We're all into heaps of shit - Music is the most important, but movies, Boxing ,video games to boxing video games. We all have jobs but Brad's is the coolest with his record shop Sound Underground here in Canberra where we live.
Anyone into doom metal!
Influences - Too many to mention - But we bow down like worms for these immortals to name a few - Black Sabbath, St Vitus, The Obsessed, Witchfinder General, Pentagram, Sleep, Grief, Eyehategod, Cathedral, Electric Wizard, Autopsy, Burning Witch, Sunn o))), Goatsnake, Reverend Bizarre, Place Of Skulls, The Hidden Hand, High On Fire, Church Of Misery, Corrupted and soooo many more.We also get to play with awesome Aussie bands you should check like Alcheimst, Peeping Tom, Whitehorse, Clagg, Earth, Pillow, Blood Duster (jj used to be a member), DD's bands The VB's and LOG whom Brad is also a member off, Fuck I'm Dead, The Day Everything Became Nothing, Roskopp, Agents Of Abhorence, Pisschrist and soo many more I will have to edit later to even come close to touching on how many awesome bands there are out here.
This is stupid hard and too much typing - Mad Max 1 and 2, Bad Boy Bubby, Chopper, Stone - 5 Aussie movies you should all see.
Trailer Park Boys - The best thing from Canada since Voi Vod (and Rush of course), Simpsons, South Park, Drwn Together, League of Gentlemen, Bo Selecta - toooooooo much more to type, god, the typing.
An even stupider longer list of books. Typey, typey, typey.
Bubbles, Ricky and Julian and a list far too long to type