dawn profile picture


.i.cannot. .do.all.that. .i.must. .i.must. .do.all.that. .i.can.

About Me

I AM BROWNi am turning brown a get down and get dirty sort of brown blending with the rocks digging in the soil eroded and eroded still I AM BROWNi am turning gold drying out in the sun glimmering shimmering reflection of light I AM GOLD i am turning green bursting forth gathering strength connecting all I AM GREEN i am turning silver breathing in stardust hearing whispers from the very center i begin to make music the wind moves me and i flow with love I AM SILVER i am turning blue the moon light is on me i cool in the shade resting resting the mystery is more than i can bare alone I AM BLUE i am turning purple i am hearing bird song and the full moon is setting as the sOn is rising alive seeing dawn I AM PURPLE i am turning red against a deep sky in sight of a rainbow heart beating strong i feel the sun's fire in my flesh throbbing every cell dancing pain and suffering coincide with salvation and pleasure shedding skin in time with the seasons I AM RED and again i am turning brown I AM BROWN

My Interests

place in space.. rhyme in time.. test in jest.. groove to prove.. smile a while.. free in glee.. reason in season.. gleam to seem.. hop a stop.. right a blight.. shy in why.. dress to bless.. kind to mind.. mold a hold.. capture in rapture.. taste in haste.. cheer in beer.. laugh to chaff.. be for tea.. impart with heart.. choose to reuse.. shout to reroute..

I'd like to meet:

people who ride with their windows down in any weather and sing with all their might


evoke movement . dance . life . soul expression . i need music that can move through me and filter emotion adding strength to purpose . i so love the live experience . being amongst others . winding my way through . spiral . spinning . feeling my own rhythms . elation . completely free in expression of body relating to sound . i seek music that is completely new to my ears . i cannot go without reggae . redemption . world music offers such diversity . i know that i am only getting a blink compared to how much there is . life is music . every movement a dance . feel . know . trust . music can heal . flutes made from living earth speak my first language . i like uncomplicated instruments . seeds . pebbles . wood . bone . i grew up listening to motown . DISCO . soul music . my dad was a dj back then and opened teen disco THE PAD in the late 70's in north carolina . those days made me who i am today . father singing and playing guitar . a collection of countless willie nelson records smashed now are heartfelt always . BLUES TO MALI . jazz . nu~jazz . bossa nova . new wave . electronic funk . experimental toying with instruments and the like . chanting . every language . birdsong . ocean waves . wind's lament . fingers tapping any and all surface . we are fortunate in our freedom to explore . travel to other countries through sound waves . music begins with breath . breathe deep . and deeper still


know that there is no other more than the source and the magic in an original we all feel we can we know yet


that soso new ever changing unreal invention that is real mind boggling that i have almost no time for


"stars burn clear all night till dawn. do that yourself, and a spring will rise in the dark with water your deepest thirst if for."(c1993) "1692::answers from the elements::a whole afternoon field inside me from one stem of reed. the messenger comes running toward me, irritated: why be so hard to find? last night i asked the moon about the moon, my one question for the visible world, where is GOD? the moon says: i am dust stirred up when he passed by. the sun: my face is pale yellow from just now seeing him. water: i slide on my head and face like a snake, from a spell he said. fire: his lightning, i want to be that restless. wind: why so light? i would burn if i had a choice. earth, quiet and thoughtful: inside me i have a garden and an underground spring. this world hurts my head with its answers, wine filling my hand, not my glass. if i could wake completely, i would say without speaking why i'm ashamed of using words."(c1984) "in ancient Egypt the audial sense - that is the direct response to the proportional laws of sound and form - was considered as the epistemological basis for philosophy and science. this is evoked by the blind harpist, whose proverbial wisdom comes not from the visual world of appearance but from an inner vision of metaphysical law."(c1982) "remember then that there is only one important time, and that time is now. the most important one is always the one you are with. and the most important thing is to do good for the one who is standing at your side. for these, my dear boy, are the answers to what is most important in this world. this is why we are here."(c2002) "if it is really true that instincts come to us as a matter of inheritance, just as awareness is inherited, then it will be preferable to perfect our awareness rather than to suppress the animal that is in us. awareness is the highest stage in (womb)man's development, and when it is complete it maintains a harmonious 'rule' over the body's activities. when an individual is strong, so are his passions, and his ability and vitality are on the same scale. it is impossible to suppress these prime movers without reducing his total potential. the improvement of awareness is preferable to any attempt to overcome instinctive drives. for the more nearly complete a man's awareness becomes, the more he will be able to satisfy his passions without infringing on the supremacy of awareness. and every action will have become more human."(c1972)"love is necessary to the righting the estate of woman in this world. otherwise nature itself seems to be in conspiracy against her dignity and welfare; for the cultivated, high-thoughted, beauty-loving, saintly woman finds herself unconsciously desired for her sex, and even enhancing the appetite of her savage pursuers by these fine ornaments she has piously laid on herself. she finds with indignation that she is herself a snare, and was made such. i do not wonder at her occasional protest, violent protest against nature, in fleeing to nunneries, and taking black veils. love rights all this deep wrong."(c1961)"what you have written is a Heart Sutra because it comes from your heart-not from the heart of a bodhisattva or the buddha, but from your own heart. it is your Heart Sutra. ...try to chant your sutra often. then, when anger overwhelms you, and you are not skillful enough to embrace it, your Heart Sutra will help tremendously. pick it up, practice breathing deeply in and out, and read it. right away you will come back to yourself, and you will suffer much less. when you read your Heart Sutra, you will know what to do and how to respond. the challenge is getting yourself to do it. you must create the conditions, prepare, plan, and organize, so that you can really profit from your intelligence. use your talent to arrange and create these kinds of practices."(c2001) "i am no longer content simply to make objects; instead of placing works upon a stone, i am drawn to the stone itself. i want to explore the space within and around the stone through a touch that is a brief moment in its life. a long resting stone is not an object in the landscape but a deeply ingrained witness to time and a focus of energy for its surroundings. my work does not lay claim to the stone and is soon shed like a fall of snow, becoming another layer in the many layers of rain, snow, leaves, and animals that have made a stone rich in the place where it sits."(c1994) "in the conceptual age, we will need to complement our L-directed reasoning by mastering six essential R-directed aptitudes. together these six high-concept, high-touch senses can help develop the whole new mind this new era demands. 1. not just function but also DESIGN... 2. not just argument but also STORY... 3. not just focus but also SYMPHONY... 4. not just logic but also EMPATHY... 5. not just seriousness but also PLAY... 6. not just accumulation but also MEANING."(c2005) "HaY Que BuSCaR CoSaS oSCuRaS eN aLGuNa PaRTe De La TieRRa, a La oRiLLa aZuL DeL SiLeNCio o DoNDe PaSo CoMo uN TReN La TeMPeSTaD aRRoLLaDoRa: aLLi QueDaN SiGNoS DeLGaDoS, MoNeDaS DeL TieMPo Y DeL aGua, DeTRiTuS, CeNiZa CeLeSTe Y La eMBRiaGueZ iNTRaNSFeRiBLe De ToMaR PaRTe eN LoS TRaBaJoS De La SoLeDaD Y La aReNa. let us look for secret things somewhere in the world, on the blue shore of silence or where the storm has passed, rampaging like a train. there the faint signs are left, coins of time and water, debris, celestial ash and the irreplaceable rapture of sharing in the labour of solitude and sand."(c2003) "in beehives and bubble foams, in some dried lake beds and turtle shells, you can find three-way junctions at 120-degree angles. though the mechanism is different in each situation, the principle is the same. in all these cases, the films or surfaces or cracks or cells take on the configuration that allows nature to accomplish the most with the least."(c1993) "butterflies form part of the colossal order of lepidoptera, a captivating collection of approximately 150,000-plus known species. the greek word lepis means 'scale'; thus lepidoptera means 'scale wings'."(c2003) "A.a is for Acorn Elf always acrobatic. B.b is for Bottle Elf boldly balancing. C.c is for Candle Elf carefully cooking. D.d is for Dandelion Elf daintily dancing."(c1990) "this sight suggested how extensively the birds must spread it."(c1993) "the song that expresses beauty can also inspire fear and suffering."(c1985) "people in london were buzzing about an artist named yoko ono. john went to see her new show. yoko handed john a card. breathe, read the card. he did, and laughed silently. a magnifying glass was hanging from a painting on the ceiling. he looked through it and read yes in tiny letters. how wonderful to see yes instead of no."(c2004) "and GOD said, let us make man and woman in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all of earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. so GOD created humankind in his own image; male and female created he them."(c1992) "chapter 1 THE SEARCH FOR EXCELLENCE IN ESSENTIAL OILS 'i'd rather have a single drop of genuine essential oil than a 55-gallon drum of junk product.' dr. daniel penoel This chapter constitutes a crucial stage in your learning process. it was not written to attack or criticize in a destructive way- although it might seem like it in some places. my only aim is to clearly and simply explain, using meaning examples and colorful comparisons, what a genuine essential oil should be- and also what it should not be."(c1998) "they follow that fragrant scent of perfume, until they find our garden in bloom."(c2001) "the truly wide taste in reading is that which enables a man to find something for his needs on the sixpenny tray outside any secondhand bookshop. the truly wide taste in humanity will similarly find something to appreciate in the cross-section of humanity whom one has to meet every day."(c1960) "25::before creation a presence existed, self-contained, complete, formless, voiceless, mateless, changeless, which yet pervaded itself with unending motherhood. though there can be no name for it, i have called it 'the way of life'. perhaps i should have called it 'the fullness of life' since fullness implies widening into space, implies still further widening until the circle is whole. in this sense the way of life is fulfilled, heaven is fulfilled, earth fulfilled and a fit man also is fulfilled: these are the four amplitudes of the universe and a fit man is one of them: man rounding the way of earth, earth rounding the way of heaven, heaven rounding the way of life till the circle is full."translated by witter bynner(c 1944)"one of the first books devoted entirely to snowflakes appeared in 1864 with the publication of 'cloud crystals: a snow flake album'. the author was snowflake artist Frances Knowlton Chickering of Portland, Maine. ...winter months, she examined falling crystals and from memory quickly cut paper outlines of their forms. these images represent some of the earliest artistic renditions of snow crystals and include a number of lesser~known snow~crystal forms...so where is the creative genius, capable of designing snow crystals in an endless variety of beautiful patterns? it lives in the ever~changing wind"(c2003)"the fairies have never a penny to spend, they haven't a thing put by, but theirs is the dower of bird and of flower and theirs are the earth and the sky. and though you should live in a palace of gold or sleep in a dried up ditch, you could never be as poor as the fairies are, and never as rich. since ever and ever the world began they have danced like a ribbon of flame, they have sung their song through centuries long and yet it is never the same. and though you be foolish or though you be wise, with hair of silver or gold, you could never be as young as the fairies are, and never as old." my great uncle(c1981) "the kiowas once ranged far and free, down the rocky mountains to the rio grande and beyond into mexico. they knew where to pitch their tipis for safety and comfort in the wintertime and where to find cool, pine-scented mountain valleys in the summer."(c1983) "in the club everybody was equal. the women and the men of the society wrote up their ideas together and then sent the gentlemen to talk to legislators in the state house and to members of congress in washington, DC, to press for the passage of laws to save the birds. they were successful! an act was passed in 1903 to protect..."(c1995) "from blind forms and sinuous phosphorescence in the ocean night to wings in winds above the mountains, weaves between the hard rock of the planet and the dark of outer space a veil some twelve miles deep, pulsing through water, earth and air with an infinity of forms forever bound more closely, more intricately, each to each, until within any place and moment, life coheres, an ever-shifting whole."(c1969) "the choices are not clear cut, for these are complex times...of necessity or by choice, there may be a revival of hand work in america. we are certainly capable, and these inherent, dormant talents may prove to be some of our most valuable resources in the future. this book is about simple homes, natural materials, and human resourcefulness. it is about discovery, hard work, the joys of self-sufficiency, and freedom. it is about shelter, which is more than a roof overhead."(c1973) "he measured and measured . inch by inch . until he inched out of sight."(c1960)


winged ones with EXQUISITE DESIGN unfettered by darkness and loss DREAM INTO BEING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Blog

jesus the conqueror . GOD CALLING excerpt

Jesus.  that is the Name by which you conquer.  Jesus.  not as cringing suppliants but as those recognizing a friend, say My Name-Jesus.  "thou shall call His Name Jesus,...
Posted by dawn on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 10:41:00 PST

fishers of men . GOD CALLING excerpt

when you think of those of whom you read who are in anguish do you ever think how My Heart must ache with the woe of it, with the anguish of it? if I beheld the city and wept over it how much more sho...
Posted by dawn on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 08:21:00 PST

i am

glad to know   i am the rhythm of your dream the dream cast you cannot be sure you remember   you will not know for sure until you see   so see   i am   see see see see see s...
Posted by dawn on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 07:53:00 PST

reading from book GOD CALLING by two listeners

  the summit   see not the small trials and vexations of each hour of the day.  see the one purpose and plan to which all are leading.  if in climbing a mountain you keep your eyes...
Posted by dawn on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 08:27:00 PST


yes real
Posted by dawn on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:47:00 PST

my motto is GO NATURAL tell me yours

yes yoUR motto do tELL
Posted by dawn on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 06:43:00 PST

beware (((be aware)))

i try without judgement to look at words and take great care in their craft if i ever tell anyone that i noticed this or that in the spelling or punctuation i do so as a favor in that i too ...
Posted by dawn on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 12:30:00 PST

just no

what do i have to do now?  what do i need to learn now?  what the fuck am i supposed to make of this now?  can i not have one thing in its place to be left in its place? ...
Posted by dawn on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 08:43:00 PST

atmospheric changes

how do i go about my day go about my life our life with great conversations going within my inner being and the only conversations that find their way into my mouth are less than? my fingers som...
Posted by dawn on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 07:42:00 PST

finding a way

..!!we have to find ways to purge our minds our hearts our souls daily..!!drastic contrasting plays tricks and confuses and distorts..!!the fragile spirit that is an expression of who we are is not al...
Posted by dawn on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 03:54:00 PST