Oh tons of stuff. Hmm, let me narrow that down a bit. Convoluted attempts at world domination Unix Being BRUTALLY honest to smug people and gleefully watching the fallout Being honest but less brutal with people I actually like Cats, both big and small Dogs Carnitas burrittos intelligent conversation scientific method Taoism saying "woot woot" because it annoys people :) world of warcraft music - everything from Mozart to Mindless Self Indulgence. Fuck Country. Girls with non-girlie tattoos in non-girlie places vi (geeks of the world unite!) MMA/BJJ Chaos. Living in West Hollywood where you can get Tai food at 4am from a waiter in shorts with a bad attitude
Oh I like meeting all sorts of non-hillbilly people. Famous people typically do nothing for me, which means when I see someone famous (usually in a Starbucks) I look for an extra second or two then go about my business. I guess I'd like to meet Gyneth Paltrow and tell her to stop fucking sneering in all of her interviews. What does the air up there stink?People I DON'T want to meet include people who:
Everything from Mozart to Mindless Self Indulgence, but mostly more to the MSI side. I love industrial, or whatever new label you want to toss around the Funker Vogt type of stuff. Fuck country. I already said this damnit. PAY ATTENTION.
Oooh I like movies. Really bad ones. If you sit me down in front of a shitty movie I can complain about it for days, which is more fun than actually watching a good movie. I have my limits though. NOTHING WITH BEN AFFLECK.
Cancelled cable a long time ago, but I miss Southpark and The Daily Show.
I'm a bookworm so I bounce around a lot. The Art of War is a fav. Anything from Carl Sagan rocks. Cheesy fantasy novels are a guilty pleasure of mine. Tech books for work. Taoist books too, they help keep me sane.
I'd say Peter North but I already met him.
Crow T Robot
Whatever maniac thought of putting cheese in a can.