Writing, and Myself.
Myself. I am great. I would also like to meet more stacks of money. The numerous ones I currently possess I have made enemies of, and they call me names. I fear they will strike at me in my sleep..
By the way, my soulless robotic talents are always up for sale. Send me a movie, and I will send you a blurb. The price table depends on how miraculous my blurb is. Prices could range from $2.00 ("grrr.." -Peter Travers, Rolling Stone) to $500 ("Pure cinematic ecstacy! Fills the belly and the mind" -Peter Travers, Rolling Stone) and up. Souls are also an acceptable and sometimes prefered payment method.
Due to popular demand, I have entered the realm of music! Now Travers accepts CDs as well as movies, and the Universe as we know it will never be the same again. Watch out Buddy Holly, your time on the charts may be numbered! Travers out.
Fall Out Boy
I can't watch movies. They upset the fragile balance of my simple mind.
I like to sit in front of my television when it is off, so I can stare at my reflection and pretend that I am watching a show about Myself.
I am illiterate
Sauron, Hitler, Satan, and Myself. And yes, Myself must be capitalized.