About Me
they say...you need to teach your kids six vital words-Accept Your Family And Be Yourself...wise words indeed..but for those that are now adults...ma brutha...ma sistah...i cant tell you to just be yourself,because if i would say i strayed away from most by just "bein maself"...shyt would i be a hypocrite, i dont know who i am yet, i havent found that out...so i cant say i simply try to be myself,what i can say iz dat i alwayz went with what i felt was right...no matta how many or how much of any "wrong" flourished in my surroundings...so my advice to you...az long as your intentions are pure...and you continue to ALWAYZ do what you feel is right...dont worry bout anything else...i walked out with my head down..i went thru the worst period of ma life..ma lowest point...but now...shyt...shyt!...i cant say i came right back up da hill and now am at my "highest"..but yo...i now see just how blessed i am..and i have no major regrets..yea lil ones,really they just manifest as curiosities...but for the most part...its like dayum,im so blessed..it dnt matta how i look at it, wit a myopic glance to ma surroundings or a stare into palestinian land..it dnt matta..howeva u look at it..ive been blessed,and to see dat...shhhhh...therez NO otha kinda bliss no more!..so rememba..forget what everyone sayz to you..stay doin whatchu do if you feel it is the right thing to do at the time being...and in the end,you wont have no regrets,cuz shyt i look around..i look back..and yo...I OBVIOUSLY WON!..so stay doin u..no matta wut dat means for you..fuck everyone who sayz anything bout u changin,shyt people dnt change,SOME of us have the ability to GROW...and quit livin in distress cuz ur lookin for the "right" way...GROW...but believe u will GROW in due tyme..neva close your mind,dnt even narrow ur train of thought at all..BUT..while ur still unsure of who u r..or wut ur to be doin..simply continue to do what you feel is ryte NO MATTA WUT...dnt let any lethargic devil lead u to believe u r less than ryte..or less than beautiful..fuck dat!...people too busy judging otherz to take away from judging themselves...
"Too much of what is called "education" is little more than an expensive isolation from reality"
Thomas Sowell-1930
...forget cute lil cliches,most of em mean nothing and only offer a temporary "high"...then you slam back into reality...facing an even bigger wrath...
All that is gold does not glitter; not all those that wander are lost.
J. R. R. Tolkien-1954
UPDATE: MAY 2008:[political friends]
I live in a world of hypocrites, and the blogging world is no exception. We have been well trained, convoluted with "half-truths". Begging for their own enslavement. Calling for the censorship of others, demanding democracy while our republic crumbles. We are our greatest enemies. Too busy manifesting superficial courtesies. Realize, acts carried out on your neighbor exemplify what YOU TOO are vulnerable to. The failure to acknowledge this philosophy is to blame for our times of peril. We are robots. From the second we are first adopted by the "nanny state" school system we begin to lose ourselves. Who we are and all of our inner beauty dissipates. We gradually learn how to blend in with society. Once we are molded to what can be universally accepted, we finally graduate and become an "alumni". [Or illumined one, wearing robes, mimicing the freemasons.] At this point we are acknowledged as "skilled" WORKERS, followers, who now know exactly how to "fit in" and join the cycle as opposed to breaking the trend, or learning how to lead. I reiterate my opening statement; we are essentially robots. I, however am in no way concerned with being politically correct. " PC'ism " as I like calling it,is the very disease to blame for our trip from Utopia to Dystopia.
ayyyy...about me?...im quiet,calm&collected,serious.at the very same time-if u aint neva seen me act like a nut or talk ur ears off-you can be sure u dnt know me!i aint comfortable bein maself round ya!
aaight aaight,im back wit sum more,so heres the way i see it...you know the elite few in MLB,the best of the best bat an average of .300....that means they are only successful 30% percent of the time,it also means that failure is not only common but just part of life....so heres my question to you-can you imagine if these players,these human beings take the previous short coming with them to the plate???they are successful thanks to there myopic view of the past...short term memory...this gives new meaning to the ol'saying-"failure is not the act of falling down,but the act of staying down"(NOTE:THIS ABOUT ME SECTION IS OLD!BUT I STILL KEEP IT CUZ IT STILL SHOWS WUT KINDA PERSON I AM,&REMINDS ME WUT KINDA MINDSET I WUZ ON....BACK IN DA DAY)
...........Im 18, Im all about my money,I am the quiet type-noone knows that because im so open in school,see me outside and im as quiet az can be,reserved/detached,unless im comfortable w/u----Im the joker type, I joke about anything and everything, Im alwayz smiling-no matta wut-i neva project a negative mood/attitude,I love music,its an important part of my life-HIP HOP-it takes me away weneva I feel I have to get away or just get sum meditation time if ya na mean?? Im not into what they play on the radio,most of what I listen to is underground-I mean nowadayz you only get played on the radio if you put down women,talk about hoes, sex, drugs, and ya know...and dats just not me,I listen to the likes of--- The Roots, Immortal Technique, Alicia Keys, M.O.P.,and Cormega....anyway...yeah if you can understand my strong feelings for makin money(being successful) and my strong feelings for music(real music)then you basically know da most important things about me,what shapes me if ya na mean...wanna know more???aaight...I come from QUEENS,NY...dats right dun...im from da streets too,as ghetto as it gets.....and im proud of dat,its made me who i am,its made me a humble person..my parents are from the Dominican Republic...i have strong political views(if dats wutchu wanna call them)i mean for all you policides out there im not into politics-im into reality!anyway,yeah im not a thumbsucking coward-i dont believe 'machoizm' is actin tough in da streets,i dont turn away from the truth(W.O.L.V.E.S.)...i stand up for myself and all my brothaz and sistaz out there bcuz i want my nieces and all of our INNOCENT children to live free,anyway.i am no pessimist,but i am also not an optimist,i consider myself a realist,some might even say,also a skeptic
I believe the definition of stupid iz wen u kno theres information out there that might change your opinion on something and you refuse to go seek that info....for the most part people disgust me---i mean im no better than anybody..as a matter a fact im not a pretty good person at all....but dats not wut i mean...people disgust me bcuz dis generation iz just straight filth-i mean gurlz loze there virginity by 16...the fully blown hoez by 15...there pregnant by 18....boyz just go around in da city az ignorant az can be...and fighting and killing eachother as the real enemy looks down at em pullin da strings and enjoying da show....wow,dats all i can say iz wow...CITY PEOPLE-stop going around like a whole bunch of monkey savages&maybe then they'll stop treatin us like slaves..maybe if we stop acting like slaves...u imitate the exact behavior of the slaves 2000 years ago,the media projects this behavior as a good thing,so u keep rite on following/mocking...and then u wonder why we dont get anywhere....KEEP ACTIN LIKE SLAVES
im still a virgin,yes dats rite i just put all my biz on myspace--ewww!theres nuttin but hoez out there(no offense to the exception)and dats just not my type...i simply wish to wait until i find the one i believe i atleast might have a chance of staying with for the rest of my life-i dont believe in murdering the innocent and i dont believe in "birth control,i use self control".....my favorite colorz are black and i guess blue...but mostly black...my fave drink is orange juice...im not the kind dat cares about wut ppl think,i could care less...i am myself...and im not gunna follow wuts in style or wut not...i wear wut i want,wut i like,,,i do wut i want,wut i like....i dont wear pink,im not a jewelry person,pink iz a color for gurlz and diamonds are a gurlz best friend not mine...my favorite pet iz a dog--but my favorite animal in da world iz a sugar glider-not many ppl kno wut they are-just look in my page to see wut they look like-there amazing-ive alwayz wanted one...my favorite childhood songz a few-are, Lauryn Hill-killin me softly....second fave-"You Got Me" by The Roots...and third-Nas ft.Lauryn Hill-"If I Ruled The World...i followed a vegan diet for two yearz-i believe life bringz life-i mean how do u think people survived back in da day...and do u think we were just put here??expecting us to live off of processed food and poisons...and toxins dat we call medication??!!
i hate people who go out there and try to speak about the issues when they know they are not fully educated on the subjects at hand....you are patronizing the struggle and not only are you not helping but your making it even harder for us to wake people up because when people prove you wrong or you just make a stupid point they are no longer willing to listen to us!you help them concieve the lies that were lunatics and the issues that we speak of are just conspiracy theories....so shut up and get educated...PEOPLE THERE ARE NO WORDS TO DESCRIBE HOW REAL AND SERIOUS THE NEW WORLD ORDER AND THE ELITE ARE AND IF YOU DONT BELIEVE IT..THEN ALL I HAVE TO SAY TO YOU IZ-WELL,HEREZ ONE FACT WHICH REMAINZ UNDEBATABLE THRU THE YEARZ- TIME IS TRUTH -WHY?BECAUSE TIME EVENTUALLY EXPOSES THE TRUTH,SO MAKE YOUR DECISION,DO YOU WANNA SIT BACK AND WAIT,OR INVESTIGATE AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT NOW?....(if u wanna kno more just message me,but i think i just put all my bizness on here)...
“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.â€
-- Gautama Siddharta, 563-483 B.C.
They say were livin' in the end of times...
Where will your children be?"Just tell them I tried to love somebody.... MLK Jr"