I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking
About Me
Oh hi. I'm Roofus Rigamortis, du weewy goodest stuffy EVER. And you cud be tooo! If you are a stuffy, plushy, puppet, furry friend, bucktoof rodent, do-me, or other miscellaneous stuffed fluff (or a Playboy bunny!), with a permanent big head full of hot air, this club is for you!And in case you didnt no, I’m SO weewy good. I’m actuawwy a pwOduct of 20 years of custom UPgrades and improvements, my mOmmmys imagination, and of course aww dee OFFICIAW Members of my weewy goodest FAN CWUB. im so weewy good. (check out my fan cwub tooo) And byyyyyyyy du way, membership count IS in du 1000’s, or maybe even hundweds even! i dont weewy no how to count past 2 but im SURE my membership is WEEWY good. and deres a wOdda members hoo do me aww day wong. wike Oodibur, when he’s driving his cAr and gets mad at uver drivers dats when i get to to say weewy good fings to dose guys. but he was being a bucktoof and wouldn't stwaighten up his cAr on du side of du house, so my mOmmmy made him get out of cawifornia. i used to have anuver deoddy but he doesnt wike my mOmmy anymore. he sed shes high maintenance, whatever DAT is. i miss me tewwibwy BOO HOO! i gOt a Bunny. her fOdo is in my PICS tooo. anb in a couple Videos. I’m usuawwy orange (see Roofus du Do-Me and Roofus du New-Me in my videos and fOdos), anb im a caterpiwwar too. and a bucktoof rodent. and a monkey. and any uver stuffy a Roofus-DOer doos. YOU cud be a Roofus-DOer tooo, if your weewy GOOD, wike ME! Or if you weewy wike me! Or if your a bunny wif big ears!
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
uver weewy guot guys. and dose who DO me. and of course everybody who finks im du weewy goodest stuffy on erf. anb im pwetty sure dats evwybody.