Marshall Man!! profile picture

Marshall Man!!

To believe that Aristocrats will give us our Freedom is to understand neither Aristocrats nor Freedo

About Me

Thanx for stopping by my friend. Always happy to meet new people, make new friends and exchange advice and experiences. If you'd like to know me better, feel free to read my Bio in my blog. For now, visit with a few of my friends and enjoy your stay. ADAPT- IMPROVISE- OVERCOME- PERSERVERE- be RESILIENT... AND MAKE YOUR DREAM HAPPEN! CRANK IT UP, ROLL ON THE THROTTLE... AND ROCK ON!! music layout @ HOT

My Interests

Lead Guitar/songwriter: my musical style is in the Hard Rock/Metal/Melodic Metal and Experimental/Progressive Rock/Metal genres. My focus is on creating originals only; I see no sense in pounding out songs in which others have already beat to death. Some of my songs come with a mean blues flavor, some with a wild melodic flavor, some with a bad-ass tribal flavor, some with a really "pissed off" flavor and some with a bacon-cheddar flavor; whatever the flavor... friends and enemies like it... mostly on rye with mayo. Presently I use .011" gauge strings and setup my guitars with a full step dropped/dropped "C". I have a loud, raw, gutsy dark metal tone that'll kick you in the head and leave you for dead! Understand, I don’t claim to be as badass as any other guitarist out there… I am my own guitarist... and I do claim to be as badass as ME! And no one can be ME... better than ME, period! I do all of my own amp mods, guitar building and fretwork. If you're an Austin, Texas local and in need of any guitar repair or advice, feel free to contact me. Arch Enemy - We will Rise

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I'd like to meet:

LOOKING FOR METAL/HARD ROCK, BASS, DRUMS AND VOCALS WITH AMBITION!Based in Austin, Texas, I'm a Lead Guitarist originally from Chicago with over 25 year’s experience. I am presently looking for a dedicated BASS, DRUMS and VOCALS team or individuals looking to create an ORIGINAL Metal act to eventually tour. I write songs mostly in a full step dropped/dropped "C" tuning. My friends say I sound kinda' like ZAKK WYLDE, GARY HOEY, and JOE SATRIANI with a Dark Melodic Metal flavor. Most of my songs are wicked, some melodic and others more epic sounding (movie soundtrack action stuff). NOT your typical boring "cookie cutter" metal by any stretch. I'm looking for a collaborative, fun, NO drama, TEAM effort band atmosphere. If this sounds like you, let's metal up! As far as the music is concerned, I'm NOT necessarily interested in doing or learning any covers, with the ONLY possible exception being a re-mix of something obscure or forgotten into a heavier format as a fun, marketing promo. I’ve too many ideas in my head and can tap into creativity at will, to waste my time on re-hashing what other people have already accomplished; besides, this is about US, not them! The goal is to polish our act in Austin locally and prepare to tour. This is a serious, professional and fun venture, and video broadcast over the internet as we tour. If you're tired of the "tip jar, bar star" political scene here in Austin and want to do something about your musical career, then let's make it happen! If you're committed to a life of Metal music, fun, meeting people and making contacts, being on video, and touring with other bands and getting the recognition we all need to succeed, contact me and let's put a show together now! MykeTy Oliver-Made Of Memories


My influences are; ZAKK WYLDE, GARY HOEY, PAUL GILBERT, YNGWIE MALMSTEEN, JEFF BECK, "DIMEBAG", ARCH ENEMY, ROBIN TROWER, KORN, CREED, DAVE URICH, LESLIE WEST, METALLICA, TOOL, LAMB OF GOD, DC SLATER, RAMMSTEIN, DISTURBED, CREED, ROB BALDUCCI, HIM, ERIC JOHNSON, RONNIE MONTROSE, FRANK MARINO, DEF LEPARD, OZZIE, NUNO BETTENCOURT, CARL CULPEPPER, MARILYN MANSON, JIMI HENDRIX, JOE SATRIANI, CHRIS BRODERICK, JEFF BECK, GRETCHEN, JOHN PETRUCCI, PAT TRAVERS, PAT THRALL, UGLY KID JOE, EVH, ERIK MONGRAIN, and... pretty much everyone else. I also like TRANCE/HOUSE MUSIC... most genres of music actually... don't care for Rap... NOT music... it sounds more like lazy, 60-IQ, shit salesmen with mouths full of samples to me. Try expending effort and learn an instrument, any masturbating clown can talk bullshit! And although I like a shitload of remix music, I wouldn’t particularly classify DJ's as musicians either... skilled... yes, musicians who play a musical "instrument"... no! Here's a video link of three guys who applied some effort to learn an instrument... see what they do with it.


What the bleep do we know?, The Secret, V for Vendetta, Braveheart, The Patriot, They Live, The Island, Pitch Black, The Chronicles of Riddick, Dune, Enemy of the State, Blade Runner, Any Star Wars & Star Trek, Alien, Aliens, High Plains Drifter, Jeepers Creepers 1&2, The Time Machine, The Day the Earth Stood Still, The Forgotten, Batman Begins, Van Helsing, Planet of the Apes, The Shooter, Live Free or Die Hard. On the lighter side; The Thomas Crown Affair, Frequency, The Wedding Date, Click, Rock Star, The Scent of a Woman. Basically, anything where justice is served and the good guys win... unlike real life where corrupt, anti-social personalities run our Local, State and Federal governments.


Turn that useless alpha wave generating, indoctrination, propaganda machine off and DO something!!! Television and the media have one purpose, and one purpose only... to manipulate the perspectives of the populace, to distract with entertainment and program us using junk science and dis-information, into non-questioning, crotch-licking, perpetual consumer sheep! "Baaaaaaa"!


I have a personal library of over 500 books. Novels and stories seem to bore the hell out of me, I personally prefer the academic material, Quantum Physics, Astrophysics (and the many branches of science that fall under those categories)... also Metaphysics, Psychology, Parapsychology, Philosophy, Religion, Occult, Business Administration, Investing, History, Archeology, Biography, Engineering and Applied Sciences. Anything and everything that presents to me a larger world view than the daily cursory observations, and that which creates questions in my mind. I enjoy reading the latest research material purchased from M.I.T., Stanford, the Middle East and Asian and Japanese technological research papers, which is material generally concerning discoveries made many years before you'll ever see the sanitized, sheeps version on the Discovery channel, most of which at that point is disinformation. I find the more I read, educate and apply myself, the more I laugh at the pablum presented in our media, and have contempt for the many asinine comments our elected officials espouse which the average person, having more common sense, would never say. Ever wonder why ALL of our great paradigm shifting discoveries where made by the freethinking, garage tinkerers, NOT the politically funded research labs? These are the courageous people who question what was taught in the mainstream about science and reality. We cannot discover the answers to the phenomenon which exist, or reach our next technological paradigm shift if we maintain scientific perspectives based on 150 year old thinking. Remember... those who know, DO! Those who don't, teach! Question what you are taught! Become the innovators, not the followers!


Jesus, my Mother, my Cherokee, Scottish and German ancestors. Nikola Tesla, Paul Dirac, Thomas Bearden, David Bohm, Richard Feynman, John Hutchinson, T. Townsend Brown, Stephen Hawking, Thomas Henry Moray, Albert Einstein and just about every Physicist, Theoretical Physicist, Astrophysicist or freethinking inventor of the last 200 years. If you don't take your education into your own hands by exposing yourself to any real discovery and experience on your own, and question what you are taught... you wouldn't understand the importance or contributions of these great "maverick" scientists, or how and why many of their greatest discoveries are suppressed to this day simply to keep the status quo. Oh... and you won't be discovering any facts about them on the Discovery channel.

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Marshall Mans Bio...

Originating from Chicago;      Austin, Texas is the 9th city I've lived and happy to call home... for now. My next move may well be to the Caribbean or Europe.&...
Posted by Marshall Man!! on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 01:26:00 PST