I enjoy wearing my three Utilikilts (not all at once), composting organic materials, tying decorative knots, and riding my Motorcycle
Dead: Einstein, Voltaire, Thurgood Marshall, Niel Cassidy, Hunter S. Thompson, Barbara Jordon. Or Alive: Christopher Walken, Jon Stewert, Paul Schumer, Steven Cobert,
I'm totally old school on music. The Greatful Dead and Bob Dylan are big favorites. I'm also fond of songs by Kurt Weil who wrote for the playwrite Bertold Brecht. Some of his most popular tunes include Mac the Knife, and Whiskey Bar. It's kind of German caberet show tunes. I like Americana and that new weird folky stuff thats going around.
The Cook, The Theif, his Wife and her Lover, Resevoir Dogs, Drunken Master, Greasers Palace, Skidoo. I think anyone who had creative input in the English Patient should be confined to a penal colony on the Aleutien Islands.
Anything by William Gibson or Neal Stephanson. I've also read all of the Vonnegut and Irving I could find. Heinlein, Tolkien, and many other authors whose names can be easily misspelled (sp?).