vegan-shani profile picture


I will fight till all animals r free from cruelty-VEGAN~becuz I dont believe in confining them so th

About Me

I love animals, vegans, the Howard Stern show, & myself!
I enjoy saying "fucking, cocksucker, son-of-a-bitch, douche-bag, whore, and other colorful words."
"try the fbi....try police beatings....WE DONT FUCKING CARE!!!"
name: shannon
goes by: shani

. : . shani is a strict vegan . : .
meaning: i dont consume/use/buy/wear *any* animal products whatsoever.
no meat, no fish, no dairy, no eggs, no honey.
I do not consume anything that has been processed on equipment that has been contaminated by animal products.
no wool, no fur, no leather, no feathers/down, no silk, rabbit fur, etc, etc. It all equals cruelty, you dont need it, and its hideous attire anyway.
no products which are tested on animals.

I drink water, coffee, & Kombucha Tea in that order.
against: cruelty to animals, PROFITS over animal rights, animals confined/caged/chained or forced to be outdoors their whole lives, factory farming, circuses , horse racing/riding, rodeos.
hunting, fishing,(how can you teach your children its okay to take the life of a living breathing creature, its barbaric!) the fur trade, KFC (Yum Foods, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Long Johns Silvers), Lunardi's , Huntingdon Life Sciences , foster farms , Adidas, Nike, Puma, , Red Lobster .
pimping out your animals for money aka breeding.
all seal hunts , zoo's, choke collars, pronged/spiked collars (aka torture devices).
littering, fast food, cigarettes (smoking is not vegan!), drunk driving, unnatural drugs, diamonds , pearls, ignorance.

for: all animal liberation, compassion to all creatures, big, small, furry, slimy, creepy, crawly.
animal rehabilitation centers, spaying/neutering, adopting/fostering rather than "owning"/buying your own kids/animals. we are guardians not owners.
recycling/reusing everything, conserving.
animal, women, & child rights, equality for all living creatures.

autism & seizure specialist
fighter for animals lives & rights
educator of "Son-Rise"
. : . learn the way to be . : .
What's Wrong With Dairy and Eggs?
The "Free-Range" Myth
The Protein Myth
Ecological Effects of Animal Agriculture
Protecting Your Bones
Vegan Holiday Recipes
Why Vegan?
What's Fishy About Seafood?
COK Vegetarian Starter Kit
MFA Vegetarian Starter Kit
PETA Vegetarian Starter Kit
Quick & Easy Vegan Recipes
Christianity and Vegetarianism
What Would Jesus Eat?
Guide to Becoming an Activist
Vegan: The New Ethics of Eating [the entire book!]
. : . mother of 3 cats- 2 male black cats: twin brothers & 1 calico female= my children . : .
. : . meet the "S" clan . : .
1. sinister
2. syndrome
3. sweet-pea
. : . foster mother to lost/unwanted animals. : .
happiness is a fucking choice

HSUS MySpace Page | Animal Cruelty & Fighting Homepage

My Interests

being VEGAN of course...but...also...laughing till I cry, smiling, my cats, all animals & animal rights/protesting, vegan outreach, demos, etc, listening to Howard Stern and Sirius, vegans & vegan cooking, coffee, running, working out at a gym, riding my bike, hiking, sun bathing, music, photography & pictures, art, staying active, the beach & the sun, working with people who have autism and/or seizures, dancing, writing, reading, book stores, studying facts, skateboarding, computers, non-smoker rights, woman's rights, driving, meeting and greeting every animal I lay eyes on, singing badly in my car, meeting active vegans in the animal rights world, people watching, exploring this crazy planet.

I'd like to meet:

...someone who is a strict vegan & loves animals, who is honest, loyal, loving, compassionate, understanding, mature but silly, driven, respectful, environmentally friendly & makes me laugh till I cry. Someone who would rather save animals than drink & party, have a good conversation, over watching TV & generally not be a complete douche bag.

someone to laugh & play with me, wander city streets, explore beaches & other landscapes, go to bookstores & not buy anything, drink coffee & eat vegan delicacies, be completely okay with minimal possessions, & most importantly, would do anything, risk life, limb, & freedom to save or help animals, in other words, a full time partner in domestic crime.

networking with all determined vegan animal rights activist

Jake Conroy & Josh Harper of the SHAC7

Howard Stern & his fabulous crew
Sam Strange
Crissys Mother, Father, & Sister.
my equal~

Support our troops in the animal liberation world!!

Jacob Conroy # 93501-011
FCI Victorville Medium 1
Federal Correctional Institution
PO Box 5300
Adelanto, CA 92301

Lauren Gazzola #93497-011
FCI Danbury
Federal Correctional Institution Route #37
Danbury, CT 06811

Kevin Kjonaas # 93502-011
FCI Sandstone
PO Box 1000
Sandstone, MN 55072

Joshua Harper 29429-086
FCI Sheridan
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 5000
Sheridan, OR 97378

Andrew Stepanian # 26399-050
FCI Butner Medium II
Federal Correctional Institution
PO Box 1500
Butner, NC 27509

MCDAVID, ERIC X-2972521 4E231A
Sacramento County Main Jail
651 "I" Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

Jonathan Paul
FCI Phoenix
Federal Correctional Institution
37910 N 45th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85086


I enjoy all music.


There Will Be Blood- Daniel Day Lewis *swo0n* DVD's in bed when all else fails.


Dont watch TV but willing on mediocre days.


stacks & stacks of books-
I love animal rights books most
Free the Animals-- Ingrid Newkirk
Slaughterhouse-- Gale Eisnitz
In Your Face-- Chris DeRose
Animal Liberation-- Peter Singer
Dominion-- Mathew Scully
Ethics into Action-- Peter Singer
Empty Cages-- Tom Regan
Meat Market-- Erik Marcus
The Meat You Eat: How Corporate Farming Has Endangered America's Food Supply--by Ken Midkiff
Why Animals Matter: The Case for Animal Protection--by Erin E. Williams & Margo DeMello
No More Bull!: The Mad Cowboy Targets America's Worst Enemy: Our Diet-- By Howard Lyman, Glen Merzer, Joanna Samorow-Merzer
Unbearable liteness of Being--by Milan Kundera
lovely bones--by Alice Sebold
lucky--by Alice Sebold
geralds game--by Stephen King
no-no boy--by John Okada
carrie--by Stephen King
the curious incident of the dog in the night-time--by Mark Haddon
howard stern's two books--
pornified--by Pamela Paul
happiness is a choice--by Barry Neil Kaufman
son-rise: the miracle continues--by Barry Neil Kaufman
the wisdom of forgiveness: intimate conversations and journeys/dalai lama--by Victor Chan





parents who have special needs kids & accept them for who they are!

My Blog

New Prop 2 TV commercial featuring Wayne! Watch and Share...

vote yes on prop ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: The Humane Society of the United StatesDate: Oct 16, 2008 9:14 AMCheck out  "Better  now"...the...
Posted by vegan-shani on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 09:24:00 PST

so who watched Oprah...

For the love of god, Vote YES on prop 2.  if you "dont vote" you let animals down in this election- we cannot allow these huge agribusinesses think its okay to treat animals as commodities.  ...
Posted by vegan-shani on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 04:59:00 PST

yard sale to benefit prop 2...

Hello everyone! I will be having a garage/yard sale on October 18th 2008 and all proceeds will benefit the Prop 2 campaign.  If you have anything you don't want and would like to donate, please ...
Posted by vegan-shani on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 11:17:00 PST

naked tiger demo in sac: The 2nd Annual Circus Show...

The 2nd Annual Circus Show & Other Atrocities!date: Saturday September 13thtime: 5-10pmwhere: 2114 19th Street, downtown SacramentoLots of cool stuff, check it out!http://www. abitchinspace. com/...
Posted by vegan-shani on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 01:15:00 PST

painted tiger demo- someone bark at me...

I will be doing a painted tiger in a cage demo ha, that sounds fucking awesome!Looking for a circus barker type person, loud voice maybe, not sure the exact details. The person running this gig said t...
Posted by vegan-shani on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 10:01:00 PST

have on demand? you can most likely see the show I was on for Womens Entertainment Network...

I dont even have it, but a lot of people are seeing the show through On Demand if you have Comcast!If you find Womens Entertainment Network and their show "The Secret Lives of Women"- the show subject...
Posted by vegan-shani on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 12:43:00 PST

Documentary for Womens Entertainment about me...

Hello Everyone!The documentary that was done on me for the show "The Secret Lives of Women" is finally going to air! This is what I got from TVguide. com: Episode Detail: Extreme Beliefs - Secret Liv...
Posted by vegan-shani on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 09:03:00 PST

dear, dear diary: birthday, Grandma, school, work outs, circus, jac, documentary, privacy...

my birthday is next week (the 14th) and I will be 28 years old.  Its very weird getting older, as a kid/ young adult, you just dont think about it, or even realize how fast it creeps up on you.&n...
Posted by vegan-shani on Sun, 10 Aug 2008 11:42:00 PST

Ringling Brother Circus is in town-get off ur ass & protest...

If you dont know the severe abuse and cruelty of animals in the circus, visit:www.circuses.comor just ask.Ringling Brothers is coming to the bay, Oakland, San Jose, and Stockton.  I am willing to...
Posted by vegan-shani on Sun, 10 Aug 2008 09:15:00 PST

A Gallon for the Gallos: Donate $5 to EBAAs Chicken Run to L.A. on July 4th...

Its not too late to donate! we leave soon on our adventure!  A Gallon for the Gallos: Donate $5 to EBAA's Chicken Run to L.A. on July 4th! ...
Posted by vegan-shani on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 11:39:00 PST