Incandescence profile picture


Teddy Ruxpin Owns My Vagina.

About Me

.. Myspace Layout
..**I hope you'll read this** but I know you won't.. So I'm gonna cut this shit .. Hey.. I'm paranoid so I'm not putting my damn name in this thing. Teddy Ruxpin is the best! If you attempt to get to know me, you'll probably think I'm strange. Okay, I don't really have many friends because I am a little odd. I'm in love with a wonderful man named Joel. I'm very perverted. I can turn anything into something nasty and I blame my mother. I have a potty mouth and once again I blame my mother =x. Don't Hate Me Amy and I = Ghost Busties. I have a strange obsession with a mannequin head that I acquired during cosmetology school but unfortunately, she's being held hostage... okay, so when I broke up with this ex, I forgot to take her with me out of his house. I'm such a horrible person haha. Yes, I have issues, but SO DOES EVERYONE ELSE.. so fuck off with your 'poor me' bullshit. *smiles*
You must like to spank or be spanked, because your
romance is remeniscent of Secretary. A truly
modern love story, it shows that you don't need
to be conventional to be normal. You're
probably the type that owns a whole lot more
leather than what's upholstering your car or
sofa. Yeah, you know what I mean.
What Romance Movie Best Represents Your Love Life?
brought to you by Quizilla
What is your Anti-Drug?

My Interests

JAMES SPADER!!!! Singing, writing, piano, guitar, blah blah blah.. I like music.. piercings, tatts, any body mods, toasters (muwahaha), fire, intelligent debates, that creepy body art, inventing new makeup colors!!, hair dye?, ice skating!,

I'd like to meet:

There are some celebrities that I haven't officially 'met' but the restraining orders probably speak for themselves. I like people who don't give a shit about what other people think about them. I don't ask for much.. as long as you aren't a fake fuck I'll probably have no problem with you! If you have an open mind I'm always willing to talk to new people. I'm not here to meet someone for a relationship or anything like that.. I'm perfectly content in my marriage. That's never going to change. I love my baby daughter, Scarlett with all my heart! I'm not here to start fights or make enemies.. My life does not revolve around Myspace, you fucks.. I'm just looking for shit to do when I'm bored! Imagine that!! If you don't want to be grown up and have an open mind, then don't fucking talk to me. Pretty simple if you ask me!
Oh yeah - If you don't use your motherfucking turn signal when you're driving.. Don't fucking talk to me. In fact, just go drown yourself in a pool of vile, rotting and soiled trojan condoms. You're probably an ignorant, lazy, retarded fucking douchebag and I don't give 2 fluffy merry shits about anything you could possibly have to say. You're worthless lumps of mad cow diseased herpes twat cysts that leak pathetic and diseased fluid upon everyone who has ever driven a car correctly. If that wasn't clear enough - I hate you because you're incompetent and they should have never let you off of the short bus. Thanks




Oh man.. Where to start? I enjoy many different things, from Industrial to Death Metal to some crazy poppy shit on the radio. As long as it's not cuntry - I'll probably be able to listen to it. However, I really don't enjoy boys/men that sing like little girls and cry over a relationship that lasted 2 weeks. It's just.. hmm. Just - Stop ... Please grow some balls. Thanks.


James Spader movies. Horror flicks. I have a crush on Ray Liotta on coke. There once was this japanese movie I watched - it was called Embalming, I think. That shit was great and I really need to find it again. It's an amazing drinking movie if you're into that sort of thing. Take into consideration, I never said it was a great movie - it's a great drinking movie, like True Romance. Yep.


Boston Legal
Carnivale (thanks to Sean!)
Big Brother (My mom's fault)
Flava of Loveee! hahaha
ROCK OF LOVE! I very much enjoy hearing Bret talk about his constant boners.


Who can honestly say that they don't think this is hot?....
img src=" andescence/bettiepagegettingsmacked.gif"


My Mother.. for making sure I looked like the kid in this picture:

My Blog

You know what I really fucking hate?

Okay - So, I hate a lot of things.  However, lately I have been a personal witness to this thing that I find quite ridiculous - 15-17 year old little snob ass bitches who think they know what is ...
Posted by Incandescence on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 10:38:00 PST

The most simple lesson you’ll never learn until it’s too late.

It was just another day, another typical conversation; I was talking to a young girl in my store.  She was complaining about how her parents wouldn't let her dye her hair a weird color and how sh...
Posted by Incandescence on Tue, 20 May 2008 06:32:00 PST

Something else I feel I need to post

perfect fit......... i could make a dress a robe fit for a prince ...
Posted by Incandescence on Mon, 19 May 2008 08:28:00 PST

I just feel like I want to post this.

Yeah.  I know it's old.  It's still relevant.  I just feel like shit. Broken doll baby And she says that life's a waste It doesn't have to be that way Dad threw away her mom Her ...
Posted by Incandescence on Sun, 11 May 2008 06:26:00 PST

Holy crap seriously

Fuckin Black Dahlia Murder fuckin owned tonight.. Shana will post quotes... ahahhahahaha
Posted by Incandescence on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 10:27:00 PST

I'm a Mommy!

So.. I'm a Mommy! I never thought I'd ever say that.  It still baffles the hell out of me to look at my daughter and realize that she's actually mine.  I actually made her!  Finally, I...
Posted by Incandescence on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 10:22:00 PST


Well.. the time of misery is coming to an end!  My little behemoth bundle of joy is going to be brought into this world via c-section on MONDAY!  THANK GOD!  I am huge.  I am mis...
Posted by Incandescence on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 07:33:00 PST

What No One Tells You About Being Knocked Up.

Okay.. so I've just been thinking lately about this all.  Well, let's face it, I can't very well get away for a couple hours.  When you have a baby in your belly, that's all you really think...
Posted by Incandescence on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 08:32:00 PST

And *drumrollllll...* I'm having a baby __?__.....

GIRL!!!!!! Her little head is on the right and she's holding her hand up.  I don't have a scanner =( Yes!!  A little baby girl!  She spread her legs and said "LOOK AT MY GIRLY PARTS!!...
Posted by Incandescence on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 07:36:00 PST

Hahaha This Is SO Me Right Now!

So, I wonder if I'm having quadruplets or maybe I just need to lay off the Auntie Anne's pretzels?  hahah  ..  I will find out soon!!!  I'm in that awkward period where I don't l...
Posted by Incandescence on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 10:35:00 PST