New York Mets and Jets. Steak. Wine, bourbon, and good beer. Photography; sports, outdoor / nature, and candid. I’m a closet SciFi geek; I like the new SciFi stuff, but also really dig the old stuff. Fishing, nothing better than sitting in a chair on some jetty, waiting for that tug. I wish I had more time to do it. Writing, one of these days, I will get disciplined and sit down and write that book.
I'd like to meet:
If your buying, I'll have a beer or two with ya.
I’m across the spectrum on this, what’s now being called classic rock to classical, jazz and blues. Frank Sinatra was the coolest! Old school or classic disco / dance. SOME (!!!) country hell, the lyrics really do tell a story. Old school / classic rap. Its hard to categorized, If I like it, I like it, if I don’t I don’t. I guess it depends on the mood. BUT, I really hate the corporate, edited, manipulated and marketed crap that gets away as pop today.
Saving Private Ryan, Forbidden Planet, Lord of the Rings (all three), Star Wars (3, & 4-6), Usual Suspects (I rented it on a lark and the ending blew me away), Pretty much any John Wayne movie, Das Boot, Office Space (Story of my curretn career), Happy Gilmore, Any Monty Python movie
Godfather (1&2), Goodfellas, Fail-Safe (original, with Henry Fonda), Seven Days in May, THX 1138, Dr. Strangelove,
The Manchurian Candidate (original, with Fran Sinatra)All I can think of right now, more latter.
SciFi channel rocks !!! Stargate 1 and Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, and some of the movies. Lost, Band of Brothers. Better to say what’s on my favorites; Fox, WB, Fox News, SciFi, AMC, TCM, A&E, History Channel, National Geographic Channel, Discovery, TLC, The Science Channel, and The Military Channel.
As of 12/19/2005, current reading is IMPERIAL GRUNTS by Robert D. Kaplan. This book gives a great insight into what our special forces guys are doing today and the challenges we, as a nation face in securing our safety. Also, Kaplan is a impressive writer and he really was able to get in with the troops and tell their story.
All the military, police, fire, and emergency responders serving today.