DasKreestof profile picture


Time is my mortal enemy.

About Me

"Our destiny is not frightful by being unreal; it is frightful because it is irreversible and iron-clad. Time is the substance I am made of. Time is a river which sweeps me along, but I am the river; it is a tiger which destroys me, but I am the tiger; it is a fire which consumes me, but I am the fire. The world, unfortunately, is real; I, unfortunately, am DasKreestof."*

I'm a stubborn hardliner (elitist) rivethead. I've recently left the field of network engineering, and am trying to make it as a filmmaker, which is what my degree is in.
The website about my Industrial DJ'ing is : http://www.goth.net/~daskreestof/
I've also been a club promoter, but that's nothing to be proud of. But I am proud of one of the nights I used to run, Digital Murder. It was exactly what I wanted in a club. Good hardline industrial from every phase of Industrial, No trance, and the coolest people I've ever seen in a club.

I am a unique person, and I don't think you'll ever meet anyone who says differently.

* I stole from Goddard, who stole from from the 1946 essay "A New Refutation of Time" by famous Argentinean writer and fantasist Jorge Luis Borges.

My Interests

industrial, early industrial, industrial music, synthesizers, cinemascope, filmmaking, Reaktor, Giger, criticism, deconstructivism, videogames, netochka nezvanova, paintball, progressive ideologies, survival research laboratories, robots, clubs, design, borg

I'd like to meet:

Kristin "99" Kowalski, Layne D'Angelo, Filmmakers, rivetheads, paintball combatants, satanists. People who can admit they like watching porn sometimes. Intense people who won't bore me, but also won't break my stuff. The Borg Queen. People who can teach me how to do cool things like weld, build motorcycles, fix stuff, circuit bend, or hold conversations about aesthetic ideals. People who aren't offended by sex, but have embraced their sexuality boldly. If that offends you, you're probably not one of those people. People without contagions.

I would NOT like to meet: Nazi's, junkies, people will break my stuff, people who will sell my stuff and not give me the money, people who borrow money and don't pay you back when they could have. People who want me to buy them things, or use me. People who are nice to you in person, but trash you publically online.

I cannot see myself in a long term relationship with a smoker.


Skinny Puppy, Missing Foundation, Numb, Ministry, Gridlock, Klinik, FLA, Front 242, Idyl, CY:RX, Haujobb, Nitzer Ebb, Kraftwerk, Wumpscut, Bile, Decoded feedback, Dismantled, Love and Rockets, Depeche Mode, early KMFDM, the machine that goes "Ping!"


The Thing, Videodrome, Vertigo, 8 1/2, Runaway Train, repo man, Heathers, Princess Bride, Punch Drunk Love, More, Coen Brothers, David Lynch, Leone, Fellini, Michael Mann, James Cameron, John Carpenter, Hitchcock, Film Noir genre, amateur porn, The Manchurian Candidate (both versions), Rear Window, The Wild Bunch, Once upon a time in the West.


The West Wing, Action, Twin Peaks, Adult Swim, Cowboy Bebop, Sopranos, Titus, junkyard wars, battlebots, The Young Ones, The Daily Show, Battlestar Galactica, Invasion, Lost, The Office (US)


Anything by:, Frank Miller, or, Alan Moore, The Kraven the Hunter storyline by J.M. Demattis, The art of Dramatic writing, Writing Screenplays that Sell by Michael Hauge, On directing Film by David Mamet, The Satanic Bible, I read a lot of technical manuals. I am constantly learning something.


Hugh Hefner, John Hughes, David Lynch, Frank Miller, Alan Moore, Cevin Key, Ferris Bueller, Aaron Sorkin, John Carpenter, John Titor, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog.

My Blog

Contempt Tomorrow

I'm VJing this event tomorrow.  I had been planning to show a newly shot video tomorrow, but of the seven models I had 6 shoots planned with I had a 100 percent flake/bail/cancel ratio....
Posted by DasKreestof on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 02:25:00 PST

Corporate media lies

I didn't write this, but it's a good example of how professional news can miss what's going on and then categorize or frame events incorrectly to scare people and create sexier news.----"Fuck The Corp...
Posted by DasKreestof on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 09:22:00 PST

Like the soft spot on a babies head.

I've mentioned here before that I try to carry my video camera with me at all times.  I've only been without it once for about a week since I got it.  I know this camera inside and out, and ...
Posted by DasKreestof on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 09:55:00 PST

DasKreestof spins hardline Industrial at the one and only Flux January 3rd, 2007

Rare CT appearance for the Black & White Ball.I hope to see all my CT friends there. :)Flux misspelled my name as both Das Kreestof and Daskreestoff. My name is DasKreestof.  One word, one f,...
Posted by DasKreestof on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 01:57:00 PST

Don't buy Australian Wool or Merino wool

Learn more at SaveTheSheep.com...
Posted by DasKreestof on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 06:47:00 PST

DasKreestof's review of David Lynch's Inland Empire (no spoilers)

NO SPOILERS!  Don't worry, I wouldn't do that.  In fact, I think that should be a crime.Inland Empire is David Lynch's new "film".  I put the film in quotes because it's not a film, it ...
Posted by DasKreestof on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 12:13:00 PST

DasKreestof at Contempt 12:16:06

I can't properly express how much fun I had spinning at Contempt on Saturday.  I didn't think it would be that packed, and I was obviously wrong.  It was packed upstairs and down, and the da...
Posted by DasKreestof on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 10:25:00 PST

Evangelical hostile takeover of our Government and military.

"When facism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."--Sinclair Lewis
Posted by DasKreestof on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 01:01:00 PST

FREE: DasKreestof spins Hardline Industrial at Contempt 12-16-06

I'm spinning the opening of Contempt tomorrow from 10:30 to 12:30 on the mainfloor.IT'S FREE!That's right, free!  Free is the best way.All you need is this pass or a Contempt card.I don't spin in...
Posted by DasKreestof on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 11:52:00 PST

funny Foamy

Because it's funny
Posted by DasKreestof on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 08:38:00 PST