Olde Men on Acid featured on new psychedelic compilation album:
For more info or for a free download of this compilation,
see Top Friends list and click on 'Your Psychedelic Tunes... '
(url: www.myspace.com/yourpsychtunes)
Special thanks to Celina for making this compilation happen.
And don't forget that free copies of Olde Men on Acid's 2005 debut 'Condition of Anonymity' are available upon request.
Olde Men on Acid formed in late 2004, named after Syd Barrett, by the Olde brothers of Boston, Otis and Gus. Otis sings and plays guitar and Gus sings and plays drums. The first album came out in 2005 and is called ‘condition of anonymity.’ It was written, recorded and produced by OMOA, using mainly a cassette 4 track (tascom porta 02).
For a free copy of the album, email [email protected] or send a myspace message with your address and how many you want. A second OMOA album will be released in ’07 or early ’08. In the meantime, Otis has a solo acoustic album coming out this winter.
Also, Olde Men on Acid appeared on the free Boston compilation album ‘The Boston Eclectic (see blog); along with other Boston bands such as The Freeways, SunDown, Drugs Delaney, The Velvet Elvis Conspiracy, Fetish Chicken, Riding Shotgun and more; and custom artwork by Jaye at www.thirteenthstory.com. Free copies of The Boston Eclectic are available upon request. Lets get more of a music community happening in this city!
This is another one from Buddha, check him out at my top friends list.