Von Doom profile picture

Von Doom


About Me

I am a shadow of the things that I like.

Name: Adam N. Von Arx ...the 'N' stands for 'Danger'
Birthday: if that's a question where's the question mark
Birthplace: earth
Current Location: *sigh* still earth..
Eyes: Sharingan
Hair: Ice Spikes
Height: more than you bargained for
Right Handed or Left Handed: it depends, am I batting or pitching? Jesus Satan Christ, get it together Survey..
Your Heritage: Whichever ones killed all of the Indians
The Shoes You Wore Today: orphan skin, made from delicious, delicious orphans
Your Weakness: bullets and Capitalism
Your Fears: Rabid Capitalist orphans that shoot bullets out of their mouths.
Your Perfect Pizza: Baby seal cub and extra cheese, with BBQ sauce instead of pizza sauce
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: to stop having to come up with goals all the time
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: "Stop undressing me with your eyes, Ben Affleck!"
Thoughts First Waking Up: 'Still alive?? What a waste...'
Your Best Physical Feature: my razor sharp adamantium claws
Your Bedtime: whenever the claws say it's okay
Your Most Missed Memory: That time when Lance Armstrong gave me a LiveStrong bracelet and said "Never give up, kid", but I was like 22 and the bracelet was laced with steroids, and then he started punching me in the face with his bike of oppression, then he gave me cancer. He was like a father to me.. *sniff*
Pepsi or Coke: blood
MacDonalds or Burger King: whatever Jesus eats
Single or Group Dates: rape
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: blood
Chocolate or Vanilla: Wendy's
Cappuccino or Coffee: still blood
Do you Smoke: fuck that shit
Do you Swear: never
Do you Sing: if this is a question about my fencing skills, then yes.
Do you Shower Daily: nope, I speak French
Have you Been in Love: only with people that don't love me back
Do you want to go to College: your MOM goes to college. HA! Oh man, you asked for that..
Do you want to get Married: hmm.. what would jesus do... Okay, I would NOT get married and instead allow myself to be crucified until I die. I guess that's KIND OF like marriage..
Do you belive in yourself: I believe in beating down snooty surveys that try to inspire you with inane questions. That's right, you heard me, bitch. I will burn you down faster than you can say COMMAND_ERROR
Do you get Motion Sickness: no I'm not gay
Do you think you are Attractive: I asked my magic mirror, but the stupid thing shattered before it could answer. That is the LAST time I ever shop at Walgreens
Are you a Health Freak: Freak?? If you're going to insist on calling me names, you'd better put up your hands, survey. What's that..? Haven't got hands? Good. *POW*!!
Do you get along with your Parents: ...is this about life insurance..? Yes.
Do you like Thunderstorms: I wish I was a thunderstorm..
Do you play an Instrument: Xbox 360 and knives
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: nope, only blood
In the past month have you Smoked: just crack pipes filled with heroin and diamonds and babies and trees from the rainforest
In the past month have you been on Drugs: can't remember
In the past month have you gone on a Date: geez, this is getting invasive. I'd prefer not to talk about how pathetically lonely I am..
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: no, and I feel terrible about it
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: only if "sushi" is another term for "orphans"
In the past month have you been on Stage: actually, I'm in a band that you may have heard of. U2..? I'm not the annoying arrogant one with the shades and the pushy "holier than thou" attitude. Oh wait- that's all of them.
In the past month have you been Dumped: yes, into a vat of chemichal waste, and my eyes still sting. Thanks Batman, you jerk ass!
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: are you wearing a wire or something, survey? Well if you aren't a cop then lift up your shirt!
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: only souls, but no one misses those in L.A. anyway..
Ever been Drunk: ever been beaten into a bloody heap of broken survey?
Ever been called a Tease: once, by Taylor. It was the highlight of my career.
Ever been Beaten up: doubtful. I'm Spider-man
Ever Shoplifted: despite what The Bugle says, Spider-man doesn't shoplift
How do you want to Die: I don't
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: a firetruck!
What country would you most like to Visit: Minnesota
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: red mirror-wheel
Favourite Hair Color: gold
Short or Long Hair: bacon
Height: Metropolis
Weight: longitude
Best Clothing Style: the dewey-decimal system
Number of Drugs I have taken: approx. 0
Number of CDs I own: 50 GB
Number of Piercings: only one; through my heart
Number of Tattoos: pancakes
Number of things in my Past I Regret: murdering that woman and her unborn child because she didn't use her turn signal, which is OBVIOUSLY not that much trouble to use! ..Ha, just kidding. I don't regret that at all. Bitch had it coming..
If I die with a harmonica in my mouth, I'll know I've lived a good life.
Shameless self-promotion alert! I MIGHT be somewhere in this online Jelly Belly ad (HINT: I'm the black guy), but I have yet to rule out the possibility of sinister clone or cybernetic duplicate. OR shape-changing alien, for that matter. But I must say, I'm upset they didn't use my ideas for "baby" or "heroin" flavored jelly beans. I mean what the hell?? It's like they don't want money.

My Interests

freezing my cat's head in the name of science

I'd like to meet:

this sad little boy:
...but here's someone for YOU to meet. This is my friend Mary. This one time, I asked her how old she was, and she said her construction date was irrelevant to my comparatively short would-be life-span, and then she ate my soul! Oh Mary...
Rest In Peace, Mary. We loved you, and that only made you hate us more..


Guys who look homeless (and sound like it too)
...but if I ever saw any of these 'musicians' while stopped at a stop light, I would still lock my car doors, as any self-respecting middle-class white person would do. Hey, pan-handling is only one bad day away from killing me with a hobo knife and stealing my kidneys as far as I'm concerned, record deal or NOT..

Dan Auerbach from The Black Keys

Ray Lamontagne

Josh Ritter

Jeff Tweedy from Wilco

Jesus . His fourth album is simply a crucifixion of bliss.


I'm afraid the strain was more than he could bear..


So then Bob was like, 'No you did NOT, Darlene! That eskimo swore to me on his inhuman soul!' and then Darlene, (and you know Darlene) she looks at him and goes, "Eskimo? That was my mother!!" And then Bob knifed her in the stomach. So THEN -oh, wait ...I'll finish later. Somebody's reading this...


Lord Of The Dragon Hobbits, Call Of The Wild Russians by Karl Marx, How I Learned To Hate Latin America by Teddy Roosevelt, and things that AREN'T written by William "The Hack" Shakespeare. Also, Robert E. Howard, Alan Moore, Warren Ellis, Ed Brubaker, Grant Morrison, Mark Millar, Planetary, Fables, Miracleman, Foxtrot, Calvin&Hobbes, Naruto (GASP!), and other immature things with pictures because I'm like a child.


and anyone who still believes in Communism

My Blog

Roger Federer does my laundry

If any of you so-called "friends" find yourselves bored out of your minds at 8:00 in the morning on Saturday, thinking "You know what would make this day worth living? Watching Adam lose at tennis." W...
Posted by Von Doom on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 10:32:00 PST

Death and taxes. ...and by 'taxes' I mean 'substance abuse'

I'm just gonna throw this one out there: can someone please kill Barry Bonds? Preferably before he hits 4 more homeruns. I'd do it myself, but this is a high profile sort of thing and I really don't n...
Posted by Von Doom on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 02:24:00 PST

The Tenticles Of Satan wants to be your friend!

Wuts up im a Wh0rebOT. I want to feeed on u. If u ilke wut u c go 2 my webcam.I will tell about myself now.My namez Irslutsia. I'm is orfin from 3rd wurld country where insted of economy we have AIDS ...
Posted by Von Doom on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 12:31:00 PST

Et tu, Brute..?

I was doing some thinking, and I decided that I want my last words to be "avenge me".And I don't care if I die slowly of cancer in a hospital bed somewhere.  "Avenge me" will be the last thing I ...
Posted by Von Doom on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 02:18:00 PST

Tis The Season...

... for stealing my bike?? What the capitalism??? Man, I can't leave you mangy imperialist dogs alone for one minute, can I?!?That's right. STOLEN. If this were Commie Russia, everyone would already h...
Posted by Von Doom on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 03:37:00 PST

A Note From The Abyss

Er.. hello there. I am unable to introduce myself, as The Master will slay me for insinuating I am worthy of designation, least of all not one of His design, but I speak on His behalf. Anyway, I'm her...
Posted by Von Doom on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 01:49:00 PST

It's not you, it's me

...Okay, it's you.Myspace, my dearest, it seems we have come to a fateful crossroad. There you are on the other side, taunting me with your unspectacular mesages and friend requests that aren't from a...
Posted by Von Doom on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 09:39:00 PST

Don't Trust Fat Mexican Women

I decided to go to a Deccatree show in Anaheim, which is how I unwind on Thursdays. Wednesdays is throwing kittens against a wall, but I like Thursdays because it's cheaper. Anyway, I'm on Deccatree's...
Posted by Von Doom on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 01:00:00 PST

ATTN: Jews (redux)

Summer re-runs? No, you pagan. This is because bulletins are fleeting, and blogs are eternal. And because what lies within this now-blog is a truth so great that every man, woman and child on this cra...
Posted by Von Doom on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 01:27:00 PST

Fuck you too, Super Sports. Fuck you too..

Ever been fucked by a sporting goods store before? Me neither, until today. Boy, it's a treat!  See, there was this tennis tournament I signed up for (The Manhattan Beach Open), and you're s...
Posted by Von Doom on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 03:13:00 PST