agent'e *AYA* for OBAMA 2008! profile picture

agent'e *AYA* for OBAMA 2008!

I know everybody here want you...

About Me

In general:

"I'm risk taking adventurer who is happened to be: mommy who refuse to act her age and party like teenager who got brand new fake ID, metrosexual who has kissed girls as much as boys, small time human right activist who kick ass for kids safety, tres chic who changes her haircolor as often as her shoes, creative cook who can whip up just about anything just by looking at the fridge, kid at heart who can joke, play, and laugh, socialite who can get along with just about everyone and has friends from all walks of life, peace loving hippie who can melt into the sounds of Hendrix Experience, concert groupie who loves rock'n'roll,jazz, hiphop and classical music at same time and even dance to it if I get a chance, golden sunshine who can peak a light into your rainy day, illustrated soul who has a vision to write poem, journal of love and fire at same time, what elsoe would you like to know?"
It all started with "miss Sunflower" with ace of heart!


Hello, my name is Ayana, but you can call me Aya:) First and foremost, I have two tattoos and 9 piecings... LOL. If you are wondering what my nationality may be, I am bilingual Japanese with tease of multiracial background who happened to grow up in several different part of continent including Tokyo Japan, Portland Oregon, Honolulu Hawaii and somehow landed in Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Here is me at age 7, chubby cheeks and ultra fair skin wearing my 7-5-3 festivo kimono. I was the whitest kid in school... and I was the only Asian in school, too... LOL
I was 13yrs old Teenager, at my home in Oregon with two of my kittens..

My personality:

I am sweet, kind,loving, non-judgemental, and caring person who truly wish nothing but the best for my friends. Sometimes I become too generous and people may take advantage of me for being too giving. I rather give then recieve from my friends. In my short lived lifetime, I came across people who's fake, and also people who's real, and it seems like the only genuine people stick around for better or worse. Ask anyone who has been knowing me for years, they can tell you the type of person I am. I hate people who act fake, be yourself and if they don't like who you are, they aren't real friends of yours.
To me, personality and honestly plays important role in my friendship. Your appearance, your age, your background, your ethnicity, your religion, or your gender does not mean absolutely anything to me.


My son Kai, 2month old wise one...


I am SINGLE MOTHER who has never been married yet managed to raise a beautiful and intelligent son Kai. I always loved children and I always knew that I would be a mother one day, but I have never expected or planned to be single mother and do absolutely everything on my own. However we all know that you can't change the history so all I can do is do my best as is(But I will not have another baby unless I have complete family...LOL)
Mother and son in the happiest of times.
Magic, it's within me to share(and now, pick a card!)
Fabulous Pic by Michael C.Palma, Photographer

Helping Kids

I am small time human right activist, I do community service locally and volunteers with spare time I have when I am not with my friends or my son. I have also created group called "PEOPLE AGAINST CHILD ABUSAE" which I am very proud of to be called Myspace's official child abuse prevention group:) Please join the group to fight against great cause if you agree that children should be protected from abuse at all cost.
Join us only if you believe that you can make a difference!

When time belongs to me:

I always have tons of love and appriciation for all kind of art either if it's visual or musical or poetic. My current goal is to learn acoustic guitar and fine art which I've neglected for over 20 years or so. My favorite past time is to read, write, cook, take a walk, watch magic, listen to music, go to movies, dining in or out, and appriciate and absorb good company I was blessed with. I'm always wanting to learn new languages! I'm currently self teaching French/German/Italian. If you ever want to do language exchange, let me know.

Yes I am Japanese.. Watashi wa Nihonjin desu.
Another beautiful artwork by Joie the Magic man *Thank you!*
One of my best friend's wedding.I was maid of honour.

My Interests

Because we need someone who actually cares

Group I have created and can be proud of from bottom of my heart:) Please join People Against Child abuse!

My Baby Kai

He's center of my universe!


Please vote People Against Child Abuse for Myspace Impact Award

People who truly know me personally knows I'm exceptional chef;) Let me whip you up something

All about Magic baby!

Hypnosis, Magic, Music, illusion, comedy, Mentalism,leaning different languages, reading, writing, myspace.. list goes on.

Oh yeah! I'm also like little bit of Hold'em UP! Here I'm covering my poker face;)!
"Who wanna go all in with me?"

I love checking out my good friend Dr.Mysterion 's shows in Toronto!

My new hobby, acoustic guitar

Thank you so much for this awesome anime Magic man!!!!!

I'd like to meet:

Myspace... OMG it's real!

There are so many people in Myspace whom I would love to meet, and there are so many of you I had pleasure of meeting in person. I have run into Myspace friends on the street who recognized me walking down the street and chatted, I am always willing to stop and say hello to my friends either if I meet .. or in real person. If I am not in rush, then I am willing to stop for even quick coffee... Honestly, you can meet new and real friends in this crazy world called Myspace;)

Old school

For some of you who I have lost in touch with since my old school days, I am always ready to re-new friendships or polish old friendship that has been rusted over the years. So if you remember me from my dorky high school days, please say hello and catch up the lost times!

I would love to meet other talent agents, musicians, magicians, and other unique entertainers!

Yes, I am a professional agent for local entertainment company in Toronto, Ontario and always try to meet new talents in MY area. Although I will not guarentee anyone bookings, if I like someone enough, I will try my best to give fresh talent extended exposures:) Just incase, I am not a club promoter or concert promoter, I deal with strictly private and corporate clients.

Current Relationship Status

Thank you so much for the many of the very flattering emails I've recieved in the past. Majority of you probably haven't had a chance to even get to read my full profile. I would like to make clear point that I AM IN A RELATIONSHIP(check my status!) I am currently only seeking friends or network on Myspace, therefore I am NOT looking for quick date, hookup, or short/long term relationship with anyone except my man whom I am quite happy with.

Read me!

Please note that I DO NOT give out my phone number, Yahoo or MSN so please do not ask me for one unless I decided to offer it myself. Even if you offer me your phone number, Yahoo, AIM, or MSN, I will not contact you unless I feel completely comfortable with you. I recieve close to 20-40 emails per day and I always try to reply to every email but please give me little bit of time. Please do not send me spam email or comments, I will DELETE you forever. If you write me something meaningless or offensive, please don't write me at all or I will reply accordingly or not reply at all or block you from contacting me forever.


thank you

Love always, Ayana



You should see my music collection! I absolutely love every type of music from oldies to brand new!

My favorite singer of all time are Sting and the Police, Jimi Hendrix, ABBA, Al Green, Nelly Furtado, Fiona Apple, Jewel, Marvin Gaye, Bob Marley, Beatles, Charlotte Church, Elvis, Erykah Badu, Jeff Buckley, Tevin Campbell, Tracy Chapman, Gwen Stefani, Prince, Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, BoyzIIMen, N.E.R.D, Mariah Carey, Chris Issac, John Lennon, Freddie Marcury(Queen) Momoe Yamaguchi, Frank Sinatra, Marvin Gaye, Rick James, Simon and Garfunkel, Sada Masashi, Red Hot Chilli Peppers,Take 6 Accapella Gospel group) Naomi Sagara(my God Mother) and Selena(RIP)

My God Mother was Multi-platinum Jazz/Folk singer name Naomi Sagara(Japanese) 30 years ago and my step mother was Classical musician and professional opera singer, and majority of family friends being musicians, I was surrounded by wonderful music since I was learning to walk.

My favorite rockstars Tony "Wild T" Springer and debutante rockstar Kai!

Get the Wild T CD here!!!!!

My Favorite Bands pick in T.O.:) or

From left: Tony Springer , Chris Lesso , and Guenther Kapelle Photo has been taken by me.
"My favorite boys of all time"

The Jukes starting Peter Charles are such a cool GTA indie band, performing at Southside Shuffle. Photo taken by me!

The FACTOR From Left to Right Chris Chiasson , Chris Lesso , and Stephen Bahnesli
This is my debutante favorite Nu-Jazz Fusion, photo taken by me The FACTOR (Photo taken by me;)

Chris Caddell and Jeff Eager at Healey's Night Club, Toronto. Awesome guys! Photo taken by me

Check out my Myspace friend CattyDoll's husband SOL-T's new songs;)

Click the photo to go check out anyone's songs or befriend them if you are lucky;)


Jerry McGwire, Austin Powers, Zatouich, Blade of Glory, Kamikaze Spirit, Forest Gump, Pretty Woman, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, The Departs, Snow White, Nobody knows, Lost in translation, Mr. Incredibles, PeterPan, Training Day, Selena, I don't watch alot of movies, but those I liked....


world cup soccer, Family Guy, King of the Hill, News, Simpsons, American Idol, Little People, Big world, anything with figure skate:)


The Power of Subconcious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy, Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, many different self help books, because it's sucha great way to better myself! I read alot, but I don't have many favorite....



People who goes out of their way to save others! People who hold unknown blind man's hand to cross the street, people who says "Hello" to strangers, people who makes others laugh, people who helps and protect children from harm of this world, people who does not judge by someone's color, appearance, or gender, people who donate money to *REAL*charity, people who made positive difference in other's lives, and people who care. There are unknown heros everywhere, you just have to keep your eyes open!
Terry Fox, most inspiring and brave hero of all time
Support Terry Fox Run, "Marathon of Hope for cancer reserch" by clicking the picture below!
WatchTerry Fox Marathon of Hope video!

Terry’s Letter Requesting Support For His Run

The night before my amputation, my former basketball coach brought me a magazine with an article on an amputee who ran in the New York Marathon. It was then I decided to meet this new challenge head on and not only overcome my disability, but conquer it in such a way that I could never look back and say it disabled me.
But I soon realized that that would only be half my quest, for as I went through the 16 months of the physically and emotionally draining ordeal of chemotherapy, I was rudely awakened by the feelings that surrounded and coursed through the cancer clinic. There were faces with the brave smiles, and the ones who had given up smiling. There were feelings of hopeful denial, and the feelings of despair. My quest would not be a selfish one. I could not leave knowing these faces and feelings would still exist, even though I would be set free from mine. Somewhere the hurting must stop... and I was determined to take myself to the limit for this cause.
From the beginning the going was extremely difficult, and I was facing chronic ailments foreign to runners with two legs in addition to the common physical strains felt by all dedicated athletes.
But these problems are now behind me, as I have either out-persisted or learned to deal with them. I feel strong not only physically, but more important, emotionally. Soon I will be adding one full mile a week, and coupled with weight training I have been doing, by next April I will be ready to achieve something that for me was once only a distant dream reserved for the world of miracles – to run across Canada to raise money for the fight against cancer.
The running I can do, even if I have to crawl every last mile.
We need your help. The people in cancer clinics all over the world need people who believe in miracles.
I am not a dreamer, and I am not saying that this will initiate any kind of definitive answer or cure to cancer. But I believe in miracles. I have to.
Terry Fox, October 1979

My Blog

I'm doing okay, dad;)

Your little girl is doing okay, Dad!It's been way too long since I have last said "see you soon"Without calculating or realizing how fast time passes bySo much has happened over the period of timeYet ...
Posted by agent'e *AYA* on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 09:27:00 PST

So I look like these famous people?????

Okay... I don't know if I look like any of these people but I have been told several times I look like some asian people who's happened to be on TV.. but Madonna??? OMG.. .LOL.. I love Erykah Badu so ...
Posted by agent'e *AYA* on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 08:12:00 PST

<B>Ayana's Gun Crime incidence TRUE STORY**PLEASE READ!!!!!*

AYANA'S MEDIA PRESS!!!since media press release is written by third person, I have decided to make my own media press release via! It happened around Saturday morning around 1:15 am, June...
Posted by agent'e *AYA* on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 10:22:00 PST

SAKURA, dedication to WWII heros

It's so beautiful I have to share the translation version of this song with everyone:) Hope you like folk music as much as I do.Artist: Moriyama Naotarou Title: Sakura (Cherry Blossoms) Words: Moriya...
Posted by agent'e *AYA* on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 06:29:00 PST

My 20 Closest Myspace friends:)

This was in Bulletin few days ago, however people are asking who they are and asked me for their link, so here it is:)   Body: Name 20 people from your myspace friends (preferably ones that you a...
Posted by agent'e *AYA* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My Dad *For the Father's Day*

  My Dad         &nb sp;         &nb sp;         &nb sp; &...
Posted by agent'e *AYA* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Intention by Ayana When you first walked into my life, I only knew how to waste your time, Anything I've said to you was meaningless, Living in lie was part of my finesse, Didn't even know h...
Posted by agent'e *AYA* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Wanted to make a small difference...

YEY... It's been officially ONE WEEK since I have started the group called PEOPLE AGAINST CHILD ABUSE. The main reason why I have started the group is because of anger of finding child porn in Mys...
Posted by agent'e *AYA* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Spring shadow

Spring shadow by Ayana S. There are so many things I want to tell Although I cannot explain it too well, Spring is far but new life has come, Not enough to share but here is my love, I don't wa...
Posted by agent'e *AYA* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Welcoming New Years 2005!

After welcoming 2005, I just knew that this year, I am here to make some dramatic changes in my whole life. I mean, I want to establish myself to be proud indivisual. This year is clearly the year for...
Posted by agent'e *AYA* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST