Birdwurld profile picture


Real Kiwi Chick Stuff and some pretty smart music

About Me

"Don't limit a child to your own learning, for he was born in another time."- Rabbinical Saying

Good things to think about
My Dogs are Psychic too " - Nicole Ritchie
"Both men have dismantled their tee pee's, now there's no way they can light their fires ".- Jeff Probst
More human deaths have been attributed to fleas than all the wars ever fought. Fleas were responsible for killing one third of the population of Europe in the 14th century.

" It is really too bad to call him one of the ugliest men in the country, for I have seldom seen a pleasanter or more kind-hearted looking one, and he has certainly a very striking face..." - Robert Gould Shaw on meeting President Lincoln - April 1860
Lock Elbows

Vid of that Big Blue Emu looking Bird from Ozzie down thisaway.
Christchurch people have "spontaneity, madness and sexiness. They dress more smartly than other New Zealanders too". - Duncan Fallowell - author & spot on dude about NZ!
Survival in the Urban Jungle A film as beautiful as it is scary and REAL - The Street Dogs of LA

The sources of a river are lost in the clouds of the mountain, but it is usual to derive its waters from the lakes or springs which are its fountain-head. In the same way the origins of our knowledge of electricity and magnetism are lost in the mists of antiquity - John Munroe 1839

My Interests


Planet Earth seems to be suffering pins and needles. Maybe our bad habits give her the shivers. Mother is growing, but observe the Animals! Watch them closely. We may want to follow their lead to where ever they may wish to " flee " . I think they know better than anyone where they want to live out their days... how ever long that might be. It's possible and just like them, maybe we're mean't to understand, when the world's had enough. Whatever you reckon of it all I'd like in my lifetime to see the coral reefs and rainforest's hang in there awhile longer. And every woman on earth be provided the one basic necessity she needs to live a decent and better life that most of us take for granted. There are 2 billion people right this minute living without, a toilet !. As an environmental thinker, I don't accept nor even want to understand. " Why not "

Business, Art & Designing. It's Life. Raised around guitars, pianos, ukeleles, trumpet, strings, plenty of imported noise, and to believe that it is impossible for life to be " Boring ". Still question whether or not such a word should exist at all. Have warped humour possibly. Live in Aussie part time, have a busy and happy life. Lose my Kiwi accent occasionally . Immigrated to US,, went feral on photography , film and music, came back to do good for animals in NZ ( another ten years ) learn Maori & NZ history. My history. Still a little bit Floridian ( Jacksonville - whatever happened to the Gators ? ) and a lil bit Californian ( Thousand Oaks L.A. ) ..result of ten years escape from my native Aotearoa. I love JAX!. Starsign Vrishabha. Marital status , ok I AM single, but not available. :- ). A total failure in the past, I'm sure anything with a non musical person wouldn't work. My spirit has almost died before in the great loneliness that inevitably arrives merely trying to.

Rate My Photo, Click Here Normally..I don't ask for anything at myspace..but I am curious of this competition I entered two years ago. I've been informed I have won an international amateur's photographers nomination for this picture. Will you take a second to rate it. It's of a mother and baby Fantail that landed on the kitchen counter and watched me do the dishes one day. It is a rare photo, for seldom will this bird keep still, or allow anyone this close to them, least of all bring their young inside a house. They returned twice and ate up every spider on the wall. ;-). If you vote me good..I might get to Vegas next year, win the comp..( and get to see my friend Debz ) at the awards convention they've invited me to because of the nomination thing. Which incidentally turns out to be real and not such the sham I'd thought it may have been.

Animal Loving Mates & Musical Companions

Fern Wild Animal Rescue
She's on a Rampage is Ellen
Pam's Good Work to help Stu A dog has rights to be. A Dog.
Munch on some Pet Toys
Saving the Clever Tortoise
Got a Black Cat?

~ Great Musicians & Roady Pets ~

I'd like to meet:

More animals and their " Pets " & Pat the Pink Bat. People with unusual jobs and people with music they think we might like about animals, birds or nature. Folk who aren't afraid to get down and boogie to Soul Music because they just can't help themselves. Music, Art, Environment, our Animals. Applied to life. Part of System, worth inclusion in all things. Even PC world. So. Upbeat Mood, Techno & trance stuff is groovy if working on code..( icckky code ) IT types are into it and I "finally" get to have the good stuff ?. Goth, Rock & Pop sounds..a wurld mix for whirled birds. Ok,,cats outa the bag..we like fusion as much as fauna..we admit it. Our motto online: " SPACE HAS A PLACE ~ FOR ANIMALS "
PS: I'd also like to meet the Argentine Ant, the world's most invasive insect to happily dance on it's head. They are killers of young birds and compete for their food. Hey..on a good note. " Try Singing " , it attracts mates and establishes a heirachy in the flock, just ask the male Bell Bird of NZ.
adopt your own virtual pet bat & other animals!


Helping Friends

Jillian's New Space Mission

Has your myspace ever been attacked by a virus, or bug, or worse, a hacker! When technically tragic things for no reason at all happen to nice people on myspace, it breaks my heart. Years of hard work can be lost, artwork, fan lists, friends comments, and more. Can you help just one exceptional artist on myspace rebuild her page by listening to her songs and adding her as a friend. If you've ever dreamed you could fly. You won't be disappointed in what you will hear

Inspirational Artists Rock!
A mouse can squeak an artists heart all the way to the top of the world - Please vote

If you haven't checked out the The Kelly J. Band yet, then you oughta do so " in elle pronto lark too ". ( It's so fun to play with whurdz n' ak-sense - that is til the " Goo Gill Bots " want to start a protest on them. hah! ) Anyway, Kelly's a real wee fire chickee on the stage so we hear and recently engaged in one of those online battle operations for bands, they've just produced a vid of a song that I got off on " instantly ". - And sooo we're asked sum thymes. How do them thar ears round these parts work. First, make em diverse. Whack on some bizarro, adds colour to your head handles you know. Then apply a general rule to everything you hear. The first ten seconds should spell bingo if it's a radio ready song ! It ain't all a gamble. And you have to like music. A lot. So cheers to Kelly's incredible animal jungle song and a really happy one to fiddle along with called " Nothings going to get me down ". True! A lil bit of Country Music to jig about to sometimes makes me happy.

Kiwi Culture and NZ Bands

Music to Work With ~~Techno gumbo update in te space. Please hit the history button on the music player for a good spy at our exquisite taste. On the whole. We like listening to " Smart music " from all cultures. Singing guys songs and sophisticated ( lady like ) music too, interesting what turns out ;-). Get along with most people. Especially other musicians who have a good sense of the business and finance side of things, or at least want to learn.. that helps. Discovering wonderful new music here and people trying to bust out. All makes for a great sound. Suspected Madonna was going to leap out of the floorboards ( she did it so well too ), and that fresh ideas and talents would arrive from the Commonwealth. ( They are ) Still! Lightbulbs as big as Lighthouses will go off. No more monotone singing. Too easy. Real vocalists come back. Ok happy people return too.

We feel it is not excessive or irrational believe that animals ( or aliens for that matter ) are able to hear and understand the sounds we make in our dreams.
Very Cool intellectual types and muso's here of all nationalities..sorry can't name them restrictions, keyword limits, typical web conditions. But check out the Similou of Denmark. Zeisha Fremaux ( NZ ), Kelly Sweet , and Maggie Walters from the US,,all gorgeous new girly singers. Derek White fan here big time - First reckord out..listen & go nutso. IT's ALL good with all the boys!. So..the K team works on pc's & LISTENS to everyone!. More? Ok..gotta love Placebo , the Futureheads, Celtic Woman, Lynne Fiddmont, a most sultry soul-o-ist. Yes! Need music like amongst good friends you'll find many great ones from my past , or your vault, and naturally..OUR FUTURE. Thanks for visiting. Safe surfing, and have a happy journey using your Mind Car, ok, Computer, box with old plugs and wire gak!, electric telephone book...pc..radioactive liability. Tip: Smooth Jazz Zones..good in IT crisis.

Exceptional Artist's Played Here Aug/Sept 08

Autopilot - My Desire

Vanessa Kelly - Space Girl

The Whitlams - I Make Hamburgers

Armstrong - Still Miss You

Helen Trevillion - The Goose Girl

Paul Marklew - Far Out

Matt Toka - Burning in the Clouds

Matt Urmy - High and Low

Angels and Airwaves - Breathe

The Main Drag - Dove Nets

Blue County - Walk on Water

Bob Ryan - Heroes

Askura_Alexander Shkuratov - Don't Forget Your Future

The Dead Birds - Lifestream

Rufas Blad & BBx8 - 1 min Fantasi

Charmaine Clamor - Come Sunday

Ruth Brown - Unfamiliar Feelings

Bit of a Mihi

This is how I would introduce myself to other Maori so they know where I come from and who are my family. Due to intermarriages in my family, I have worked out that I am a little over one quarter blue blood Maori. Scotland, Ireland, England and Denmark make up the rest of me. I am proud of all my heritage countries but in the main, I am Maori and belong to NZ. Naming the canoes my ancestors arrived, my mountain, my rivers, my tribal affiliations and tribes, and those of my chiefly ancestors. The biggest tribe in Te Wai Pounamu used to be Ngati Mamoe. Kai Tahu came down and made friends with them eventually and we assimilated . The tribe now has some 41,000 people + on its register. Kai Tahu , or Ngai Tahu are written in history as the conquerers of this island. My prime tribal affiliation because of blood, is with my iwi & hapu Ngati Apa te wai Pounamu ( 649 heads only ) Legend more or less, is we were often referred to as the lost tribe, and sadly for many years, we were to be looked upon as the conquered and enslaved of Ngai Tahu even during modern times. This only served to exacerbate the pain and divide us. We now look forward to a new beginning as a formally recognized people and a separate tribe at last. It has been a lot of work to restore our Mana. My elders have shed many tears, and so have I in learning the truth and fate of the chiefs. Ngati Tumatakokiri were "almost" driven to extinction in the NZ Wars. Yet here we are. A clutch of us live on. Isn't that good then.

I te taha o toku hakoro
Ko Uruao te waka
Ko Rakaihautu te takata
Ko Tutoko te mauka Tipuna
Ko Aoraki te mauka Tapu Te mauka rakatira
Ko Mahitahi te awa
Ko te Toka O Te Tai O Poutini te whanua
Ko Te Tauraka Waka A Maui te marae
KO Kaipo te whare nui ko Poke Te whare kai
Ko Kai Tahu, ko Kati Mamoe, Ko Waitaha ka iwi

Ko Kurahaupo te waka
ko Papahoua ka mauka
Ko Kawatiri te awa
Ko te tai tapu te whenua
Puaha Te Rangi te hapu
Ngati Tumatakokiri, Ngati Apa ki te ra to nga iwi

~~~Kiwi's Kiwi's Everywhere~~~


Love Horror Web Drums

Old moments in much. This is a taping of a more jazzy drum sesh with Chris of The Love Horror Web, a hard core thrash punk gothic sounding band from Blackball NZ, pop 189. This 1990 footage has ROTTEN sound but ( taped off TV for the worlds lousey viewing pleasure ) we were in a rusty iron garage in a downpour. Hmmph..the coast!! I went back to Florida after this

No matter, geographic isolation is no excuse or a barrier to your music goals when you "BELIEVE" in yourself. Seven whole teen years, many good bands, a Bodhrán and heaps of Drum Tech work later, ( ironically alienish like, on the day of my birthday too ) this most excellent Kiwi drummer opened for DEEP PURPLE on their UP CLOSE and PERSONAL TOUR of NZ.

FUN HOUSE, a four piece, featuring two original members of the "LH Web" band will debut at Al's Bar CHCH SEPT 11th 08. We await, a brand new bird song ;-)

Harness Racing Horses on Morning Run

My time with horses this summer. DJ is at the rear. He bites the other two and kicks up but he tries to win anyway. His time at the beach has improved his performance. And he just loves his new friends. As a group the horses are inseparable. Ever notice how a horses legs run in time to ALL MUSIC..they are so cool to watch


Perhaps a bit Android of me, but I'd rather watch fuel prices. When I have time to waste though, tv has it's usefulnesses. Anything about Jesus or Egypt is riveting to me. Wildlife on the Learning Channels, the Classic Horror, Prison, Western and War movies..doco dramas,,ie: autobiographies of inventors, true life adventure stories. I prefer to read the news rather than watch it. I'd jump at any chance to see the cool weird shows like Pippi Longstocking, and H.R. Puff n stuff on tv here again. The Littlest Hobo & Follyfoot..mighty stuff in animal drama & soap. Yeehaaa. But when it comes to TV, the real world is enuff input 4 me, even though we'll take advice from it if there is a hurricane coming..near normal like. Otherwise, this Meeky Crew writes a Monthly Rag Quite funny actually. They seem to care about people with moppy hair and red heads. UK people are born like that. Of course there's a few Yanks who are totally off the rock and special too. These three say they're looking for something elusive on the planet and don't know what it is yet. Maybe should try looking for an Orange Fronted Parakeet. It's a bird that's made Kiwi fellas crazy for centuries.
Over the years I have come to admire a few hard working webmasters on myspace. Those who work tirelessly.. sleeplessly and without fear to hunt the truth The Voice of Bobby Martinez


What's the point in running a rat race like this. We know how to make a living. Our lives are fully air conditioned, we can buy anything we like, we have quality sound , and food no longer requires us to hunt. Man has solved a lot of things in such a short amount of time. But I am the sort of woman to ask myself questions, and have yet to find a reliable answer to one that seems critical at a time like this. When will people get tired of hurting one another? And me. Some have inquired, have I written a book about my life yet ? Are you going to spill the beans on me ? The answer is no. I am busy living a life that makes me happy. I am not interested in being a therapist. I just write a little blog. And share what I will..when feel I am able. I am a private person regardless of how much time I have ever spent online. Almost a decade. It's a fine library,,the internet. Usually I'm reading, or taking pictures, to leave behind myself one day. And for my people here.As I said. I like reading about history. I examine ancient texts and am interested in cosmic theories. I am constantly refreshing my brain on animal information. I believe whatever lessons we failed to learn from the past, hold some of the answers we might need for our future about our the environment. This might be scary to read for some. But an alien visiting this place could believe a human being to be the maggotiest and most destructive animal living on the planet. Afterall, the majority of them will crawl as fast as humanly possible AWAY from the light. I like light! In our watery human bodies, we're all but " raisins " living under the same scorching sun. I know and am sensitive to life and love, and sunshine. Body rot comes natural. If you ask me, we all begin to decompose from the moment we are born and placed before the elements, just like a piece of fresh fruit. However, we can speed up this automatic process, by making making ourselves and others, rotten from within. So. Our advice. Live your life. Be happy always! Find something good to think about. Even if it's just a baby tree outside your window. Try not to burn inside, or on the outside your skin. For any reason. Run from people who want to drag you into the dark. Stay safe. I just know if you try, and I am living proof it works, you too might find the magic, and all the wisdom you've ever been looking for. And if you can't even manage that. There is still ' a knowing of goodness and love ' to find in the world of beautiful art, and music.
Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; For it is God that worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Philippians 2:12-13
Imagine an electronic page for each species of organism on Earth available everywhere by single access on command.- E O Wilson.

The Amazing EOL Project
Antarctica Webcam & Temp
Scott said to me quietly--'I am afraid it's a bad business for us--What do you think?' I said we were by no means dead yet, though at that moment, Oates, at peril of his life, got aft to report another horse dead; and more down. And then an awful sea swept away our lee bulwarks clean, between the fore and main riggings,--only our chain lashings saved the lee motor sledge then, and I was soon diving after petrol cases. Captain Scott calmly told me that they 'did not matter'--This was our great project for getting to the Pole--the much advertised motors that 'did not matter'; our dogs looked finished, and horses were finishing, and I went to bale with a strenuous prayer in my heart, and 'Yip-i-addy' on my lips, and so we pulled through that day. We sang and re-sang every silly song we ever knew "
- The Worst Journey in the World by Apsley Cherry-Garrard

Lately read a very special book, by a very brave lady. Brave people can inspire me more than life itself. It's called Someone to watch over Me
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Most gulls don't bother to learn more than the simplest facts of flight -- how to get from shore to food and back again. For most gulls, it is not flying that matters,but eating. For this gull, though, it was not eating that mattered, but flight. More than anything else, Jonathan Livingston Seagull loved to fly. Richard Bach , 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull
" My dove is sweet, white feathered smooth , an amazing , natural feat , sent from the galaxies, far above my moods."
Poetry by Rock
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"Show me your cemetaries and I will tell you what kind of people you have " ~ B. Franklin


My beautiful friend Michael. Who guided me without knowing it toward self rescue, self actualization and my dreams with his music and words in songs called Dawning on a New Day, & All Love for Good. " God doesn't care who we love..just that we do ".

Michaels Healing
Stetson Kennedy . Ardijah . Richard Petty . Robert E Lee . Niccolò Machiavelli . The Rippingtons . Billy Vaughn . The Kokatahi Band . Sidney Lanier, Luang Phor Daeng , Miriam Makeba , Bob Luman , Alanis Morissette , Dave Loggins, Kate Bush , Harry Wayne Casey, Basil Brush , Maria Muldaur , Osibisa, Edith Phaif , Steve Perry , Chen Yunlian , Iriaka Ratana , Horatio Spafford , Michael Landon , One Man Bands , Peter Jackson , Bee Gees , John Cleland , Howard Hewett , Labi Siffre , Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers , Puaha Te Rangi , Blood Sweat & Tears , Nikola Tesla , John White , Eldson Best , Mowgli, Bjork , David Bellamy, Fran Drescher, James Churchward , Gentle Ben , Johnny Depp , US & ANZAC Veterans , John Lithgow, Ankesnamun , Randy Crawford, Hippocrates, Sharon & Ozzie Osbourne, Robert Falcon Scott , Kate Winslet , Steve Irwin , Jose Feliciano , Thomas Brunner , Mother Goose - a really clever ol NZ band , Ekehu , Goethe , The Moriori , NZ Police , Mark my childhood friend of 32 yrs , Marty Robbins , Octavius Hadfield , James Spader, Ukelele Orchestra of GB , Vogues, Dr. Shin'ichi Suzuki , Joseph Pulitzer , Apsley Cherry- Garrard , Buster Keaton, Jackass , Sir Ed Hillary , Joseph Smith , Augustin d'Hippone , Sir Peter Blake , Prince , Polly Brown , Jim Reeves , Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis , Stevie Wonder , Melchizedek , Jane Seymour , Lucille Ball , Quentin Tarantino , Liberace , Seals & Crofts , Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, Saint Susanna, Robby Benson, Gordon Lightfoot, Queta Trevino , Helen Hunt, Train Drivers, Godley and Creme , George Benson , Dorothy Moore , Nick Heyward, Linda Blair , Pete Wingfield , Charley Pride , Hank Snow , Natalia Nikolaevna Zakharenko, John Keulemans , Jackie Trent & Tony Hatch, Te Keepa Te Rangihiwinui, Jim Reeves , Hypatia Of Alexandria, Oda Nobunaga, Esther and Abi of Arim , Igor Sikorsky, Louie Armstrong , Giovan Battista Carpri , Svalbard Global Seed Vault , Third Day , Lewis Taylor , Nicolette Larson, Paul Mauriat , Mikhail Baryshnikov , Jeronimo , Mr Ed , Elizabeth Montgomery , Jimmy Webb , Lassie, and Raglan, my beautiful dog , John Hanlon , Billie Jo Spears , Mobb Deep, Ana Matawhaura Hato , Jacques Cousteau , Bette Midler , Selena , Russell Morris, Michael Nesmith , Todd Rundgren, Melanie , Dan Fogelberg, Bob Charles, Eagle vs Shark Flight of the Concords, Youssou Ndour, Priscilla Presley, Raj Panjwani , Yehudi Menuhin, Peter Sinclair , Rawk the Hawk, Kylie Minogue , Geoffrey Orbell , William Shatner, Peter Cetera , The The , Princess Te Puea, Rolf Harris , Jenny Morris , Gladys Knight , Joy Adamson , Princess Diana, Mary Queen of Scots, Robert Gould Shaw, Brigitte Bardot, Margaret Mitchell, Mickey Rooney, Marie Osmond, Britney!!, Roy Orbison , Mother Teresa, Shusei Nagaoka , Linda McCartney , Walt Disney , The Blot, Richard Drew , Enya , The Mighty Lemon Drops, The Hollies, Richard Thomas , Stan Deyo , Valdemar Poulsen , MOTOWN , BROTOWN , Charisma and Mark Todd, George the Jack Russell Terrier, The Stylistics , whoever invented Key Lime Pie, funny people that sell tickets

and those met only in "space" and have gained their wings to fly it. "Alex"..for proving to the masses that "life" , no matter how sad it can get sometimes,,is perfectly good enough to keep smiling about. You're a star kiddo!. And "Steve", for quantifying and qualifying the truest meaning of sharing musical love and friendship online.
" The 1% of people who would develop an application probably have .00000001% of the friends on myspace. Face it as much as I'd like to believe otherwise, the "tech-inclined" aren't exactly the most social people" - Murdoch
Layout & Graphics Created by Me, PhotoShop, Dreamweaver , Google Pages. Tweaks from and Aviary Tools Looking under the hood could be dangerous
Be a Kiwi Girl Cover... if you dare.

My Blog

Come hither me butterfly shop.

I tried to illustrate himSavagely so.Like a strange animalMy idea of what he looks like         is detailed in appearance.Though I'd be less an artist  &nb...
Posted by Birdwurld on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 06:36:00 PST

Clever art chicks NZ

" I think people should be able to play with their art you know, like pick it up and move it around the room " - Anneke Stewart "  That one really turned into the story of a "real girls" night ou...
Posted by Birdwurld on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 03:50:00 PST

Crashing and bonking their head birds

It was a mighty thud , just an hour ago. Maybe she wanted to play Sonic the Hedgehog or build an app, or she's just curious of all the noise boys make with gadgets.   Female Blackbirds  are ...
Posted by Birdwurld on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 09:21:00 PST

The worlds greatest feather collectors

Warm greetings from New Zealand to our visitors. We hope you will enjoy the beautiful music and artists on our site who are either making beautiful music, singing , or  painting in various styles...
Posted by Birdwurld on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 04:19:00 PST

Friday on the Stereo spondyl trail - horribly good.

Good Friday. Not a bad day for going to the old Frog Pond maybe. What a feat of engineering with rock this place must have been. Flown past the sign which says "Historic baths " for 30...
Posted by Birdwurld on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 06:02:00 PST

Deep into sea art for you

 Hey, we've been keeping our heads down deep. Quite into the sea. Skin deep. Lil art here and there.  Ahhh. So that's where she went. ( Yessss..we dived into the big wide blue screen and cam...
Posted by Birdwurld on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 10:34:00 PST

Save on Band Aids - tame kittens.

 Feral Kittens in New Zealand Feb 2008 Add to My Profile | More VideosSigh. I hope people don't think of me as a drop off centre for broken animals, because I am not. Things like this...
Posted by Birdwurld on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 01:54:00 PST


We are sorry for this news. But. It matters. This is important to American songwriters only, but this will likely flow through, because most countries have a system based on the ASCAP model. This mean...
Posted by Birdwurld on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 03:31:00 PST

Sheep that trick people

  We met a good old fashioned Kiwi animal.  Mrs Sheep was lurking behind a bush up at the Observatory near our house. ( you can see the little ball on the's far away ). She has bee...
Posted by Birdwurld on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 05:58:00 PST

Baby Seals and the Killers

One morbid highlight of the NZ history used was the Battle of Dripping Garments. This was a war in which a  an enormous group of Maori people including some beleagured women, children were penne...
Posted by Birdwurld on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 09:30:00 PST