Art, Music, Music History, Ink, Bass, Jamming, Shows, Women, Camping, Skateboarding, Time Traveling, Scuba Diving, Free Falling, Goblins, Trolls, Gremlins, Listening, Video Editing, Creating, Bank Robbery, Vandalism, Public Nudity, Pabst, Whiskey, Business, Other Countrys, The Ocean, Ice Fishing, Mushrooms, Surfing, Bon Fires, Eluding Policemen, Garage Sales, BOOBS, Duct Tape, Parks, Forests, Trails, Hiking, Autobiographies, Breaking Standards, "The Pit of Insanity", Compromise, Adrenalin, Cliff Jumping, Skydiving, Ramping my car off a cliff, Fruit, Jolly Ranchers, War Stories, My Grandpa, Old People, Blackouts, Frisbee, Waves, Snow, Forts, Toys, Night Games, Frank Bowlachili, Sand, Satin, Sharpies, Roof Tops, Breaking Windows, Ghost Stories, UNITY, TRUTH, COMPASSION, LOVE, PLEASURE...
Musicians, bands, old friends, a good mechanic, a mage, 2 leprechauns, some fishin buddies, and the woman of my dreams...
punk rock, rock 'n' roll, outlaw country, blues
B Horror flicks, kung-fu, comedy, gangster films, documentaries, concerts, midget porn
H.P. Lovecraft, Howard Zinn, Nick Blinko, Charles Bukowski, David Icke, Biographies, History books, text books, inserts, zines...
Anyone who means what they say, and says what they mean