Obsessive compulsive tendencies, a penchant for driving fast, too little time, too little money and a one eyed cat named "Raj". I am real, I am honest and I am centered. I love sushi and I don't need to use a spell check. I like to think I'm more intelligent than I usually act. I spend too much time in front of the computer as well as far too much time daydreaming. not enough time reading or playing outside. I play video games, talk about digital devices more often than you care, rant about world politics and will likely try to get you to appreciate quality alcohols. I have aspirations that far outstrip my ego but my goals are more realistic. I'm very picky but have an open mind. I like putting things back where I found them, organizing almost anything geometrically and untying knots. In the enneagram I'm supposedly a 1 but I keep testing as a 5. I like most of your average mid-twenties guy stuff I suppose although I am decidedly not an average guy. Anything including european sports cars is hot. I don't care about sports, I don't trust the media, I believe in global warming and I want to live in countries other than this one. I love the rain, wine, intelligent conversation and staying up until sunrise. I love friendships that move you forward, almost every kind of art there is, almost every kind of music there is, sarcasm and self-evolution. I love going from cufflinks to camping stoves in one weekend if possible. I've been told I'm rather sensitive for a male.