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I am here for Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

Originally from Ottawa, I am now living for the second time in the GTA, and loving every second of it. I left a stable and secure, but so-not-me career with the federal government to study Entertainment Management at Trebas (just graduated), and have a job as the director of A&R for Nevada Entertainment. I am also co-Founder of Heroes Gone Bad Entertainment, Director of Heroes Gone Bad Management, fulilling the role of Artist Relations and Artist Development. Wanna know more??? Hit me up then!

My Interests

MUSIC IS MY in the industry, "spare" time spent going to shows, searching for the next thing to tickle my ear drums

I'd like to meet:

First off...all of y'all! People I would have liked to have met...Ghandi, Lennon, Genghis Khan (he's one tough m.f.), Timothy Leary, George Orwell, Nina Simone, Pierre Tudeau, Princess Di, The dude from the Zig Zag pack, and the recently deceased Pope, Che Gueverro and most of all the beloved Hunter S. Thompson.Those still alive...Nelson Mandela, Bono Vox, Ralph Nader, Scarlett Johansen, Elmore Leonard, Leonard Cohen, Trent Reznor, Fidel many more...And people I wish were no longer part of society. Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Kenny G, Phil Collins (post-Genesis), Paris Hilton (for my roomie Katie), Rush Limbaugh, Billy Graham, Osama (sorry dude, but you suck), and most of all, a big Fuck you goes to GEORGE W. BUSH!


so many...80's alternative; Depeche Mode, The Smiths, Nitzer Ebb, New Order (Joy Division), OMD, The Cure, Bauhaus, The Cult, Dead Kennedys, Black Flagg, Prince, Siouxie and the Banshees, Front 242, the Ministry, Bang Tango, Blondie, Bowie, Duran Dunran, Erasure, XTC, Men at Work, Billy Bragg, Black, The Church, The Petenders, Pat Benetar, did I mention Depeche Mode??? many more. From the vault, Eric Clapton, Zep, The Doors, Hendrix, Nina Simone, Ella Fitzgerald, Leonard Cohen, The Hollies, Muddy Watters, George Clinton and Parliament, AC/DC, Steppenwolf, Black Sabbath...more to come. And newer stuff includes; Fall Out Boy, Weezer, Death Cab for Cutie, Death From Above, Depeche Mode, Circa Survive, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, DonkeyPunch, G Love and Special Sauce, Gorillaz, The Killers, Green Day, Hed Kandi, The Dears, Beastie Boys, System of a Down, AFI, Ben Harper, Billy Bragg, Billy Talent, Cake, Controller.Controller, The Crystal Method, Prodigy, Lure, Garrison Star, The Stars...and if you don't know em, Stairwell K ( Sadly, Stairwell K is no longer around, but keep your ears tuned...The Perjalotives have arrived!)


American History X, Fight Club, Red Dawn, Night of the Living Dead/Return of the Living Dead, Kalifornia, Seven, Grass, Thank you for Smoking, Death To Smoochie, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Adaptation, The Life Aquatic, Lost in Translation, The Crow, Boondock Saints, 40 Year Old many more to come...just can't think of them right now.


Coupling, 24, The Office, Jon Stewart's Daily Show, South Park, My Name is Earl, Miami Vice(awesome!!!), Dead Like Me, Weeds, Hockey, Soccer (MAN U RULES!) and NFL Football.


NEW TOP BOOKS: Girlfriend in a Coma - Douglas current fave!!! Wicked (the "bio" of the wicked witch of the West) and Kite Runner (amazing). I love to read, but mainly mainstream, so I'll probably go with anything by Leonard Cohen, James Patterson and most of Ludlum's stuff. Dante's Inferno, Memoirs of a Geisha, Lord of the Rings, anything by Stephen King (pre-1991), Catch-22, the entire Silence of the Lambs series, Harry Potter (they keep getting better and better), all Raymond Chandler's Phillip Marlowe novels, and my all time favourite... Elmore Leonard...if you haven't read him, you're missing out.


All of mine have gone bad. But in a good way.

My Blog

Message from Aaron in Billy Talent

The following post is an uplifing message from Aaron in Billy Talent. He has been living with MS, and decided to share his story. This is truly the sign of a man who gets it...please read on, take wha...
Posted by Bobak on Mon, 20 Mar 2006 12:03:00 PST

Valentine's Day!

Okay, so here it's like this. I, up until recently, was one of those people who loved to hate Valentine's Day...seriously! I used to love bitching at the commercializaton, the fact that drones...
Posted by Bobak on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 09:46:00 PST

2006 HAS to be better...right?

VOTE GREEN!!! SEND A MESSAGE! 2005 was a bit of a waste, half-way through the first century of the new millenia, and we still haven't made any leaps and bounds towards the perfection of societ...
Posted by Bobak on Fri, 06 Jan 2006 10:53:00 PST