Carly a.k.a. Animaetrix00 profile picture

Carly a.k.a. Animaetrix00

Get busy living, or get busy dying.

About Me

Genuine. Moody. Optimistic. Idealist. Sensual. Loyal. Stubborn. Impatient. Loving. Nurturing. Lost. Found. Geek. Artist. Healer.

I am the happiest I have ever been.


Andy Dufresne: That's the beauty of music. They can't get that from you... Haven't you ever felt that way about music?
Red: I played a mean harmonica as a younger man. Lost interest in it though. Didn't make much sense in here
Andy Dufresne: Here's where it makes the most sense. You need it so you don't forget.
Red: Forget?
Andy Dufresne: Forget that... there are places in this world that aren't made out of stone, and that there's something inside that they can't get to, and that they can't touch. It's yours.
Red: What're you talking about?
Andy Dufresne: Hope.

My Interests

Massage therapy, MMOs, video games, music, skating, reading, pyrotechnics, movies, dancing, goth/industrial clubs, message boards, rollerblading, weight training, anime, acupuncture, chinese medicine, holistic health, comic books, writing, art, tattoos, piercings, couchsurfing, seeing the world, rocking out, making out, midnight walks, taking random pictures, seeing my friends succeed, creating, destroying, living.

I'd like to meet:

Friends. Clients! Mentors. Bodyworkers and energy healers, dancers and geeks. People who love to live and help make things a little better for everyone else, too. Burners and hikers and lazy movie-watchers. Dynamic and fascinating individuals. Travel partners! I want to meet you all.


we are always asked to understand the other person's viewpoint
no matter how out-dated foolish or obnoxious.

one is asked to view their total error their life-waste
with kindliness, especially if they are aged.

but age is the total of our doing. they have aged badly
because they have lived out of focus, they have refused
to see.

not their fault?

whose fault? mine?

I am asked to hide my viewpoint from them for fear of their fear.

age is no crime

but the shame of a deliberately wasted life

among so many deliberately wasted lives


- Bukowski


Foamy's Dating Advice

My friend Nate took some cool video at Burning Man 2007 the night of the burn. It's long, but if you stick with it you get the awesome oil tower explosion and some cool pyrotechnics. Worth it!


Johnny Cash, VNV Nation, Wolfsheim, Assemblage 23, Qntal, Terrorfakt, Tactical Sekt, Suicide Commando, Tori Amos, Santana, Mindless Self Indulgence, Sigur Ros, Eminem, Nina Simone, Otis Redding, Violent Femmes, TMBG, Jonny Lang, Portishead, Massive Attack, Combichrist, Rage Against the Machine, Dead Can Dance, The Killers, Coldplay, Miles Davis, Erik Truffaz, Thievery Corporation, Garden State Soundtrack, The Postal Service, Boards of Canada, Tom Waits, unlabeled people in their basements, jazz, acid jazz, electronica, ambient, goth, industrial, EBM, drum & bass, experimental - anything that makes me feel something!


Labyrinth, The Last Unicorn, American Beauty, Fight Club, Reality Bites, Moulin Rouge, The Princess Bride, Donnie Darko, Edward Scissorhands, Shawshank Redemption, Boondock Saints, Spirited Away, Empire of the Sun, Office Space, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Garden State, Oldboy, Sin City, Batman Begins, Secondhand Lions

V for Vendetta, Little Miss Sunshine, Children of Men, Grindhouse


Simpsons, Family Guy, Sex and the City, Lost, Six Feet Under, Arrested Development, Grey's Anatomy, Deadwood, The Colbert Report, The Daily Show, Dr. Who, Heroes

I don't actually watch TV, I just Netflix shows.


Neil Gaiman, Bukowski, Charles de Lint, Stephen King, ee cummings, Orson Scott Card, Frank Miller


Charles Bukowski. Neil Gaiman. Hayao Miyazaki. My grandfather.