OloF: Deadite Berzerker. profile picture

OloF: Deadite Berzerker.


About Me

I don't really know yet. Go see Videodrome.I wish you dead. Don't waaaaa, just die, okay? I fucking hate you, probably.

My Interests

'90s Hip Hop, Laudinum, Thick riffs and Guitar noise

I'd like to meet:

FB: Who is the creative force in Turbonegro ?

HT: During a spiritistic session in the suburbs in the late eighties, we came in touch with a woman named Torunn Alsaker. She had been killed in a car crash in Vestby. She materialized through a cassette containing more than 150 guitar riffs. She said that we would have to record songs containing these riffs, and for this we would be rewarded earthly good such as cash, alcohol, classic novels, musical instruments, high-tech sports equipment, etc. She let it be known to us that she was an agent for the notorious Vravl, the devourer of souls. Vravl is, in case you do not know, the officer in command of the army of over ONE MILLION black winged angels! These cruel and beautiful angels have sworn their loyalty to the one and only Angar, who created Vravl out of a supernova mere MINUTES after the creation of our dimension!!!

Matt Pike. Ernest Hemingway. Elvis. Bowie. Lux and Ivy.DON'T BE A BAD MONGO, CLICK HERE!!! (Best interview everr)


Boot Camp Clik. Sonic Yooth. Pod People. Corrupted. Coffins. Church of Misery. POD PEOPLE - New album is very eagerly fucking anticipated! I'll stop now.


Videodrome. Wicker Man (ORIGINAL!). Wild at Heart. True Romance. Blade Runner. Blue Velvet and all things David Lynch.


Twin mothafuckin Peaks. The Wire. Metalocalypse. Trailer Park Boys. Star TREK.


I have read them and even tendered currency in exchange for them.


Kill Yr. Idols. Sonic DEATH!

My Blog

Life after EW and my week of DOOOM

Following the Wiz around for a week like a satanic puppy was truly worthwhile and rather fulfilling. They are easily one of the raddest bands I've ever seen, and I felt very lucky. I just need to see ...
Posted by OloF: Deadite Berzerker. on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 06:02:00 PST

Shit is tight now.

C.S.O is fucking overrrr. My girlfriend is amazing. I WILL be outta Canberra toward the end of July. There is a fuckload of great gigs to go to this year. Shit is tight. Mebbe fings is looking bette...
Posted by OloF: Deadite Berzerker. on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 10:37:00 PST

Award-winning muyyafuyyas

We won the BMA Short film Festival music video section for the O'hooligans' instant classic "Laughing Whiskey, Fighting Whiskey. Yeehaw!
Posted by OloF: Deadite Berzerker. on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 04:55:00 PST

C.S.O Bluez

150 hours to go. Fuck you, your honour. Mr. Cahill - Fuck you, cunt. Tomorrow I'll descend back into the cultural fucking vacuum that is Belconnen ****** to work for nothing. Caravan-folk talking and...
Posted by OloF: Deadite Berzerker. on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 04:04:00 PST

The Dusii

"For they often lust lecherously after women, and copulate with them; and the Gauls name them Dusii, because they are dilligent in this beastliness"Dilligent indeed. The Dusii have had their first off...
Posted by OloF: Deadite Berzerker. on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 06:34:00 PST

Do As Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law

Fucking Wah! The new Unearthly Trance album is fucking eeeevil and great. Buy it and listen if you feel even remotely misanthropic. Like Khanate and EW but with moments of Entombed and straight thrash...
Posted by OloF: Deadite Berzerker. on Wed, 10 May 2006 01:03:00 PST

Electric Wizard, NOV 1, Sound Underground (all ages)

Round two with Smoke-laden doom motherfuckers, Electric Wizard. No fluke the first time, hoss. They tore a ragged hole in my skull and poured in thick bass drone opiates. Again. Nice that the k...
Posted by OloF: Deadite Berzerker. on Tue, 01 Nov 2005 05:28:00 PST

Electric Wizard - Fri, 27 Oct. 666

Glorious fucking Amplifier worship. Sludge hell and possession. An entire room swaying with their eyes rolling back in their heads. What a fucking show.
Posted by OloF: Deadite Berzerker. on Mon, 31 Oct 2005 10:07:00 PST


Yes, motherfuckers, 'Leccy Wizard are soooo close. I will be at : ANU, October 28th - with Pod People, 4Dead and Clagg... Sound Underground, NOVEMBER 1st 4 Dead All ages; *seated horror pr...
Posted by OloF: Deadite Berzerker. on Wed, 26 Oct 2005 04:28:00 PST

Outta the pit. Feelin' sexxxy.....

Jesus Fucking Christ. I have been a total SAP for a whole month. Super depressed and WAY emo. But then, I haven't been self-medicating, ( using my highly-recommended bi-weekly combination of Booze, Bo...
Posted by OloF: Deadite Berzerker. on Sat, 01 Oct 2005 06:56:00 PST