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About Me

stuff i dig:
woihanble yuwita pine ridge habitat for humanity. mitakuye oyasin
yuwita yuwita means to unite, to bring together in lakota. Yuwita is a fledgling non-profit native-run, indigenous civil rights group
501st empire it up! lots of events, totally kickass people.
lame deer
seeker of visions, by richard erdoes. about my uncle, lame deer. honestly, everyone should read this book at least onceairr
american indian religious freedom foundation
free leonard peltier
free leonard peltier organization, suggest also reading "the trial of leonard peltier" by messerschmidt for further info.
self explanatory
keeping up to date
kili radio biggest native-owned public radio station in the U.S., broadcasts programs in lakota and english
do something small
for someone else
the cacophony society
cacophony's annual santacon
survival research laboratories - you want explosions?
pwn some n00bz!
das bunker
most awesome club ever
american diabetes associationaside from making video games for a living, oglala lakota (yes, i do speak it) friendly chick who digs video games, studying languages, math, reading voraciously, com/passionate people, loud/obnoxious types, offbeat people, eccentrics, harmless nuts, and bibliophiles. don't dig condescending people, objectivism, mean people, or fake people.

My Interests

reading, linguistics, lakota, german, russian, fancy shawl dancing, loud people, science fiction, horror, star trek, dnd, science, conspiracy theory, props, replicas, uniforms, mst3k, video games [shooters, FPS's, RTS's, rpgs], art, drawing, metal-working, kickboxing, warhammer, forgotten realms, gurps, call of cthulhu, paranoia, runequest, twilight 2k, heroes unlimited, cyberpunk, shadowrun, planescape, ravenloft, vampire, rifts, gamma world, dark sun, robotech, deadlands, dancing, comic books not involving generic spandex heroes, animation, l.a. cacophony society, neovictorian imagery, the 20s, the 30s, astrophysics, futurtek fashion, refugees from the future, politics, artsy films, wwII re-enactments, r. lee ermey, anachrotech, astronomy, horror, d20, astrobiology, maya, 3ds max, painter, zbrush, 3d art, 2d art, gnomon, wacom, really fat housecats, breakdancing, das bunker, vegan/veggie food, meat, cyberdog, cyberoptix, steel, chrome, steamtech, post-apocalyptic imagery, steam, steamtech, retrotech, steampunk, cyborgs, robots, robotics, a.i., plastikwrap, neon, shiny shiny metal things, gears, goggles

I'd like to meet:

eccentrics, harmless nuts, geeks, mad scientists, other natives, coders, hardc0re gamers, d&d/tabletop people, other industry nerds, crazy artists, 3d artists, comic dorks, astronomy enthusiasts, fellow native people, other fps junkies, old buddies, creative people, genuine people.

(pretty busy these days, so if you don't know me in person, i probably won't respond. sorry.)


powernoise, rhythmic noise, breakcore, militant industrial, disco, ebm, goth, hardcore elevator yacht rawk, showtunes, etc. s.p.o.c.k is the best band in the universe, though


the machinist, 'm', metropolis, film noir, indiana jones, big lebowski, breakin', the shawshank redemption, ghostbusters, fantastic planet, soylent green, eternal sunshine, minority report, a.i., anything with rutger hauer or ron perlman, mad max, santa sangre, bladerunner, star wars, young frankenstein, highlander, blazing saddles, quest for fire, dr. strangelove, conan, predator, dumb sci-fi, tales from a parallel universe, john waters movies, enemy at the gates, saving private ryan, band of brothers, time bandits, the adventures of baron munchausen, brazil, henry fool, rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead, some tv on dvd - oz, carnivale, deadwood, sopranos, penn and teller, the young ones, monty python, fawlty towers, red dwarf, firefly, battlestar galactica, farscape, dr who.


who has time for tv? ok, maybe deadwood. COCKSUCKAHHHHH!


compulsive reader. some: feynman's rainbow, the fairy tales of hermann hesse, chekhov - ward 6, gogol - diary of a madman, bulgakov - flight and bliss, heart of a dog, h.p. lovecraft, dostoevsky - crime and punishment, poor people, the brothers karamazov, the idiot, tolstoy - anna karenina, neal stephenson, william gibson, orson scott card, ursula k. le guin - earthsea series, stanislaw lem, a wrinkle in time, heinlein, flatland, stephen king - the dark tower series, d&d monster manuals, don quixote, confessions of a wicked stepsister, flim-flam - james randi, gravity's rainbow - pynchon, douglas adams, aldous huxley, eric idle - the road to mars, perdido street station, the scar, civilwarland in bad decline, pastoralia, george saunders, john salter, harlan ellison, everything philip k. dick, dune, bukowski - women, post office, ham on rye, the little prince, fairytales, folktales, myths, sherman alexie, noam chomsky, howard zinn, a confederacy of dunces, c.s. friedman, the coldfire trilogy, you don't have to fuck people over to survive, kurt vonnegut, why people believe weird things, the cyberiad, dorothy parker, the master and margarita, bad astronomy, we - yevgenii zamyatin, aldous huxley, utopias, dystopias, umberto eco, etc.
comics: alan moore, mike mignola, y the last man, the watchmen, fables, moonshadow, top ten, we3, starman, hellboy, wanted, 30 days of night, ben templesmith, ashley wood, frank miller, books of magic, hunter, the red star, sam and twitch, orbiter, lore, neil gaiman, the league of extraordinary gentlemen, from hell, martha washington goes to war, kingdom come, the dark knight returns, dave mckean, phil hale, too many


my best friend brad, people who aren't afraid to speak their minds, those who care about other people, people with a sense of humor. oh yeah, peewee herman

My Blog


me: hey ed, so dig thisme: if fata1ity went nuts would he be menta1ity?ed: LOL...
Posted by ix on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 06:17:00 PST

vote for cod2-joystick awards

Rawk that vote! Computer And Video Games magazine is doing their yearly awards, the Golden Joystick awards. Call of Duty 2 was nominated for: Nuts All-Nighter Award Online Game of the Year PC Game of...
Posted by ix on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 05:16:00 PST


oh man, really can't wait for this to come out!debating going to das bunker tonight. think i might be making it a night in, just me and BF2 (but i'm totally cheating on it with the prey demo)....
Posted by ix on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 07:27:00 PST

road warrior

oh boy oh boy! a little bird told me that 'The Road Warrior' is playing here on the west syyyde! suppose this means i have to get up now and put on some damn pants. congrats to you guys that got my wh...
Posted by ix on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 08:34:00 PST


i want to hump the new tactical sekt album, syncope.unF unF unF(watch the papercuts)also feel free to recommend some new comics. i seem to have fallen into a tpb rut with my trusty standbys (but no ma...
Posted by ix on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 01:50:00 PST


i must be weird, but it really bugs me when people use the word 'gaming' when they mean playing a video game. it sounds like you're going to a friggin casino and hitting the craps tables.
Posted by ix on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 07:08:00 PST


noticed something on my way back from dicking around at das beach today: there is a gym by my place. it's like the gun show that never stops, ohdamn just got a new phone, too. so if you want me to h...
Posted by ix on Tue, 30 May 2006 04:22:00 PST


you bettah work.
Posted by ix on Mon, 22 May 2006 08:26:00 PST


IM deep thought:me: hey, if you are a n00b from africame: does that make you a n00bian?me: i am the cube pirate! ARRRRRRRrrrrrrrrme: set sail on me seven c ++'s!saw a picture of a cs belt, but ca...
Posted by ix on Fri, 21 Apr 2006 09:05:00 PST


dear sweet god in heaven, i want to marry whomever is responsible for this and have his romulan nerd freak-babies forever and ever. 1d10.
Posted by ix on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 05:21:00 PST