For graphics see "YOMO Productions" on myspace search-engine
My real name is Edwig Claes. My experience since childhood always has been the switch between music and painting. My music has changed over classic, folk, jazz and flamenco to easy recording improvisations just because of the fun of it. After a voyage through modelpainting, intuitive painting, constructivism and monochromes, painting became a world of energetic colourful compositions and it is possible I will stick with it. There is a strong connection between sound and colour, and it is this analogy that keeps me working. (For the graphics see also "my first friend" "The YOMO Productions"). Enjoy yourselves.
My Interests
Member Since: 6/9/2008
Band Website: The YOMO Sound
Band Members: My friend is the recordingmachine, I work mostly on my own
Sounds Like: The YOMO Sound...
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: None