Member Since: 9/16/2004
Band Website: NONE
Band Members: Lamar Engel - Vocal Transmissions and Wave Transmitter
Marcus Bigby- Low Frquency Vibrationist and light/sound ratio keeper
Tyler Vance Harris - String modulator and mathematical sub-reverberator
Tim Bittle- Algorythm Monitarian and Visual Timekeeper
Adam Gross - Artistic Scribe and prophetic weather vane
View more of Adam's art on Myspace
Influences: GOD
Sounds Like: The faint hum of vibrational tremors when one places their ear to the ground in anticipation.Healing rushing waters finding its way through stubborn areas of hurt only to cleanse a wound and keep the soul from returning to the stagnant still pools of water infected with the disease of this age.The creaking of a tree alone in a meadow when everyone else around you denies that they want to be where you are listening to the leaves chatter throughout their branches spilling secrets of ages past.Unreserved emotion thrown violently at an empty canvas in hopes of creating an image one can relate to.The shuttering of bones when God walks into the room you are in.
Type of Label: None