20's and 30's, 40's and 50's Pin-up's, burlesQue, oLd hoLLYwood gLamOR with a twist of spOOkY, dark humOr, anYthing agent provoCateur, shoes gaLore, expensive perfume, fully fashioned stockings, high waisted beLts, gloves, wigS, costumes in generaL, a gOOd naughtY spankin', pattYcake, nuRse and doCtoR pLay, bedtime stories, oLd fashioned candy shoppes and chocoLate...
genuine peopLe. i don't like tO pLay games unLess it's behide cLosed dOOrs in "the bedrOOm"... i'd like tO meet peopLe who have similar interests in pinup/fetish modeLing and/or have kids too... i'd half to admit the reason why i don't have alot of friends, is simpLy because peopLe are faKe... that and most people mY age in the area don't have kids and can't relate... and it dosen't heLp that i live in newport co. on a big hiLL over looking Orange County and the ocean... aside from the breath taking views, it's heLL! a pLace where i'm mistaken for the big siSter, not the mommY... a pLace where daddies pick up their kids from school in bentLey's and mommy's are 40+ givin' me the "LOOk"! sO shaLL we recap quiCkLy? the onLy thing i like fake, are boobies. wait! and anything tO enhance beautY... sO i guess what i shouLd saY is: i don't like people who are fake on the inside! i want the reaL deaL... the emotions... good and bad... the truth! aLmost everYbody is fake on the outside anyway between fake nails. fake eyelashes. hair extentions. hair coLor. make up. waxed, shaved or lasered legs and other random bodY parts (i understand men, sometimes backs just aren't perfeCt). tanning bY bed, airbrushed by a professionaL or applied by you as lotion, standing naked in the privacy of your bathroom waiting for your fake bake tO dry, carefuL not tO stain anything. porcelain veneers and aLL the plastic surgerY modifications of todaY... the list can go on and on and that's okaY! i tOO fall victim... aLthough i'm against those jeans in the victoria's secret catalog, the ones that lift your ass and make it appear tighter... yeah, whatcha gonna dO when it's time for those jeans tO come off, huh? i really don't talk this much in person, i'm actually kinda shY. until you get to know me... oR i've had a coupLe of dRinks...
there are so many both old and new... the smiths, gitane Demon, she wants revenge, the dresden doLLs, joy division, wanda jackson, the cramps, (love a date w/ Elvis)... christian death B.V, the LegendarY pinK dots, viRgin pRunes, the vaseLines, some Rob/white Zombie, the cure, Louis XIV,the raveonettes, Thrill kiLL kuLt (the old stuff)... pj harvey, bauhaus, some mariLyn manson, the biRthdaY partY and so many more i may list if i'm bored someday!
gift, heavenLy creatures, buffaLo 66, ghost worLd, the dOOm generation, jawbreaker, saved, sugar & spiCe, but i'm a cheerLeader, pumpKIn, welcome to the doLLhouse, a dirtY shame, cecIL B.demented, naturaL born killers, mY own private idahO, lost highwaY, tO die foR, edwOOd, carrie, mommie dearest, house of 1,000 corpses, the Notorious bettie page, most cLassis cuLt and hoRRor fiLms... tO be continued...
I try not to watch it...
what are those again? i did once... love tO read... long, long, ago when it was just me, mYself and i... and i dO remember becomin'aLL hot n' bothered after readin' these lil' cLassics: The cLaiming of sLeeping beautY, beauTY's punishment, and beautY's reLease, bY who eLse? but anne riCe...
gRandma! and Bettie of course!!