LQ profile picture


Words without thought never to heaven go.

About Me

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I own too many pairs of shoes to admit to having. I have great, wonderful people in my life and that is a blessing. I prefer good conversation with an intelligent person above all other attributes of either gender. I have a pretty cool job that I enjoy on most days. I am NOT a morning person and that will never, ever change. I was raised by four parents that I consider pretty awesome (I'm a kid and a step-kid) but I've learned so much from each one of them and I am eternally grateful for each teaching me in their own way. My heritage is Native American, Mescalero Apache tribe, hence my name Laquetta. I was named after my great Aunt. I've heard every line under the sun regarding my name so you can save yourself some time and SHUT IT! I am not African-American and neither is my Dad.... Although, I admit to using that line several times...

My Interests

I have many interests and I probably should whittle some of them down so I can actually be a bad-ass at a few instead of knowing a little bit about everything... I love to read, listen to music, hang with friends, play music, bike, hike, play with my two dogs, argue with my cat, draw, paint some (but I suck), bake (when someone talks me into it, otherwise, you are on your own), just about any outdoor activity (yes, even in the Summer in Austin). And I am a shoe freak!


Currently, Lizzie West, Joe Jackson and Etta James


I'm not so much of a movie buff but I just watched Paper Moon on DVD and The Departed.


Not a big TV fan. I enjoy House on occassion.


I am currently reading... Marley and Me and Kitchen Confidential.


My grandmother, Mary Lynn Johnson. She's the best person I have ever had the chance to meet. She has my upmost respect of any human being.

My Blog

Me and Netflix....

I have a funny, if not odd relationship with Netflix and the mailman that delivers my coveted DVDs on a regular basis.  I do not have cable so Netflix is my thing..... I am totally cool with this...
Posted by LQ on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 10:38:00 PST


Tell me everything you love/hate about Chicago.......
Posted by LQ on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 10:16:00 PST

Bouncing back....

Good thing I bounce back easily!  Today has been a great day!  I actually accomplished a few things that have been hanging over me.  Woo-hoo!  I had Arby's for the first time in ye...
Posted by LQ on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 03:50:00 PST

ACL Weekend....

I learned several things over ACL weekend.  1.  You can leave Zilker Park, go to the airport and back in about an hour. 2.  It's going to rain and it's going to be hot and that is just...
Posted by LQ on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 08:02:00 PST