RBR is now a decade and a half old! Technology changes, the record industry changes, the whole damn world changes, but our mission stays the same: to find a way that art and business can co-exist so that good music can reach people without compromise.
It wasn’t just a concert. It was an event. If you couldn’t trek to Buffalo to see Ani’s inaugural performance at Righteous Babe’s own venue, Babeville, you can see it all on Ani’s third concert DVD, Live at Babeville. Click the image for more information.
Nestled in sunny Buffalo, NY, Righteous Babe Records brings you fresh, new, progressive music. Click here to scope out the official Righteous Babe Website!
Get pumped for the release of Ani’s ultimate career retrospective, Canon, featuring FIVE, count ’em, FIVE rockin’ re-recorded tracks along with tons of old favorites, all hand-picked by the Little Folksinger herself. Learn more about it here.
Ani DiFranco: Verses, Ani’s first book of poetry published in the United States, is the ultimate collection of Ani poems and paintings, spanning the years 1990-2006. A beautifully-bound hardcover edition, covering 112 pages, Verses presents a selection of poems, some of which have never before appeared in print, as well as 12 full-page illustrations of original artwork. Click here to get it.
Have you ever wanted to own your very own piece of Ani DiFranco memoribilia? Through RELIXband and the Wear Your Music Charity Project, you can wear Ani DiFranco’s guitar strings as a bracelet. Proceeds go to various charities such as Headcount, The Rex Foundation, SEVA, and others. Click on the banner for more information!
Check out Anais Mitchell’s live performance of "Out of Pawn" from her new album, The Brightness
Check out Hamell on Trial’s new one-man show!