Conscious profile picture


Consciouswrider on the Line with Fire Feelin Fine

About Me

I'm an artist of many mediums, I appreciate good poetry, sunrises and sets, dancing etc... love to camp, cliff dive, sing, snowboard, find ways to expand my intellect and my spirit, Ive blown glass now for almost seven years and am finally about to get my brother's and my company off the ground. Its Baker & Baker GlassWorks if you are interested. I just got back from competing in the 2006 National Poetry Slam in Austin Texas with the Boise Poetry Team. I learned much on that trip, stuff that will stay prevolent for quite some time I do believe. coke coca-colathis is supposed to be a google bomb!!, It will help by redirecting google searches to, presenting an educational web site instead of sales gimmick or corporate web sites What is your dominant Element? (A serious personality test, for a change)

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My Interests

Beauty, POETRY, DANCE, MUSIC especially making it and listening to some soulful inspiring shit, collaboration of minds to coalesce and find new ways to cooperate and redesign society's fine state can you relate?, snowboarding, mtn bike, herbal remedies for wht ails me, I admit it I like to drink, Dancin to groovin music, Random bits of ridiculousness, meaningful interaction with other human beings.Impeach The MotherFucker Already campaign.

.. ..

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet intelligent conscious individuals, no corporate monkeys


music video code by ..
aesop rock - fast cars


Fight Club, Ghost in the Shell, Vampire Hunter D, Hero, Four Rooms etc...


Kill it immediately


"Stranger In A Strange Land", The Davinci Code, anyting by Kurt Voneghut, Robert Heinlen, Sherri S Tepper or Piers Anthony


My Father, Aesop Rock, Sage Francis, Individuals who utilize their potential to the max.

My Blog

Can You Hold This Please

Can you hold this please? Dont fold it, it needs to be straight to hold the breeze.The moments pass and days dont last.Not long enough for me to get a graspon all the thoughts and feelings that have m...
Posted by Conscious on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 02:38:00 PST


Time to work a new verse on loose leaf finely lining out a rhyme scheme on these sheets. Somethin about this town with few streets where I find myself committed to an old beat. Standing on thin ice pl...
Posted by Conscious on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 11:57:00 PST

Indelible lines

How do you cross an indelible line, the infallable fine scripted toss up spliced into the graphting of new cancer growth on the moss covered rock of a soul? Whats the conflict when brickwalls fall to ...
Posted by Conscious on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 06:31:00 PST

Whats missing

Im missing my home so sick of this loam the makings of middle school social constructs Im alone in crowds as usual and groan uncomfortable muses lighting fuses, pissing contests that dont amuse and Iv...
Posted by Conscious on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 02:13:00 PST


What do you see and if you see it do you beleive it to be what it is based on how you understand reality. Do you perceive some truth without searching for the phallicy? What if you see something that ...
Posted by Conscious on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 01:31:00 PST

Ode to the NPS

I arrived at my mecca, wings firmly planted like aerial roots beating wind like dirt. Or was it vice versa? Am I the tree stuck in this illusion of flight, gliding through some spiritual revolution fa...
Posted by Conscious on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 07:06:00 PST

Post Meridian Mornings

Wake late the state of whats on bid to be created is in a wash of kid like fits and faded I grip on this and wait its time to be elated to recreate this go back where I need to be so I can arrange thi...
Posted by Conscious on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 02:44:00 PST

I just wasnt sure if everyone would see this on the bulletin.

to all of you who I havent talked to in too long I say hello. its hectic and overtly underwhelming in this reality Ive constructed its smelling of corrupted schemes, my plans and things no felling tre...
Posted by Conscious on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 01:18:00 PST


changes in phases indistinguishable from the way this ebbs and flows the undreamble turns face up and shows the grace pf placement through strategic and invasive tactics unbased in the math of it but ...
Posted by Conscious on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 12:48:00 PST

The abstract Parable

Simply stated nothings are all. thats what he thought as he ascended the wall climbing higher hoping not to fall no ropes at all. Ripples of elated baited breath wincing as each day passes and closer ...
Posted by Conscious on Fri, 28 Jul 2006 11:51:00 PST