freezing my cat's head in the name of science
this sad little boy:
...but here's someone for YOU to meet. This is my friend Mary. This one time, I asked her how old she was, and she said her construction date was irrelevant to my comparatively short would-be life-span, and then she ate my soul! Oh Mary...
Rest In Peace, Mary. We loved you, and that only made you hate us more..
Guys who look homeless (and sound like it too)
...but if I ever saw any of these 'musicians' while stopped at a stop light, I would still lock my car doors, as any self-respecting middle-class white person would do. Hey, pan-handling is only one bad day away from killing me with a hobo knife and stealing my kidneys as far as I'm concerned, record deal or NOT..
Dan Auerbach from The Black Keys
Ray Lamontagne
Josh Ritter
Jeff Tweedy from Wilco
Jesus . His fourth album is simply a crucifixion of bliss.
I'm afraid the strain was more than he could bear..
So then Bob was like, 'No you did NOT, Darlene! That eskimo swore to me on his inhuman soul!' and then Darlene, (and you know Darlene) she looks at him and goes, "Eskimo? That was my mother!!" And then Bob knifed her in the stomach. So THEN -oh, wait ...I'll finish later. Somebody's reading this...
Lord Of The Dragon Hobbits, Call Of The Wild Russians by Karl Marx, How I Learned To Hate Latin America by Teddy Roosevelt, and things that AREN'T written by William "The Hack" Shakespeare. Also, Robert E. Howard, Alan Moore, Warren Ellis, Ed Brubaker, Grant Morrison, Mark Millar, Planetary, Fables, Miracleman, Foxtrot, Calvin&Hobbes, Naruto (GASP!), and other immature things with pictures because I'm like a child.
and anyone who still believes in Communism