Likes: living, WINE, video games, outdoors, our puppy TEDDY, country music, gymnastics, fires, foot rubs, cuddling, anything Greek, and t-shirts and jeans.Dislikes: heels, rules, sobers, judgemental people, cauliflower, gin, cocky people, anonymous phonecalls, and H3 hummers
You! Anyone who is down to Earth and loves having fun!
Country music. Yea, I am a Southerner - what are you going to do about it? ;o) Oldies, selective rap, alternative, the good old pop trash, and of course the occasional heavy metal/punk
SAY ANYTHING (I'm still working on it Cliff!), The Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction, American Psycho, Memento, Requiem For A Dream, The Manchurian Candidate, Strangers On A Train, Oldboy, and to throw everyone off: The Notebook and Finding Nemo
That's So Raven (of course!) :o) Grey's Anatomy, The Sopranos, House, Bones, Mystery Diagnosis, Anything on the Weather Channel since I am a nerd, Attack Of The Show, and a ton of stuff on the Discovery Health Channel
Anything by Nicholas Sparks, Jodi Picoult, or John Grisham
My parents. Sounds lame, but they have put up with so much of my bullshit and love me still