"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" is the Satanic philosophy derived by the founder of modern Satanism Aleister Crowley. In fact, it is the law stated in the Satanic Bible. These three videos expose how prevalent this demonic philosophy has crept into society."DO WHAT YOU WANT"? (EXPOSING SATANISM IN SOCIETY) [PART 1of3]"DO WHAT YOU WANT" (EXPOSING SATANISM IN SOCIETY) [2of3]"DO WHAT YOU WANT"..? (EXPOSING SATANISM IN SOCIETY) [3of3]This video shows how the Illuminati and N.W.O is mentioned in modern music to "Prepare Us". Anybody denying the New World Order should watch this video. This also proves that the higher elites and artists are fully aware of this.
These series of videos show how the Illuminati Controls the Masses with Movies to introduce everyone to the New World Order.