j03m0mma / aka Mista Sista profile picture

j03m0mma / aka Mista Sista

I am here for Friends

About Me

Huge Roller Derby Fanatic now thanks to my woman Sinister Sista. :)

My Interests

Watching HRD, and getting bossed around by my woman.


The Pixies, STP, Johnny Cash, Cibo Matto, NIN, Saturday Mornings Greatest Hits, Richard Cheese, Southern Culture On The Skids, Marilyn Manson, NWA, Sir Mix a Lot, Violent Femmes, Willie Nelson, Don McLean, Sinatra, Mindless Self Indulgence,


Roomates, Love & a .45, Fight Club, Pulp Fiction, Steel Magnolias, Band of Brothers, Patton, Apocolypse Now Redux, Star Wars (all of them), When A Stranger Calls (orginal), The Exorcist, Kelly's Heroes, The Thing, Joe vs the Volcano, City of God, Love Actually, Raising Arizona(boy do you know you've got a panty on your head?), Alien1-4, We Were Soldiers, TigerLand, Trainspotting, Snatch, Inside Man, GoodFellas, Sparticus, American History X, Bridge on the River Kwai, The Great Escape, Jaws, Full Metal Jacket, BraveHeart, GroundHog Day, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, Two Mules for Sister Sara, Heathers,


uhm pretty much anything on Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, Discovery Channel, History Channel, or Military Channel, Grey's Anatomy, MST3K,


Farenhiet 454, Fight Club, Survivor (greatest book ever ask me and I'll let you borrow it), Anything by Charles Bukowski, Catch 22


probably my mom, and frandad