profile picture - Where you decide the Rules!!

About Me

I am always happy to share links from my site to yours, giving that the content is similar. If you want to discuss this send me a message. Or contact me from the site.If you know of a good organization in need of support let me know and I'll probably link them too.

I created this myspace to get the word out about my new site,

This is a site for true stoners, smokers, and potheads.

The Chronstitution is a document written by the people (you) for the people (you). It is sort of like the constitution, but for Chronic/Dank/Cryp/Pot/Weed/Reefer/Marijuana.

Please stop by and check it out. It is 100% free, and we will never give out your information to anyone.

If you go to you can read the initial document that will be updated on a regular basis by people just like you.

Stop by and check us out, give us feedback in our comments section. You don't have to create an account to leave a comment in our comment forum, so feel free to say whatever.

Great site to meet up with other people with the same interests and to stay involved in what is going on in the world of legalizing pot.

Please check us out.

Thanks for taking the time to read this message.

Sincerely, Administrator,

Myspace Layouts at / Marijuana


Click to Help NORML Re:Legalize!

My Interests

Smoking dank, smoking bud, smoking pot, smoking marijuana, smoking blunts, smoking joints, smoking bowls, smoking ganja, smoking weed, smoking chronic, smoking crip, smoking greens, dank, pot, weed, marijuana, mary jane, joints, blunts, bongs, bowls, bud, ganja, chronic, crip, forums, forum, norml, thc,

The Current Chronstitution

Preamble - Purpose of the Chronstitution
To organize and establish a set of smokers' ideals, to be practiced and upheld by true stoners, in an attempt to create the perfect smokers circle in which all smokers are equal regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic background, we hereby establish this Chronstitution.


Amendment I. Packers Privileges
He or she who packs the bowl from his or her own bag has right to choose the order of rotation before greens is lit.

Amendment II. Packers Sovereignty
Whoever packs the bowl, from his or her own stash has the right to greens.

Amendment III. Roller's Rule
Whoever rolls the Joint and or Blunt has the right to supersede Packers Sovereignty only for that specific Joint/Blunt. Though, the original provider of said greens shall be permitted to still decide the rotation from that point forth.

Amendment IV. Bowl Keepers Privileges
The keeper of the piece, no matter the type, (Bowl, Bong, etc...) has automatic right to 'Deuces.' Packer's privilege shall still have the power over rotation from this point forward.

Amendment V. Rock, Paper, Scissors

Section A.
Giving that he who has packers privilege does not wish to call upon said privilege he or she has the right to call "Open Roto" also known as Open Rotation. As soon as the Packer has called this rotation style other members of the circle can call out the position in the rotation that they want.

Section B.
Any ties regarding the calling of order of the rotation shall be settled by a best two out of three match, also known as a 'Challenge Style' match. All players in a 'Challenge Style' match have the right to agree upon a 'Tournament Style' match instead.

Section C.
'Tournament Style' match is defined as a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, played for best three out of five.

Amendment VI. Right to Paranoia
The owner of the smoke spot (Car, House, Boat, etc...), has the right to have everyone comply with the complete disclosure of any and all paraphernalia - which should include, but not be limited to all drugs and or pipes, bongs, bowls, and papers in their possession.


Article I – Chronstitutional Articles, Rights, and Code
The laws of the Chronstitution shall be in three sections: Articles, Rights, and Code. The Articles shall establish the description of governmental function and shall be the supreme law of The Rights section shall describe the rights of all smokers and non-smokers and shall supersede the Code. The Code shall describe procedures and rules for parliamentary procedure, forum behavior, and/or offline behavior by members.

Article II – Government
The Chronstitutional Government shall be composed of three equal but separate branches: the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judicial.

Section A - Legislative
The Legislative branch of the Government shall be composed of the Electorate and the Chronstitutional Speaker. The form of legislation enactment shall be by Direct Democracy.

Members of the Electorate may propose and vote ..s to the Articles, Rights, or Code according to procedures which shall be defined in the Code. Changes to the Preamble Articles shall require a four-fifths (4/5) majority of votes cast; changes to the Rights shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority of votes cast; and changes to the Code shall require a simple majority of votes cast. If the Electorate pass a Code change via two-thirds (2/3) majority, it cannot be vetoed by the president.

The Chrongressional Speaker shall be responsible for moderating debate and taking a vote according the procedures defined in the Code. The Legislative branch shall be responsible for enforcement of legislative procedure as defined in the Code.

Section B – Executive
The Executive branch shall be composed of the President and Vice President. The Code may provide for additional members who serve at the pleasure of the President.

The President shall be responsible for enforcing the Code in all matters except Judicial and Legislative. Additionally, the President may veto any code change passed by the Legislative branch via a simple majority. The president is also required to appoint one Justice to the Chronstitutional Court.

Neither the President nor Vice President shall cast a vote as a member of the Electorate while serving, except in the event of a tie, in which case the Vice President shall cast the deciding vote.

Section C – Judicial
The Judicial branch shall be the Chronstitutional Court, which shall be composed of 5 justices. One justice will be appointed by the President; the remaining justices shall be elected. Each time a new court convenes, the Court shall elect from within a Chief Justice.

The Chronstitutional Court shall, at the request of the Speaker, examine proposed Amendments to the Articles, Rights, and Code and make a ruling on the Chronstitutionality of the proposal. The Court shall also hear valid challenges to the Rights and Code according to established procedure. The Court will also enforce Judicial Code.

Article III – Elections, Officials, and Voting
Elections shall be held for the position of President, Speaker, and Court Justices according to the procedures defined by the Code. The election of the President and half of the elected Justices shall be held on the first day of each even month unless the Code indicates otherwise. The election of the remaining elected Justices and the Speaker shall fall on the first day of each odd month unless the Code indicates otherwise. All elected officials shall serve a term of two months. Elections with more than two candidates shall be via runoff unless indicated otherwise by the Code.

Only members of the Electorate may vote. All registered users shall be considered members of the Electorate. Each member of the Electorate shall have an equal number of votes, which shall be one unless specified otherwise by the Code.

Voting on any issue shall be official only if the poll is in the proper forum. Any voting taking place outside of the proper forum shall be deemed Null and Void. The Electorate may request, according to procedure, that a poll be moved to the proper forum by an election official.

In the event that the President cannot serve out his term or abandons it, the Vice President shall become President; if the Vice President cannot serve as president, then the Speaker shall become President; and if not the speaker, the Chief Justice, followed by other Justices according to seniority. If any other elected official cannot serve out his term or abandons it, the President shall appoint a new official who shall serve until such time as a new election for that position occurs.

We also now have a President voted in by the people on a 54% vote! Moonbiscuit is now the President of the Chronstitution. He has appointed a Chrongressional Speaker and a Chronstitutional Court Justice until a time when those positions are up for election in about a week!Check it all out at www.thechronstitution.comSuthernreb Administrator

I'd like to meet:

Anyone that smokes dank, reefer, weed, pot, crippy, crip, chronic, marijuana, blunts, joints, greens, or any Mary Jane at all.And just about anyone else that is a chill person.

My Blog

Sorry Ive been MIA lately

My father has been in the hospital, and my brother has been MIA.I have also just restarted school and it is kicking my tail at the moment. 16 credits is a large load for me right now.Anyway, off of th...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 09:22:00 PST

The Chronstitution Song

We now have a Chronstitution Song written and sung by Statik The GodfatherYou can hear it on our profile or by going to his at: Statik!!...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 03:18:00 PST

Get on my top 40

Put me on your top friends and send me a message and I will reciprocate by putting you on my top friends.The first 30 messages will get on my top 40!
Posted by on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 06:27:00 PST

The Current Chronstitution

Preamble - Purpose of the ChronstitutionTo organize and establish a set of smokers' ideals, to be practiced and upheld by true stoners, in an attempt to create the perfect smokers circle in which all ...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 04:30:00 PST

Good Question from Someone Today

Question was: "Tell me what it is that you guys do" (basically)**This is a copy of the reply I sent them minus their information and a few added things**Thanks for asking! is a new s...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 12:30:00 PST

What exactly is the Chronstitution?

I am sure some of you are asking yourselves what exactly the Chronstitution is... Well, the best way to think of it is to think of it as The Constitution of Chronic.It is a smokers doctrine of sorts c...
Posted by on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 04:27:00 PST

Email messed up

My email [email protected] has been messing up. You can use [email protected] or [email protected] instead.Sorry for any inconvenience this causes.Suthernreb...
Posted by on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 01:28:00 PST

The ability to link videos directly in posts

We have added the ability to link videos directly in posts.You can link from many sites just by copying the URL of the page the video plays on and hitting post.Suthernreb...
Posted by on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 12:48:00 PST

Proposed change to Amendment IV - Right to Paranoia

Proposed change to Amendment IV - Right to Paranoia has been put up for a vote after 3 days of discussion.Make your voice heard! Log on and vote at!!!Here is a link to the direct fo...
Posted by on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 11:35:00 PST

The bulletin I sent out

Here is a copy of the bulletin I sent out.Okay, so this is my last bulletin for a while. As I promised I will keep my bulletins to a bare minimum - that being said I will not post more than 1 a week. ...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 11:19:00 PST