lo!TV 0
BEEing AN Introduktion 2
thee everlovin' Lord Open
by Jakob John Vrieswijk
while mulling over sum L'mentary kwantum physics problems thee everlovin' Lord Open diskovered the Law of Time Eternal and Space Infinite this wood hav been around 1997
P r O b L e M s O l V e D
if we akcept as given infinte time and spaze then anything possible not only kan happen, but it will happen and is happening
and given the sheer enormittee of Infinity Eternal sumthing as relatively probabalistitik as himself had prolly been doopleekated many times over throoout both Time and Space - not only possible it seemed, but a dam'ed sertainty!!!
he also diskovered that brainwaves were of suffizient force to 'push' sub-atomik partikles
ALSO: it seems that in serten kases relatively very small things will travel bakkwards in time
in other cases forwards
so he reazoned that it may indeed bee possible that he could uze hiz 'mind power' to send out brainwavz across space and time to kommunikate with other "selves"
hiz doopleekates, supratemporal-intergalatic doppelgangers
i guess he wuz inspired by that jet li film 'the one' or maybe it was the marvel komix 'council of cross time kangs' as a matter of fakt sumtimes he would wink at me knowingly and say "Johnny, u and me, we're Kangs!!!" heez never sed for serten but wutever the reezon he became fearslee deetrminned to make kontakt with hiz doopleekates
2 'kut to the chace' he made kontakt right away
az a matter of fakt, it turned out he'd been in kontakt all along
oh beneficient weirdling narcissistic kali-deo-skopik mind-meld
a sizable persentage of his doopleekates were far more priviledged then he had beenveez-a-vee there childhood training in 'mind power' and had been in tellapathik kontakt with each other for most ov there livz
certain highly advanced doopleekates were even said to travel in persun frum self to self making uze of there sophistikated 'mind powers,' tellapathee, astrul projektion and tellaportayshun
and let's not forget the time travel angle!!!!
so ekkzeiting!
and now they whir reaching out to there less fortunenut and enliten'd selves
since the moment of hiz berth they had been gently guiding him down paths of greater openess. awareness and kommunion.
i have been assosheayted with Hiz Openness frum the very beginning, since he first made hiz inkredible dizkovery back in '97 and it iz my will to make it kleer to all that he iz a trooly an ekkzepshunal individual
kind, genneruz to a fault, open, attractive, charismatic
and yet weerd, no not werd utherwhirldly
the doopleekates are reel, evrybuddy haz them, they r u, u r themi have been werkin 2gether with him to develop the ability to contact my interdimensional doopleekates utilizing the powers of mental tellapathee
and i can tell you all there have indeed been 'challenges' along the way but, looking back over these past few years I kan ashure you -
it has been inkonseevabley mor fun and eezy to get to Know Thyself! than i kould ever have thot!!