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Dance like no one is looking! See my Groups!

About Me

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Your Aura is Purple
Your Personality: You're a dreamer and visionary. You believe you were put on this earth to do something great.
You in Love: You're very passionate but often too busy for love. You need a man who sees your vision and adopts it as his own.
Your Career: You need a job that helps you make a difference. You have a bright future as a guru, politician, teacher, or musician. What Color Is Your Aura?

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You Are Raspberry Chocolate Lip Gloss
You tend to approach life as a fun game - being playful at every turn.
You're a flirt with flair, and your the type most likely to surprise your date.
But you're popularity doesn't stop with guys... you've got a great group of girlfriends too!
You're fresh, aggressive, and more than a little sassy. The tangy taste of raspberry and watermelon goes great on your lips. What Flavor Lip Gloss Are You?

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" Don't even think of breaking my heart. You know I know I deserve better."

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Your Scent is Rose
Delicate, feminine, and soft
Your personality is fresh and understated What Scent Are You?

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You Are Fall!
What Season Are You?

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If you only, truly knew who I am. I am a writer and a dancer. Passion is my core. Hints of me are all you'll read. Tastes of me are only in the wine from my vines. The Price for me is in the sky.
Which Disney Princess Are You?

You are bookish but incredibly pretty. Belle was first seen in Beauty and the Beast (1991)
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Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.
You are Milk Chocolate
A total dreamer, you spend most of your time with your head in the clouds.
You often think of the future, and you are always working toward your ideal life.
Also nostelgic, you rarely forget a meaningful moment... even those from long ago. What Kind of Chocolate Are You?
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You are a Lavender Rose
You represent love at first sight and enchantment.
Your vibe: intense and intriguing
Falling in love with you is: deep and meaningful What Color Rose Are You?

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You Are a Carnation
You are down to earth and grounded.
You tend to be more traditional than trendy.
Your confidence gets you through anything.
People trust you and are very loyal to you. What Flower Are You?
Your Gemstone is Emerald
Balanced, liberated, and peaceful.
You bring luck into any situation. What Gemstone Are You?
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You Are Blonde Highlights
Men see you as flexible and versatile - you fit in to every situation
You've got the inner glow of a blonde, the intensity of a redhead...
And the wisdom of a brunette. How Blonde Are You?

My Interests

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The Arts (all kinds from performing to galleries and museums),
Creative Memory Photo Scrapbooking (a life time, a legacy)
The Ocean (every chance I get),
Gardening and BBQing (fresh grilled fresh veggies to flavorful meats & fish)
The Gym (more than I do: 3 times per week when I haven't fallen off the wagon),
Dining out (with quiet or quality ambiance)
Savingon Blanc (the only wine I like)

Swimming, Ice Skating, Tennis, Golf, Nature Walks,
Walks (with a "Walkman"or sorts),
'Myspace Graphics'

Obviously Dancing (from born to be wild crazy, to carefree and graceful, to cheek to cheek).

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I'd like to meet:

or reincarnated ones.

I would like to me positive people who are interested in dance, music, movies, ecology, authorship and making their dreams come true, or supporting those who have dreams. I belive in the power of "The Secret" and quantum physics of positive energy. I trust that God will put in my path the people and things that I need to fulfill my destiny.



Or I would like to meet a handy man who can fix things around my home, or a young sugar daddy that has the ability to pay for a handy man. Or someone who would like to help be turn my Chevy into a race car for a last fling or zing.

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Funny Videos

Your 80s Heartthrob Is
Michael J. Fox Who's Your 80's Heartthrob?
In heaven, I would like to meet Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly, and Gregory Hines.

As far as people alive today, I would like to meet positive people that have faith that dreams can be attained. Anyone wishing and acting on success is welcome to my space. I will soakup your optimismn and give you mine too.

In my fantasies, I would really like to be a famous writer who keeps that lover who knocks my socks off.

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Your Hat Personality Is A
Fedora What Hat Are You?

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Classic Rock, Hard Rock, Soft Rock, Pop, Hip Hop, Rhythm and Blues, Jazz, Pourterican, Jamaican, Latin, Some Gospel, Some Country, Some Rap, Some heavy metal...
Modanna, Kelly Clarkson, Justin Timberlake, Michael Bublei, Lionel Richie, Pointer's Sisters, Tina Turner, ZZ Tops

Myspace Mini Clips

"Just give me a beat!"
If I had my life to live over, I would have found a way to make a living doing something with music. Maybe it's not too late. Even if I could go into an oldfolks home and help them move their feet and hands to the beat of their swing music or give an aerobics or pilates class to seniors.
"It ain't over til the fat lady sings," or in my case swings.

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When asked, my favorite kinds of movies are ones that make me cry for happy or sad reasons (which may be entirely personal). Saying Good Bye, or getting more than you dream of.

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The Wizard of OZ, Overboard, Heart and Souls, A Beautiful Mind, Dreamer, Freedom Writers (especially when you know it is a true story), Jack Frost (When Micahel Keaton has to say good bye) etc.

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Speaking of Michael Keaton, I use to work with him at Magic Mountain when we were really young adults. I helped him choose his name "Douglas" to "Keaton." I sometimes pray that we could meet again here on earth before our time is up. The movie, My Life, was a poinyet (spelling?)story, and yes, it was a favorite that made me cry too.

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My daughter is going into film making. I do not want her to ever let her dream die or get buried alive. It will make her soul ache; like mine aches to dance. My messege to young people is to never give up on their dreams. Take advice as was given to me (via Sue Tripp-Lanar):Do something every day to get towards your dream and eventually you will arrive.

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Hosted at YourSpaceNow.com

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Myspace Mini Clips

My new years resolution is to watch less TV to be more productive.
I use bunny ears because I am not willing to spend money on satelite or cable. The channel that gets the best reception is abc 7.
So of course, Dancing with the Stars is the show I make a point of seeing. Their competition, American Idol is to fuzzy for me to see on my tv.
If i had to get more channels, I would probably go satillite so that i could surf between Letterman and Leno at EST to be in bed by 9:30 pm PST.
'Wish i could watch more of Jimmy Kimmel.
'Caught all of the episodes that I missed of Day Break (intense story) on abc7.com re-runs of times that were convenient for me.
I like Grey's Anatomy, & Lost and sometimes Desparate Housewives; And currently missing a few new mysteries that I will again check them out on abc7.com at my convenience.
I like the CSIs and watch Law and Orders at my parents' house.
Stopped watching the view when Rosie was hired. 'Was not surprised when she quit.
'Stopped watching the Apprentice when I could just read Trump's Blog. Then I joined the Trump Institute and actually met Troy Mc Lane who was on the first of the series and Dr. Randall Pinkett who won the apprenticeship in the 4th season?
I don't watch the following often but find Oprah, Dr. Phil but their websites make up for time spent on tv. Also, I find the Judge Judy or other court shows valuable to learn about the humane and inhumane, sane, insane, absurd and ludicrous.
Other than that I have to rack my brain for what else I like.

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What American accent do you have? Your Result: The Midland

"You have a Midland accent" is just another way of saying "you don't have an accent." You probably are from the Midland (Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and Missouri) but then for all we know you could be from Florida or Charleston or one of those big southern cities like Atlanta or Dallas. You have a good voice for TV and radio.

The West
The Inland North
North Central
The South
The Northeast
What American accent do you have?
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I have several books and magazines on-going over the duration of my life. Some I plan to get around to finishing others I use for reference or refereshers.

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Last year I read Five people you meet in Heaven. It nearly ripped my heart out of my chest; I cried my eyes out.
Thumbing through Olsteen's Your Best Life Now; The Artist's Way, Soul Mates, The Celestine Prophecy, McGraw's Family First & Self Matters; God wants you to be Rich, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Trump's How to Get Rich; The Dance of Anger, The Dance of Intimacy, Trapped in the Mirror, etc.
Biographies: I Tina, Christopher Reeves, Michael J. Fox, Mark Kay, William Ralndolf Hearst, Dick Butke, Ronald Reagan, Patty Davis, Nancy Reagan, etc.
Magazines: I tend to favor Hearst publications such as Redbook, Cosmopolitan, and Oprah; Prevention, DanceSpirit, Dance Teacher
Athletic Director was my latest, but did not move me.
I well than make up for a cable bill with all the books and magazines I buy.

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I am becoming a stamp and sticker queen since I have been losing the use of my hands. Someday I will write a book or two with the use of a "speaking" software-- God willing I live long enough to learn how to use it and have the health to do so. I hope we are all connected when it happens so I can tell you about it. Please tune in here from time to time to get and update as I would like you all be readers. If all goes well, yes, I am egotistical enough to hope it is made into a movie. A blessing would be to hand it over to my daughter who is a director in progress and my hero. We are the wind beneath each other's wings.


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How does Mariah Carey put it in her song?
"There's a hero if you look inside your heart... you don't have to be afraid of what you are...Then a hero comes along with the strength to carry on, and you cast your fears aside, and you know you can survive... and when you feel like hope is gone, you look inside... you finally see the truth that a hero lies in you.. It's a long road, and you face the world alone...no one reaches out a hand for you to hold...then a hero comes along...Lord knows dreams are hard to follow, but don't let anyone tear them away. Hold on until tomorrow, and in time you'll find the way...Then a hero comes along with the strength to carry on and you'll see the truth that a hero lies in you.
Jesus is my true hero. God has carried me with the help of good people on earth, but ultimately there is much I have to face on my own. We go through the birth and death canal one at a time each with a unique set of abilities and emotions that only God can fathom. I believe because of Him we will met again. I cannot imagine a better hero than such an ominous bieng.

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My daughter is my hero.

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My Blog

Universe: Here are my goals and dreams.

See: http://dybo.blogspot.com/  It is time for me to change. Just as NASA shows these "Galaxies Merging."It is time for me to push my computer techno skills through the roof. I need to be able t...
Posted by Kat on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 08:52:00 PST

Check out this video: Thats What Friends Are For

Check out this video: Thats What Friends Are For ..Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Kat on Wed, 28 May 2008 07:34:00 PST

Getting to know...

A Dozen Ways to Get to Know Your Real Partner .. --> sub head --> The Signs Are All Around You.. --> author(s) -->By Stacy D. Phillips Special to Yahoo! Personals .. --> date -->Updated: May 20, 2008 ...
Posted by Kat on Sun, 25 May 2008 07:58:00 PST

Check out this video: Iron Man "The Story" Featurette

Check out this video: Iron Man "The Story" Featurette ..Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Kat on Fri, 09 May 2008 05:29:00 PST

My personality

The Picto-Personality Test..http://www.quizgalaxy.com/result_images/head-map.jpg" />You are a person who is very ambitious, and constantly thinking of ways to further your own goals.When alone, you ap...
Posted by Kat on Sat, 03 May 2008 08:32:00 PST

Check out this video: DP lip sync

Check out this video: DP lip sync ..Add to My Profile | More Videos Go Donna! Rah-rah, sis boob bah!...
Posted by Kat on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 09:14:00 PST

elvis i still cry

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1yfMUx9g80 In memory of Elvis, in honor of Pricisilla and their daughter, Lisa Marie....
Posted by Kat on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 09:43:00 PST

Check out this video: Heres to the Crazy Ones

Check out this video: Heres to the Crazy Ones ..Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Kat on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 11:17:00 PST

Thank You Kieth

Spead the word to join my dance group/forum: "Dance Like No One Is Looking." The most memorable thing  from the Tuesday, Result Show was seeing Steve Gutenburg do the tango with Johnathan in thei...
Posted by Kat on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 06:07:00 PST

Check out this video: What the Hell Is Going on with Priscilla Presleys Face (TMZ Exclusive)

This is so sad.Check out this video: What the Hell Is Going on with Priscilla Presleys Face (TMZ Exclusive) ..Add to My Profile | More VideosI wondered what what was wrong with her face. ...
Posted by Kat on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 08:26:00 PST