Beauty, POETRY, DANCE, MUSIC especially making it and listening to some soulful inspiring shit, collaboration of minds to coalesce and find new ways to cooperate and redesign society's fine state can you relate?, snowboarding, mtn bike, herbal remedies for wht ails me, I admit it I like to drink, Dancin to groovin music, Random bits of ridiculousness, meaningful interaction with other human beings.Impeach The MotherFucker Already campaign.
I'd like to meet intelligent conscious individuals, no corporate monkeys
music video code by ..
aesop rock - fast cars
Fight Club, Ghost in the Shell, Vampire Hunter D, Hero, Four Rooms etc...
Kill it immediately
"Stranger In A Strange Land", The Davinci Code, anyting by Kurt Voneghut, Robert Heinlen, Sherri S Tepper or Piers Anthony
My Father, Aesop Rock, Sage Francis, Individuals who utilize their potential to the max.