Rollerderby, hockey, travel, starting fires, assault (wait, thats the first two), um... stuff I can't talk about til the statute of limitations runs out.
Your Famous Last Words Will Be:
"So, you're a cannibal."
What Will Your Famous Last Words Be?
I won't Mollycodle any scofflaws or hooliganism!
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What type of hockey player are you?
You just don't care, you will punish your opponent untill they can not move. You have no problem throwing down the gloves. You will push a guy through the glass, you will shove him into the ice. Your only mission is to inflict as much pain on your enemy as possible.
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Cop A. Phil will go to jail for ...
Setting your underwear on fire
'What sexual activity will you go to jail for?' at
Bands that soud like the Ramones with a different singer, the Ramones. Other stuff.
I am 81% Punk Rock.
.. I am PUNK AS FUCK! The model punk. I care not for anything. I kick ass, but probably smell really bad. Take the
Punk Rock Test
@ FualiDotCom
Wild at heart, Bad taste, Mad Max, The Killer, UHF, Slap Shot, Spinal Tap, and other love stories
There used to be a joke in here that involved a referance from the movie "Being There" starring Peter Sellers, for the two people that got it, thank you and I'm sorry.
Grapes, by Don Cherry. Tiger, by Dave "Tiger" Williams. Ballad of the Whiskey Robber. Teen Beat but then I found out that didn't mean what I thought it did.
All the Ladies that play Rollerderby here in the Northwest, Don Koharski, Kerry Fraizer, The Hanson Brothers, Don Cherry, anybody who ever got 5 for fighting