Our story begins in the mid-late 1980s, out on Wilmington Island-- Suburban Hell, Georgia (we got a law in the books down here). Huffing gas and ringing & running progress to heavier substances and more property damage for a pack of pre-teen snots. We wouldn't have done this if Nixon were in the White House. Big Lizard In My Backyard begins to circulate on warbly overdubbed cassettes like bird flu in an Asian KFC. No one has ever heard a song sound as much like it could be coming directly from their mouths as "V.F.W."
Now cut to nearly 2 decades later & you've got a bunch of misfits in their 20s who play in like 8 different bands between them but still always come back to the world of school-owning welders & mayor-running midgets: THE DEAD MILKMEN, greatest band on earth, ever... EVAR!!!
We drove all day up I-95 in a Day-Wu to see the awesome Dave Blood memorial shows last November, and that was the final inspiration we needed to put away the bleach bottle, the rubber ski mask, and yes, even the cauliflour, and form this here bitchin' tribute band. It's a labor of love for us. We're doing it to spread the gospel of Rodney & Co. and do what little we can to keep people aware of the Milkmen, buying their music, absorbing their satirical sociopolitical messages, & blah blah blah.
Now we've got the fever & we won't stop until you're all covered in slime & ick & goo. But that's OK, cuz we are too. And it's all the same disease.