I'd like to meet:
I've announced that I will be shifting all my sizzling material over to my J. Emberglass nom de plume. I have a myspace as such too. Moreover, watch this page for new changes and a new look so that it promotes my paranormal fiction, fantasy, and sci-fi.
MySpace Graphics & MySpace Layouts
Beauty comes in many forms. My brain works in strange ways. Plot ideas come to me out of the blue, literally smacking into my skull with all the details intact, the characters whole, the settings set up as if waiting for me to put them in their proper places on stage. Images such as the ones on this page inspire me too.
To learn more about me, my agented work, and the titles that I also sell to e-publishers, sign up for my free author newsletter.
Z's Author Newsletter
Now available at Wild Child Publishing!
These two distinct stories compliment one another and reveal the wonders of the heart, the unique magic of life, and the mysterious mechanics of the universe.
In Tennesee Waltz in the Park, Lily's father convinces her that Jason left her for another woman. Over a century later, Lily finds herself wandering the frigid streets of a lonely town only to bump into an elderly Jason...but what power has allowed them to live for so long and why?
In the second story, Visiting Donna Dee, Arnold Cuttshaver is released from prison after serving 50 years for murder. But is he really guilty? And what about Regina, who manages the bookstore where he works and lives? Is she really his Donna Dee from 50 years ago, or did the universe play a cruel trick on them too?
The Red Storm (print -romantic, sci-fi)
Free Spirits (novella - fantasy)
Conspiracy of Angels (print - paranormal)
***Also available at Amazon.com
Honeysuckle and Wild Roses (novella - fantasy)
The Sexual Science of Witchery (bites - sci-fi
When It Comes to Sex
PinknSexxyMyspace Contact Tables
The Red Storm...check it out! http://lavenderisis.com/theredstormbuy.html
Which character in Conspiracy of Angels really has a secret to hide?