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Janice Williams

Let's be friends... separately

About Me

I've got a new rule--- you've just GOT to send me a message along with your friend request or I'm just going to "deny" without even looking at your profile. Okay? It gets too damn time consuming to look at profiles of people I don't want to be friends with. If you live in the Austin area and you listen to me, sure, I want to be your friend, but do the message thang along with it, k?
And just so you know, if you have a request or radio things you want to discuss, I'd rather do that through my regular work email. If, at this point, you're saying, "Okay, what is that?" Sorry. You'll have to do some homework if you don't know. But you know what? Sometimes I don't answer all the work email either. I know that sounds like only common courtesy to do that, but you wouldn't believe how many emails I get and how many CDs come into the station. My priorities are the things that go out on the air on the station first and foremost and sometimes that pushes answering emails to the bottom of the list. Sometimes, too, I get emails, especially when people use the form on the website, and I respond and they get bounced back because people enter their email address wrong. Really. That aggravates me when I do write a response and try to help and then it comes back. So it is really better to write me from your email program instead of through that web form.
All that having been said, I've discovered some great up-and-coming bands in Austin through myspace and I appreciate your notes and your requests to be my friend.
If you glance through my myspace musical friends, you will find many artists that I truly love, adore, admire, and appreciate. And then there are many that I don't have a clue about their worth, but they are from the area and asked to be my friend. Appearance on my list of friends does not equal my endorsement. Are we clear?

My Interests

History, especially Austin and Texas history, gardening, writing, genealogy, especially Cunningham and Hallford family history, and my two cats, Wilburt and Nathan Jr.

I'd like to meet:

Since Matthew McC has gone all grungy on me I'll put my wanting to meet him on hold until he has a shower and a shave...


It may go without saying that I love Texas Country music, but in case it doesn't: I LOVE TEXAS COUNTRY MUSIC!
In the world of superstars I have always loved Willie and WILL always love Willie. I found Jerry Jeff Walker and Asleep at the Wheel at the same time in the mid-1970s and have followed them both ever since. I added Lyle Lovett to my list of absolute favorites in 1988.
But beyond Texas Country... I love Robbie Fulks, B.B. King, Van Morrison, Darrell Scott, Elton John, and the Beatles... just to start the list.
And let's not forget the accordion players! Debra Peters, Ponty Bone, Joel Guzman, and Flaco!


A Christmas Story, Raising Arizona, Spinal Tap, Dill Scallion, FM, The Sound of Music.


Pleeeeeeeeease, God, give me something good to watch in the new shows. I miss the Sopranos and Six Feet Under. Arrested Development. Sports Night. The Job. Rescue Me. The Closer. The Office (both sides of the ocean). The Daily Show, of course.


Whoo-Hooooo Thank you Sarah Bird for finally giving me a book that draws me back to it! The Flamenco Academy by Sarah Bird is fabulous.
My other favorite authors are Clyde Edgerton, Elinor Lipman, Helen Fielding, Elizabeth Berg, and Tom Perotta.


Georgia O'Keeffe and Lady Bird Johnson.

My Blog

Gruene With Envy Awards

Dang it, dang it, dang it. I hope this makes it to myspace.  The last one disappeared into the ether.Just got in from the Gruene With Envy Awards. Thanks to everyone that voted for KVET to be the...
Posted by Janice Williams on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 11:11:00 PST