i have lested mayny of these ollreddy thenk you it. baysickley squarls, gerard my boyfrieund and ex, end ollso mennikuns. also tureyeing to salve the mesturry of hoo kelld the faymuss mennikun maker poblo dolly.,., hoo wood due sach a thengs?peepul who lav mennikuns... ollso i pullay it the game UNOS a vary nise card game weth callors, and ollso pullay it the game YOTSEES these is the knew fouwnd lav of the leo.
I'd like to meet:
the qween of the fegs
ket p, the sweatest garl of the leo
eckso ecsko fourevars baybees! at wan poynt in my life i was hook it on trackar pells yes the pells that the trackars tayke it to stay awayke in the nites to drive fram here torontoes to flowridda in the unhight states or samtimes even in the tecksuss of the you ess a's.i was these track drivers and the leo was sad it. he did knot anderstand that it take many more then jast good track driver pays to mayke him heppy. so the leo gets hucked in the trackar pells and he becams very vylint and daynjuress towards even matthar and the pet squarls and his love of his life gerard yes the leo is gay it.so then the leo becams stabburn and craysee and he begun it to do more and more pells to just mayntane. then won day the menester is at the dore of the matthar's howse. the menester tells the leo to cam to charch to find a bettar way to lev it his live and ollso not do the trackar speeds and chaynj livestiles it. the leo agrees bat then on the way to charch he hes it the how do you say it epifinees and leo begins to take the trackar pells out and trow them in the subways of the torontoes. then he cams to the howse of the matthar and begins to diside to beld it the mennikuns for a levving these is samthing he ollways wontid for live. it is all downhells from dare the leo is hoo you see the bist of the bist of mennikuns desynes and creyayshuns in oll of the canadas and maybee the warlds. just like jonnuthun is the best harestiless in the warld then i am the best mennikuns produckshuner.i well meet any won who is a fen of mennikuns and pet squarls and levs in the baysmints and likes it the electranikull myousicks. laydees and jentullmins who uppresheyates my warks
the leo well like it anytheng sawft rahcks oll the weigh to tekknows and metulls but nevar the classiculls.
the silverteen cherrys, the wearwalvs, born in the fort of juleye, mennikun (there is a moovie it is called the mennikun), and ollso won flu ovar the kooquness. also ovar the top stullone armresulls moovies is good two. any moovies weth silvestar stullones is a good won to the leo mm...
lets mayke a deel, canaydiyun idulls, pamulla wallun tock sho, and tsn bat matther tayke it away the telvijjuns to mayke leo hardur warker so no teevees for now it.
the leo well ownlee reed it the manyouls for mennikuns creyayshuns at these poynt ollso the lev the dreem bucks thet well propell leo intwo the fyouchurs of becammeng a grate leedar in knot ownlee these cantry bat ollso these warlds.