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Cimmerian City

A science fiction novel of the future - Coming Summer 2007

About Me

Available Now!!!
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Distributed by Ingram and Baker & Taylor
ISBN: 0-9793674-7-6
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Which Cimmerian City character are you?
Congratulations! You are Raven Blackheart
Raven Blackheart - Quick-witted, hotheaded and always ready to act, you are the star of the show. You have fooled many with your pretty face, but that's a plus for you...plenty enough time to catch your opponent off guard!

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Today, corporations are the new aristocracy. A laundry list of side effects accompanies almost every new drug introduced on the market. What if these side effects changed us?
Imagine waking up in a futuristic world were corporations are the new aristocracy. The world has been divided into 2 hemispheres and 2 races: Humans and quick tough skinned vampire-like creatures that are children of the side effects of 20th century pharmaceutical experiments...Dracins.
Imagine dying as a human…and waking up as something else.
This is the life of Raven Blackheart, a formerly bored college student turned agent for the Tech Corporation, the largest corporate entity in the Western Hemisphere. Vice President Tyler Deamond, directs Raven as a go between and the last hope for the unification of Humans and Dracins. As deaths start occurring within the corporation headquarters, Raven notices someone is working their way up the food chain. Alliances are questioned as Deamond’s intentions aren’t quite as noble as they seem. A figure reemerges from Raven’s past who may have all the answers to the disappearance of her father...
Cimmerian City is a futuristic sci-fi thriller where government has become big business, pharmaceuticals carry a veil of ghastly side effects and a third world war is brewing between the two races.
Relax...It’s just the 21st century.
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"Love vampire fiction threaded with sci-fi? Pick up a copy of Cimmerian City, sit back, and enjoy the wild ride.
I give this novel four zinnias. It’s a definite keeper!"
-Zinnia Hope
Author of 'Conspiracy of Angels' & 'The Red Storm'
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"Cimmerian City shows us a frightening outcome to current fears of crises on every front. From global warming and rampant pollution, to race wars and violence, from global control of the world's economy by a handful of corporations, to controversial medical experimentation for profits for a drug-dependent society. Here is the extreme vision that Cimmerian City give us of the haves and the have-nots. The few people who can afford to protect themselves from this severally damaged world and those who are subject to the uncertainty of daily life."
-Kir Royal of 'Cocktail Reviews' ty-mundania-press-llc

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"Cimmerian City by Rae Lindley is the type of book that in this reviewer's wide experience, is all too rare: an utterly unstoppable tale which latches on to the reader from the first sentences, then sets a death-defying pace through realms known and unknown, flying the reader through plot twists and turns, character delineations, and theme. Highly recommended is this book, because I literally could not put it aside until completed; and immediately accorded it an important spot on my Keeper Shelf!"
-Annie Haws of 'Wild Child Publishing'
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"This is one story that has a high impact punch, a great plot that is fast paced and so intriguing that you cannot put this one down. Within the covers of this book you will discover a variety of crisis which is in the minds of everyone including global warming, war, violence, pollution, medical, pharmaceuticals and economical issues.
Cimmerian City is an intense read with many layers and issues to uncover throughout this story. I look forward to her future releases in this trilogy. This is another highly recommended read and a definite 5 stars."
-Terry South of Quality Book Reviews -city
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"The main character, Raven, describes a dark world that would give most folks nightmares. This is a very scary place, perhaps I just want it to be a work of Fantasy."
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“Ms. Lindley builds an intriguing world and then births a cast that breathes life into a suspenseful plot. This story’s heroine is stout and hardy as Raven battles Dracin and human alike, while searching for the elusive truth about Tech Corporation and her role in its success. Tyler Deamond is a scoundrel personified as he discards his earliest engineered people as failures, because they will not blindly comply with his plans. Russell Li remains quite a mystery throughout this story though clearly Raven’s romantic distraction as they both persevere in hindering Tech Corp’s supremacy. Cimmerian City is definitely not a light read, but one that will keep a reader entertained for several hours.”
- A Dedicated Reader, Pamela Jenewein of Romance At Heart Magazine

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My Interests

EPIC, the Electronically Published Internet Connection

I'd like to meet:

Fellow sci-fi fans, book lovers, artists, creative types, and dreamers alike!


With the mood of - Vangelis, Marina Raye & Juno Reactor


Reminiscent of - Blade Runner, La Femme Nikita, Blade


Inspired by Philip K. Dick, Luc Besson & Ridley Scott

My Blog

RIP San Winston

A great loss to the visual effects community, great movies and moviegoers everywhere. Winston worked on some classic sci-fi films that still kick butt to this day.Stan Winston, dead at 62; Oscar-winni...
Posted by Cimmerian City on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 12:53:00 PST

Cimmerian City 2 is finally finished!

Whew! Now that Myspace is letting me post again I'm going to try and get all the news goodies I can before it gives me another unexpected error. This month's newsletter just went out in the mail for a...
Posted by Cimmerian City on Sat, 24 May 2008 09:41:00 PST

Mandy and Michelles Raven Happy Hour moves to nights!

My fellow authors Michelle and Mandy are moving their Raven Radio timeslot to the night and I thought I'd pass the word on for them. Both are great, fun ladies with a passion for the written word and ...
Posted by Cimmerian City on Sat, 24 May 2008 09:28:00 PST

Spreading the love of reading, one continent at a time

(X-Posted from week I received an email from a man out of the blue. I was shocked! This was a man who loved reading so much he decided to become a librarian as he col...
Posted by Cimmerian City on Mon, 05 May 2008 04:23:00 PST

Release & Acquisitions

X - posted from A Writer's DreamIn my effort to catch up with all things that got left behind for the past month or so, I have gathered some great news...and lots of it!First off, thanks for all the c...
Posted by Cimmerian City on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 01:38:00 PST

Cimmerian City at the RT con

Hello readers, writers and folks.I know it’s been ages upon ages since I posted a blog here. I finally have a few updates for ya. Between the Sheets is hosting a few goodies for you readers out ...
Posted by Cimmerian City on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 02:03:00 PST

Ooh! Cimmerian City is nominated and so am I!

Being sick is no fun. :-(Yup, I caught the sickie winter flu thing that's been going around attacking immune systems everywhere. The good news is it's finally going away and I'm feeling like a normal ...
Posted by Cimmerian City on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 01:02:00 PST

2008 - The Year We Make Futuristic Romance Contact

Cross posted from A Writer's DreamI remember a recent email I received from a bookseller friend of mine. Earlier this year she heard a blurb from a romance conference where they were discussing trends...
Posted by Cimmerian City on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 12:54:00 PST

Dystopian December

It's a fabulous week for dystopian sci-fi in the visual media. In movies 'I Am Legend' is kicking butt all over the box office with a $76 million opening making it the biggest opening in December. And...
Posted by Cimmerian City on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 06:17:00 PST

Interview with Joyce Anthony and looking forward to 2008

I posted two blogs over at A Writer's Dream. One of which is a look back on all that's happened to me in 2007. It's definitely been a wild ride and I feel like I accomplished a lot. I'm so looking for...
Posted by Cimmerian City on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 04:38:00 PST