevice because we speak the languageof The Poxyclypse and und...
Posted by DoomsDayDevice! on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 01:14:00 PST

Eli Roth Responds To The "Torture Porn" Accusations

*i found this in a horror group and thought it was relevant to my second to last blog, "Christopher Goodwin Is A Know-Nothing Prick". Cheers!*   Editor's Note: On July 19, 2007, MSN Movies receiv...
Posted by DoomsDayDevice! on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 01:35:00 PST

Poxyclypse Digital Pentagram ep. 5

Click here to get your own player.The Poxyclypse Digital Pentagram Show ep.5---Surf Nazis Vs. The Dawn Of The Poxyclypse---*********************************************** ********cast:Midn...
Posted by DoomsDayDevice! on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 03:10:00 PST

Misinformation, Rabble-Rousing, & The Short-Attention-Span

Christopher Goodwin Is A Know-Nothing Prick who claims that, "'Torture porn' originated a few years ago with low-budget independent gore films like Saw, Wolf Creek and Hostel."WHAT?not only does...
Posted by DoomsDayDevice! on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 12:48:00 PST

Pictures From march 24 2007 HiHo

"my nite stated after i left NYP around 9 and headed toward the 9thWard. a pawn reaching the hiho lounge and realizing that i was the first ambassador to arrive from any of the acts. so i decided to d...
Posted by DoomsDayDevice! on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 12:16:00 PST

Feb162007 DoomsDay Show pictures

Feb162007 DoomsDay Show ...
Posted by DoomsDayDevice! on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 01:10:00 PST